1、事业如参天大树,步步高。 Career is like a towering tree, step by step.

2、今天植树,千秋受益。 Planting trees today will benefit thousands of years.

3、今日植树节,为您种下一棵发财树!祝你发发发。 Today's tree planting day, plant a fortune tree for you! Good luck.

4、你栽一棵树,我栽一棵树,我们共同为地球添绿。 You plant a tree, I plant a tree, we work together to add green to the earth.

5、健康如千年古树,强而又壮。 Health is like a thousand year old tree, strong and strong.

6、右揽一棵梧桐树,招来美眷来倾慕。 A Wutong tree is attracted to the right side, attracting beautiful families to admire.

7、在山巅种一棵树,眺望未来。 Plant a tree on the top of the mountain to see the future.

8、大树旁,深呼吸,人人健康身体棒! Next to the big tree, take a deep breath, everyone is healthy!

9、将一颗树种在你的心里,让他为你遮风挡雨。 Will be a tree in your heart, let him shelter you.

10、愿你种下好心情,种出好福气! Wish you a good mood and a good fortune!

11、愿您种下希望,收获梦想果! May you plant hope and reap the fruits of your dreams!

12、播种性格,收获成功。 Sow character and reap success.

13、播种绿色,拥抱阳光。 Sow green and embrace sunshine.

14、明天就是植树节啦!让我们一起传递绿色吧! Tomorrow is Arbor Day! Let's pass green together!

15、栽种汗水,收获健康。 Plant sweat, harvest health.

16、植一株事业的大树,让丰收挂满枝头。 Plant a big tree of career, let the harvest hang all over the branches.

17、植下好运,让日子红火。 Plant good luck and make the day prosperous.

18、植树吧,让世界更美好。 Plant trees and make the world a better place.

19、植树节到了,愿你种下好心情,种出好福气! It's tree planting day. Wish you a good mood and good fortune!

20、植树节到了,让我把美好植入你的未来,灿烂永远。 It's tree planting day, let me plant the beautiful into your future, brilliant forever.

21、植树节快乐,好运连连! Happy tree planting day, good luck!

22、植树节,为你种棵如意树,让好运把你陪住。 On tree planting day, I will plant a ruyi tree for you, and let good luck accompany you.

23、植树节,种棵树,清新空气好舒服。 Tree planting day, planting trees, fresh air, good comfort.

24、植树节,齐种树,种棵桉树,平平安安过一生。 On tree planting day, we will plant trees and eucalyptus trees, and live a safe life.

25、植的是动力,收的是活力。 What we plant is power, what we harvest is vitality.

26、祝你万事顺心,植树节快乐! I wish you all the best and happy tree planting day!

27、祝你爱情合欢树,二情相悦,家庭永和睦。 I wish you love tree, two love each other, family peace.

28、种一棵团圆树,祝您阖家团圆,生活幸福美满。 Plant a reunion tree, wish you family reunion, happy life.

29、种一棵长青树,愿我们的友谊长长久久。 Plant an evergreen tree. May our friendship last forever.

30、种下一棵爱情树,夫妻恩爱家和睦。 Plant a love tree, husband and wife love, family harmony.

31、种下一棵牡丹,成就一片嫣红。 Plant a tree peony, achievement a bright red.

32、种下一颗平安树,祝你生活永安康。 Plant a peace tree and wish you a happy life.

33、种下真情的种子,盼望你能收到我祝福的果实。 Plant the seeds of true love, hope you can receive the fruits of my blessing.

34、种棵富贵树,富贵荣华意气发。 Plant a tree of wealth and honor, and you will feel rich and glorious.

35、种棵幸福树,永远开心甜蜜蜜。 Plant a happy tree, happy and sweet forever.

36、给你清爽的阴凉,把骄阳为你遮挡。 Give you cool shade, the sun for you.

37、绿化美丽的环境,营造如意的生活。 Green the beautiful environment and create a happy life.

38、送你一棵摇钱树,愿你创造一番钱无古人的事业。 Send you a money tree, I hope you can create a business without money.

39、送你一棵柿子树,愿你心想事成。 Send you a persimmon tree, wish you everything you want.

40、送你一棵桃树,愿你生活乐淘淘。 Send you a peach tree, wish you happy life.