1、不是每天都能过生日,希望我今天生日快乐,愿我年年岁岁幸福永伴! Not every day can have a birthday, I hope I have a happy birthday today, I wish every year happy forever!

2、亲爱的、谢谢你们等到十二点对我说生日快乐。我爱你们! Dear, thank you for waiting until 12 o'clock to say happy birthday to me. I love you!

3、亲爱的自己,你可以失望但不能绝望,你要始终相信,明天是新的一天。 Dear yourself, you can be disappointed but not despair, you should always believe that tomorrow is a new day.

4、亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。 Dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, it has nothing to do with character.

5、今天我生日,庆祝自己又长大了一岁,希望以后的日子能过得更幸福吧。 Today is my birthday. I'm celebrating that I've grown up for another year. I hope I can live a happier life in the future.

6、今天是我的生日,是值得纪念引以为豪的日子,是属于一个人自己的日子。 Today is my birthday. It's a day to remember and be proud of. It's a day for one's own.

7、今天,我的生日,希望,我以后的日子,像这片烛光一样,充满光明,希望。 Today, my birthday, hope, my future days, like this candlelight, are full of light and hope.

8、余生没那么长,请忠于自己,活得像最初的模样,致自己生日快乐。 The rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself, live like the original, and have a happy birthday.

9、你知不知道?再多礼物,再多钱,都抵不过我生日时你当面对我说的生日快乐。 Do you know? No matter how many gifts or money, they can't even reach my birthday. You should face my happy birthday.

10、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。祝自己生日快乐。 If you laugh once, I will be happy for several days; but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years. Happy birthday to myself.

11、原一切的快乐,一切的幸福,一切的温馨,一切的好运永远围绕在你身边!生日快乐! All the original happiness, all the happiness, all the warmth, all the good luck around you forever! Happy birthday!

12、又是成长的一年,不一样的一年,新的身份,新的角色,愿一切都好!祝自己生日快乐! It's another year of growth, a different year, a new identity, a new role, wish everything is OK! Happy birthday to myself!

13、又长大了一岁,要更勇敢,少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要乱想。 When you are one year older, you should be more brave, less angry, go to bed on time and don't think about anything.

14、告诉我什么时候你再来,耕垦我荒芜的笑容系住我失舵的小舟,愿你今日快乐! Tell me when you will come again, cultivate my barren smile and tie up my rudderless boat. Wish you happy today!

15、因为我不在乎,所以我平凡的过自己的生日。 Because I don't care, so I ordinary birthday.

16、在这属于你的日子里,祝我自己生日快乐愿你每一天都充满快乐、幸福、温馨与满足! In this day that belongs to you, I wish myself a happy birthday and wish you every day full of happiness, happiness, warmth and satisfaction!

17、在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝我的生日其乐无穷。 On this special day, I would like to say that I am very happy. Time has not changed our friendship. I wish my birthday a lot of fun.

18、如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。祝自己生日快乐。 If you shed tears because you lost the sun, you will also lose the stars. Happy birthday to myself.

19、尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。祝自己生日快乐。 Create as much happiness as possible to fill the time, which can live with time to accompany happiness. Happy birthday to myself.

20、希望我以后的人生平安喜乐,得偿所愿。 I hope I can have peace and joy in my life and get what I want.

21、年龄是上天送我的不劳而获的东西,我又老了一岁。 Age is what God gave me for nothing. I am one year old again.

22、愿你不饶点滴,不饶自己。在青春的人雨季塌雨而歌,诗酒趁年华。 I hope you don't spare a little bit, don't spare yourself. In the rainy season, young people sing when the rain falls, while poetry and wine take advantage of the time.

23、愿您在这只属于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下简单,弥补您这一年的辛劳。 I hope you can enjoy the simple life happily and make up for your hard work in this year.

24、愿祝福萦绕着你,在你永远与春天接壤的梦幻里。祝你:心想事成幸福快乐!生日快乐! May the blessings haunt you in your dreams that are always connected with spring. I wish you happiness! Happy birthday!

25、愿祝福萦绕着你,在你缤纷的人生之旅,在你永远与春天接壤的梦幻里。 May the blessings linger on you, in your colorful journey of life, in your dreams that are always connected with spring.

26、愿自己一生幸福,一生被爱,想要的拥有,得不到的都释怀。 I wish myself a happy life, a life of love, want to have, can not get are relieved.

27、愿这张小卡片,给你快乐的日子平添一分春色,一分乐趣,一分怡心! May this little card add a little spring color, a little fun and a little joy to your happy day!

28、我的生日,我很开心,祝我自己的明天更辉煌。 My birthday, I am very happy, I wish my own tomorrow more brilliant.

29、我祝你生日快乐。福如东海。寿比南山。永垂不朽。 I wish you a happy birthday. happiness as immense as the eastern sea. longevity. go down to posterity.

30、托白云送去我绵绵不尽的思念,托清风送去我轻轻的祝福。祝你生日快乐! To send my endless thoughts to Baiyun, to send my gentle blessing to Qingfeng. Happy birthday to you!

31、携着春的祝福裹着情的温馨把一份开心、一份欣喜送给日子里的您:祝生日快乐健康幸福! With the blessing of spring wrapped in the warmth of love to a happy, a happy day to you: Happy Birthday health and happiness!

32、明天就是我的生日了,我最想听到是你的祝福。 Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to hear your best wishes.

33、每年生日都陪你一起过,亲爱的,永远十八。 Every birthday with you, my dear, forever

34、每次别人的生日,你都在忙碌着;每次我的生日,你都在悠闲的玩耍。 Every time someone's birthday, you are busy; every time my birthday, you are playing leisurely.

35、清晨出现的第一道曙光,投在你的自行车筐里,一直陪你走进生日的祝福! The first light in the morning, cast in your bicycle basket, always accompany you into the birthday wish!

36、生命是一种喜悦,愿我的生活,永远充满喜悦,祝生日快乐! Life is a joy. May my life be filled with joy forever. Happy birthday!

37、生日就是生活中日日欢笑满足;生日就是生命中日日健康幸福。愿今日的你永远快乐! Birthday is the joy and satisfaction of life day by day; birthday is the health and happiness of life day by day. Wish you happy today forever!

38、生日快乐!对自己好一点,买点好吃的,做自己想做的事情,开开心心过一天。 Happy birthday! Be nice to yourself, buy something delicious, do what you want to do, and have a happy day.

39、生日快乐,我自己,从今以后不过生日了,加油,希望以后的日子越来越好。 Happy birthday, myself, from now on, it's just my birthday. Come on, I hope the future will be better and better.

40、生日快乐,永远健康,美丽动人! Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful!

41、虚幻大千两茫茫,一邂逅,终难忘。相逢主人留一笑,不相识,又何妨。祝自己生日快乐。 Unreal two thousand boundless, an encounter, will be unforgettable. Meet the host to leave a smile, do not know, why not. Happy birthday to myself.

42、这是郁金香的日子,也是我的日子。愿我年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁! It's tulip day, and it's my day. Wish me good luck and fragrance every year!

43、青春、阳光、欢笑。为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍祝你生日快乐、青春常驻! Youth, sunshine and laughter. I wish you a happy birthday and a long stay of youth!

44、青春、阳光、欢笑,为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍。祝我生日快乐! Youth, sunshine and laughter, dance the happy rhythm for your day. happy birthday to me!

45、颓废的是殷红的烧痕,发黄的手指和沉寂的心灵,比较在一个冬天眷恋爱。祝自己生日快乐。 Decadent is red burn mark, yellow fingers and silent heart, compared to love in a winter. Happy birthday to myself.