1、不抱怨的世界,你发现,你已经很幸福。 Do not complain about the world, you find that you have been very happy.

2、不接受批评,我就是道理。 I am the reason why I don't accept criticism.

3、不该有的东西,千万别有,比如期待。 Don't have something you shouldn't have, such as expectation.

4、与其红了眼眶,不如笑着原谅。 It's better to laugh and forgive than to blush.

5、世间事,除了生死,哪一件不是闲事。 In the world, apart from life and death, which is not a business.

6、东西越新越好,友谊愈老愈好。 The newer the things, the better the friendship.

7、人世间的事,没有野心就容易开心。 Things in the world are easy to be happy without ambition.

8、人只有一张嘴,却总能说出两面话。 A man has only one mouth, but he always speaks two sides.

9、人生苦短,何必在乎太多! Life is short, why care too much!

10、人生,看透不如看淡。 Life is better seen through than through.

11、人生,简单就快乐,生活,开心就好。 Life, simple is happy, life, happy is good.

12、仰望天空,这世界有太多的无奈。 Looking up at the sky, there are too many helplessness in the world.

13、你只管负责精彩,相信上帝自有安排。 You are only responsible for the wonderful, believe that God has his own arrangements.

14、你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度。 You can't change the facts, but you can change your attitude.

15、你若成长,事事可成长。 If you grow, everything can grow.

16、侥幸的人生,活不出人样。 A lucky life is not human.

17、别和现实过不去,因为你还要过下去。 Don't live with reality, because you have to live.

18、别怕,也别怂。 Don't be afraid, don't counselle.

19、即便是躺着中枪,也要姿势漂亮! Even if you lie down and get shot, you should have a good posture!

20、口不饶人心地善,心不饶人嘴上甜。 The mouth is good without mercy, and the heart is sweet without mercy.

21、只要你愿意,你就能做最好的自己。 You can be the best you can be if you want to.

22、命运赐予我们遇见,却不赐予我们永远。 Fate has given us to meet, but not to forever.

23、喜欢未必合适,或者你不配。 Like may not be appropriate, or you do not deserve.

24、大悲无泪,大悟无言。 Great sorrow without tears, great enlightenment without words.

25、如意太难,那就愿你事事心甘。 If it's too hard, then I wish you all the best.

26、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。 I would rather work hard for a while than a lifetime.

27、当你改变不了现实,那就改变自己。 When you can't change reality, change yourself.

28、心里不是不清净,而是看不惯。 My heart is not unclean, but I can't stand it.

29、总是在脆弱中坚强,在黑暗中萌生希望。 Always strong in weakness, hope in darkness.

30、我们都在别人身上,搭载了太多希望。 We all carry too much hope on others.

31、我们都在路上,仍不解为何而忙。 We are all on the way, still wondering why we are busy.

32、我在黄昏,遥望人生。 I look at life in the evening.

33、我快乐,又不碍着你什么事。 I'm happy and it doesn't matter to you.

34、我想,我还是没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 I think I'm not mature enough to forgive betrayal.

35、我的世界,不需要太多人懂。 My world doesn't need too many people to understand.

36、我的孤独,不过是愤世嫉俗。 My loneliness is nothing but cynicism.

37、戒掉情绪,就不用再压抑了吧。 Give up your emotions, and you won't have to suppress them any more.

38、所谓的低调,就是不漏痕迹的高调。 The so-called low-key is the high-key without any trace.

39、既然不能拥有,只能选择不要忘记。 Since you can't have it, you can only choose not to forget.

40、有颗心,伤一伤,就坚强了。 Have a heart, hurt a wound, strong.

41、比鬼神更可怕的,是人心。 More terrible than ghosts and gods is the human heart.

42、没有来日方长,你我只不过匆匆一场。 There is no future, you and I are just in a hurry.

43、活得太清楚,才是最大的不明白。 Living too clearly is the biggest thing you don't understand.

44、灯红酒绿惹人醉,社会打拼确定累。 People are intoxicated by the red lights and the green wine, and the society is definitely tired.

45、烦恼是自找的,健忘点。 Worry is self seeking, forgetful.

46、烦时静一静,与花草凝眸。 When you are bored, you should keep quiet and gaze at the flowers and plants.

47、犹豫的时候,换个思路去选择。 When you are hesitant, choose a different way of thinking.

48、甜甜圈,串在蓝天,拼你A笑脸。 Doughnut, string in the blue sky, spell your smile.

49、生活从来就不美好,但你可以尝试变好。 Life is never good, but you can try to be better.

50、相遇总有原因,不是恩赐就是教训。 There is always a reason to meet, either a gift or a lesson.

51、看不惯谁,要么干掉,要么跑掉。 I can't bear to see anyone, either kill them or run away.

52、看不透的伪装,正如猜不透的人心。 An invisible camouflage is like an enigmatic heart.

53、碰对了爱好,充实一辈子。 Meet the right hobby, enrich the whole life.

54、穿着不比贵贱,要合身得体。 They are not inferior in dress. They should fit properly.

55、简单做人,是一种境界。 Simple life is a state.

56、给别人留点空间,也是给自己留有余地。 To leave space for others is to leave room for yourself.

57、若要幸福,就要随缘。 If you want to be happy, you have to go with fate.

58、誓言不轻信,谎言不枉听。 The oath is not credulous, and the lie is not wasted.

59、长大这两个字,孤独的连偏旁都没有。 Grow up these two words, lonely even have no side.

60、长相不比美丑,要心态平衡。 Look is no better than beauty and ugliness, and have a balanced mind.