1、一行省略号浓缩千言万语,祝您阖家欢喜! A line of ellipsis condensed thousands of words, I wish you and your family happy!

2、又逢除夕夜,朋友,祝你家庭和睦,新年大展宏图! On New Year's Eve, my friend, I wish you a harmonious family and a bright new year!

3、喜连连,乐翩翩,幸福陪在你身边。 Joy, joy pianpianpian, happiness with you.

4、圆圆带给你好事圆圆,幸福美满,祝新春快乐。 Round to bring you good things, round, happy, happy new year.

5、在新的一年里,继续努力。 In the new year, keep working hard.

6、大福小福全家福,有福享福处处福。 Great fortune, small fortune, family happiness, happiness everywhere.

7、天天开心天天乐,保准升职又加钱! Happy every day, happy every day, guaranteed promotion and money!

8、好运随着钟声到,欢欢喜喜过大年。 Good luck with the bell, happy new year.

9、张灯结彩闹新春,合家团圆享天伦。 The new year is full of *s and decorations. The family is reunited and enjoys the family relationship.

10、忙忙碌碌又一年,除夕之夜享安闲。 Busy another year, new year's Eve enjoy leisure.

11、恭贺美满大团圆,喜庆春节笑开颜。 Congratulations on a happy reunion and a happy Spring Festival.

12、愿你勤奋进取,开创自己的一片蓝天。 May you be diligent and enterprising and create your own blue sky.

13、愿你新年万事好,妻儿老小身边绕,幸福生活哈哈笑! Wish you all the best in the new year, wife and children around, happy life ha ha!

14、愿你除夕快乐,万事顺心。 Wish you a happy New Year's Eve and everything goes well.

15、愿你除夕快乐,喜事不断来报! May you have a happy New Year's Eve and keep coming!

16、愿欢乐的祝福,永远追随您。 May the blessings of joy follow you forever.

17、愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕你。 May the joyful song haunt you all the time.

18、愿此刻疲惫的你,努努力再坚持一会,幸福自然多。 May you, tired at this moment, work hard to hold on for a while, and be happy naturally.

19、携手众仙,共迎新年。 Welcome the new year together with all the immortals.

20、敬杯美酒送好友,遥寄祝福无限好。 I'd like to propose a toast to my good friends and send my best wishes from afar.

21、新年来临信息传,愿你轻松长悠闲。 With the coming of the new year, I wish you a long and relaxed life.

22、新春一过,没有烦恼。 Once the Spring Festival is over, there is no worry.

23、新春问好,捡个元宝。 Say hello to the Spring Festival and pick up a treasure.

24、无烦恼,无忧愁,好运时时把你绕。 No worries, no worries, good luck always around you.

25、无论你在天边海角,我都会深深祝福你春节快乐! No matter you are in the Tianbian Haijiao, I will deeply wish you a happy Spring Festival!

26、春节快乐,阖家幸福团圆! Happy Spring Festival, happy family reunion!

27、朋友祝福情切切,愿你幸福无休止! Friends wish you endless happiness!

28、朋友,祝你除夕佳节,快乐不间断,喜笑又开颜! Friends, I wish you a happy New Year's Eve, happy and happy!

29、欢乐闹,快乐至,愿你开怀大声笑。 Happy to make, happy to, I hope you laugh.

30、烟花璀璨耀前程,友谊问候暖心窝。 Fireworks bright future, friendship greetings warm heart.

31、牛年到了,愿你的人生幸福甜蜜,快乐智慧。 The year of the ox is coming. May your life be happy, sweet and wise.

32、牛年好,牛年妙,牛年的歌声满天飘。 The year of the ox is good, the year of the ox is wonderful, and the singing of the year of the ox is floating all over the sky.

33、牛年里放满我的祝福,愿你永得幸福花。 In the year of the ox, I wish you happiness forever.

34、真挚祝福送给你,祝你天天乐开花。 Sincere wishes to you, I wish you happy every day.

35、祝事事无烦恼,样样平顺安。 I wish you all the best.

36、祝你事业大发展,事业有成宏图展。 I wish you great development and success.

37、祝你好运连连,事事如意! Good luck and good luck!

38、祝你开心快乐,健康幸福,除夕快乐。 I wish you happiness, health and happiness, happy New Year's Eve.

39、祝你新年新气象,理想早日实现! I wish you a new year and your dreams come true soon!

40、祝你春节乐着点,笑容多一点。 I wish you a little more joy and more smile in the Spring Festival.

41、祝你春节愉快,合家幸福,新年新收获。 I wish you a happy Spring Festival, a happy family and a new harvest in the new year.

42、祝你有个好身体,健健康康疾病离。 I wish you a good health and good health.

43、祝你除夕快乐,开心过节! I wish you a happy New Year's Eve!

44、祝全家身体好,健康才是最贵的宝。 Wish the whole family good health, health is the most expensive treasure.

45、祝愿你在新的一年里,健康平安,宏图大展,幸福美满! I wish you health and safety, grand exhibition and happiness in the New Year!

46、祝愿朋友心情悦,阖家团圆乐逍遥。除夕快乐! I wish my friends a happy mood and a happy family reunion. Happy New Year's Eve!

47、祝新年快乐,幸福无边! I wish you a happy New Year!

48、祝新春愉快、万事如意、平安吉祥。 I wish you a happy new year, all the best, peace and good luck.

49、祝福你,春华秋实,好运吉祥,好梦成真,万事如意! Best wishes for you, spring and autumn fruits, good luck, good dreams come true, all the best!

50、福气高,乐逍遥,生活日日美,收入月月高。 Happiness is high, happy and carefree, daily life is beautiful, income is high month by month.

51、美今宵,除夕团圆人安乐,幸福开心乐逍遥。 Beautiful tonight, new year's Eve reunion, happy, happy happy.

52、财源滚滚奔向你,鸿运滔滔从此始。 Money is rolling towards you, and good fortune begins.

53、身体健康家和睦,事业顺风福禄全。 Good health, harmonious family, good business and good fortune.

54、辞岁迎新春节到,新年新春新气象。 Farewell to welcome the Spring Festival, new year and new spring weather.

55、辞旧迎新鞭炮鸣,华夏大地欢笑乐! Farewell to the old and welcome the new firecrackers, the land of China is happy!

56、过新年,穿新衣,喜笑颜开美滋滋。 For the new year, wear new clothes and have a happy face.

57、迎接除夕,惊喜无限。 Welcome to the new year's Eve with endless surprises.

58、迎来送往皆吉祥,万事顺利身体康。 Welcome and send are auspicious, everything is smooth and healthy.

59、除夕,祝你合家欢,一门顺,开开心心守岁,热热闹闹过年。 On New Year's Eve, I wish you a happy family, a smooth door, happy and happy new year.

60、预祝你春节快乐,万事如意,财运滚滚,一生平安! I wish you a happy Spring Festival, all the best, good fortune and a safe life!