1、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 If the two love each other for a long time, is it in the morning and evening.

2、也许我所失去的,正是我生命中绝不该放手的东西。 Maybe what I lost was something I should never let go of in my life.

3、书到用时方恨少,因此我们应该终身学习,注意平时的积累。 When books are used, we hate less. Therefore, we should study for life and pay attention to the accumulation at ordinary times.

4、人和人之间,没感情的时候才开始讲道理。 People start to reason when they have no feelings.

5、人生不是用来选择的,是用来活的。 Life is not for choosing, it is for living.

6、人生最棒的感觉,就是你做到别人说你做不到的事。 The best feeling in life is that you do what others say you can't do.

7、人要学会一定的叫苦叫累,不然没人关注的到你的付出。 People should learn to cry hard and tired, or no one will pay attention to your efforts.

8、今生都等不来,何必寄往来生。 I can't wait for this life. Why send it to the next life.

9、伤害你的不是对方的绝情,而是你心存幻想的坚持。 It's not the other side's desperate feelings that hurt you, but your fantasy persistence.

10、你们当初剪掉了我的翅膀,现在却妄想让我飞翔。 You cut off my wings, but now you want me to fly.

11、你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。 You can be aggrieved, you can cry, but don't let everyone see your vulnerability.

12、你是你人生的作者,何必把剧本写得苦不堪言。 You are the author of your life. Why do you have to write the script so hard.

13、你要按你所想的去生活,否则,你迟早会按你所生活的去想。 You have to live as you want, otherwise, sooner or later, you will live as you want.

14、你错过的,别人才会得到。正如你得到的都是别人错过的。 You miss, others will get. Just as what you get is missed by others.

15、做什么事一定要仔细,一定要核对无误,切记浮躁。 You must be careful in what you do, check it, and remember to be impetuous.

16、别在不重要的人那里,丢掉了你的快乐。 Don't be with unimportant people and lose your happiness.

17、别将过去抱的太紧,因为那样你就腾不出手来拥抱现在了。 Don't hold the past too tight, because then you can't move to embrace the present.

18、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。 Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not think, since unforgettable.

19、即使触不到满天星辰,也要奔跑在萤火之森。 Even if you can't touch all the stars, run in the firefly forest.

20、只有经历过无数的失败,才能懂得成功的艰辛。 Only through countless failures can we understand the hardships of success.

21、只要有你在,我就无所不能。 As long as you are here, I can do anything.

22、听过很多大道理,可依然过不好这一生。 I've heard a lot of great truth, but I still can't live a good life.

23、在你转身错落的那个轮回间,我已万劫不复。 In the samsara that you turn around, I am doomed.

24、在工作的时候一定要仔细认真,不要为了快而忽视质量。 When working, we must be careful and careful, and don't neglect the quality for the sake of speed.

25、在最深的绝望里,遇见最美丽的风景。 In the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful scenery.

26、坚韧不在于你跑得多长,而是你能坚持跑完一段又一段。 Tenacity is not how long you run, but how long you can keep running.

27、多希望你能明白我,即使我什么都不说。 I hope you can understand me, even if I don't say anything.

28、如约而至是个多么美好的词,等的辛苦,却从不辜负。 What a beautiful word it is to arrive as promised, but never fail to live up to its hard work.

29、尽管也曾有消沉的时候,我还是过得浜谩 Although there have been times of depression, I still have a good life.

30、山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。 There are trees and branches in the mountain, but I don't know if I'm happy with you.

31、平凡是福,不思进取是罪,堕落等于罪上加罪。 Ordinary is a blessing, do not want to advance is a crime, depravity is to add sin to crime.

32、当生活不再会有什么惊喜和感动,会发现孤单其实就是*。 When there is no longer any surprise and moving in life, we will find that loneliness is actually freedom.

33、成功都是熬出来的!不放弃,是唯一的出路。 Success is the result! Not giving up is the only way out.

34、我们努力学会微笑,却最终成为不敢哭的人。 We try to learn to smile, but eventually we become people who dare not cry.

35、我只愿这繁华的人生,着绚烂青春的一切,只如初见。 I only wish this prosperous life, with all the gorgeous youth, just like the first sight.

36、我好像明白了,你只有走完必须走的路,才能过想过的生活。 I seem to understand that you can't live the life you want until you have completed the road you have to walk.

37、我最信任的人,教会我不要相信任何人。 The one I trust the most teaches me not to trust anyone.

38、放弃是一种智慧,缺陷是一种恩惠。 Giving up is a kind of wisdom, defect is a kind of favor.

39、时间夺去了我们轻狂的眼神,却给了我们嘴角上扬的资本。 Time has taken away our frivolous eyes, but has given us the capital which the corner of the mouth rises.

40、时间总让人猝不及防,争不过朝夕,又念着往昔! The time always lets a person be caught off guard, contend but day and night, read the past again!

41、最糟糕不是输的人,是一开始就不想赢的人。 The worst is not the loser, but the one who doesn't want to win in the first place.

42、有些事放开就好,看开就好,不必计较太多。 It's better to let go of some things and look at them. Don't worry too much.

43、有些烦恼是我们凭空虚构的,而我们却把它当成真实去承受。 Some of our troubles are made up out of nothing, but we take them as reality to bear.

44、有生之年能遇见你,竟花光我所有运气。 It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.

45、有生的日子天天快乐,别在乎新年怎么过。 Live a happy life every day, don't care how the new year.

46、每次决定放弃前再努力一下下,往往是惊喜出现的时候。 Every time before you decide to give up, try again. It's usually when a surprise appears.

47、沉默是最好的诉说,遗忘是最好的解脱。 Silence is the best telling, forgetting is the best liberation.

48、没有谁有义务帮你,所有的一切,都需要自己去争取。 No one has the obligation to help you. Everything needs to be fought for by yourself.

49、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。 Love is always a matter of thousands of turns.

50、理想的生活,就是不胆小懦弱,一切顺从心意。 The ideal life is not timid and cowardly. Everything is obedient.

51、生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。 To be angry is to punish yourself for someone else's fault.

52、用加法爱人,用减法怨恨,用乘法感恩,用除法解忧。 Love with addition, hate with subtraction, gratitude with multiplication, and worry with division.

53、等待不可怕,可怕的是不知道什么时候是尽头。 Waiting is not terrible. What's terrible is not knowing when it's the end.

54、能治愈你的,从来都不是时间,而是明白。 What can cure you is never time, but understanding.

55、试着去掌控自己的生活,而不是让生活带着你走。 Try to control your life, not let it take you.

56、请再努力一下!为了你想见的人,想做的事,想成为的自己。 Please try again! For the people you want to see, for the things you want to do, for yourself.

57、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty, and contentment is the most real wealth.

58、过分修剪的青春,长不成郁郁葱葱的树林。 Over pruned youth can't grow into a lush forest.

59、这个社会,是快鱼吃慢鱼,而不是慢鱼吃快鱼。 In this society, fast fish eat slow fish, not slow fish eat fast fish.

60、青葱时光里花开花谢,一年一年我们学会长大。 In the green time, flowers bloom and fade. Year by year, we learn to grow up.