1、一口一口吃不掉忧愁,只能吃成个胖子。 One mouthful can't get rid of sorrow, only one can get fat.

2、一直被人坑,也一直有贵人。 Has been a pit, there have been dignitaries.

3、一辈子,太苦,太累,太难,太委屈。 A lifetime, too bitter, too tired, too difficult, too aggrieved.

4、万般皆是命,半点不由人。 All things are lives, not by people.

5、不敢流泪,唯有忍耐。 Dare not cry, only patience.

6、世事多变,唯美的心不变。 The world is changeable, but the beautiful heart is unchangeable.

7、世界再大,还是遇见你;世界再小,还是丢了你。 No matter how big the world is, I will meet you; no matter how small the world is, I will lose you.

8、世界太黑,童话太假,人心太暗,我们太傻。 The world is too dark, fairy tales are too fake, people are too dark, we are too stupid.

9、人就像卷纸,没事尽量少扯。 People are like rolling paper. If you have nothing to do, try to pull as little as possible.

10、人活一世,要么有深度,要么有趣,要么安静。 People live a life, either deep, or interesting, or quiet.

11、人生在世,注定要受许多委屈! Life in the world, destined to suffer a lot of grievances!

12、人生的最高境界,放下,一切随缘! The highest realm of life, put it down, everything goes with fate!

13、人生短短几十年,美好时光在眼前! Just a few decades of life, good time in front of us!

14、人生苦短,看开点,何必自己为难自己! Life is too short to be embarrassed!

15、人这一辈子,最对不起的就是自已。 In my life, I am most sorry for myself.

16、人这一辈子,跟对人,走对路,做对事! People in this life, with the right person, go the right way, do the right thing!

17、低头不是认输,是为了看清脚下的路! Bow is not to admit defeat, is to see the road under your feet!

18、何必多说,何必多问。 Why say more? Why ask more.

19、余生没那么长,请你忠于自己,活得还像自己。 The rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.

20、你的沉默,自有力量! Your silence has power!

21、做人别丢了良心,做事别负了真心。 Don't lose your conscience when you are a man. Don't lose your heart when you do things.

22、做人真的太难,太累,太烦。 It's really too hard, too tired, too boring.

23、关心自己,爱惜自己。 Take care of yourself and cherish yourself.

24、内心的强大,永远胜过外表的浮华! The inner strength is always better than the outer pomp!

25、决定你人生上限的,是你的洞察力! It's your insight that determines the limit of your life!

26、原来撕心裂肺的海誓山盟,一句对不起就无效了。 Originally tear heart crack lung's sea oath, a sorry is invalid.

27、后来没有后来,曾经不再是曾经! Later no later, once no longer once!

28、听一首歌,想一个人,念一些事,盼一些话。 Listen to a song, think of a person, read something, and look forward to some words.

29、在乎的越多,反而越累! The more you care, the more tired you are!

30、在我失眠的时候,你要抱着我睡。 When I lose sleep, you should hold me to sleep.

31、学会尊重别人,学会改变自己。 Learn to respect others and change yourself.

32、学会释怀,就是放过自己! Learn to let go is to let go of yourself!

33、对于不爱你的人,你的主动和讨好! For those who don't love you, your initiative and flattery!

34、对待爱情,我想我始终有着最完美的情感洁癖! Treat love, I think I always have the most perfect emotional cleanliness!

35、往事不必勾销,余生不再打扰。 The past doesn't have to be written off. I won't bother you for the rest of my life.

36、感谢时间,让我明白! Thanks for the time, let me understand!

37、我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。 I'm not arrogant, I'm not joking, I'm tired of relying on everything.

38、我不要轰轰烈烈的爱情,平平淡淡才是美。 I don't want strong love. It's only plain and light that is beautiful.

39、我也不知道人为什么而活,所以我至今还活着。 I don't know why people live, so I'm still alive.

40、放下一段感情却不忘记,淡忘一个人却有着回忆。 Put down a relationship but don't forget, forget a person but have memories.

41、放下昨天,珍惜今天! Let go of yesterday and cherish today!

42、方向错误,归零重头再来。 Wrong direction, return to zero and start again.

43、无耻比良知更有力,狼性比人性更实用。 Shamelessness is more powerful than conscience, and wolf nature is more practical than human nature.

44、时间是最美的人,也是努力的风景。 Time is the most beautiful people, but also the landscape of efforts.

45、最怕的那个人,往往就是最爱的那个。 The person who is most afraid of is often the one who loves most.

46、最痛苦的真相,也好过最甜蜜的谎言。 The most painful truth is better than the sweetest lie.

47、有些事,现在看来不过如此! Some things, now it seems only so!

48、有时候有些事,不知道比知道幸福。 Sometimes some things, do not know than know happiness.

49、有时候,失去比拥有更踏实! Sometimes, losing is more practical than owning!

50、某些时候在忙也要停下来,好好疼爱自己一下。 Sometimes when you are busy, you should stop and love yourself.

51、沉时坦然,浮时淡然! Calm when sinking, calm when floating!

52、没人惯着你,凡事靠自己! No one is used to you, everything depends on yourself!

53、熬过去了成功,没有熬过去出局。 It's a success, not an exit.

54、生活只要努力过拼搏过,才有资格不后悔。 Life as long as we work hard, we can not regret.

55、生活就像是心电图,想要一帆风顺除非你死了。 Life is like an electrocardiogram. If you want to have a smooth ride, you have to die.

56、生活累,一半源于生存,一半源于攀比。 Life tired, half from survival, half from comparison.

57、等待就象失眠的黑夜,无助而漫长。 Waiting is like a sleepless night, helpless and long.

58、给我一片安眠药,让我沉睡到天亮。 Give me a sleeping pill and let me sleep until dawn.

59、缘来坦诚相待,缘去坦然面对。 Fate to be frank, fate to face.

60、能为别人设想的人,永远不寂寞。 He who can imagine for others will never be lonely.

61、自己的路自己,畅想末来去远行。 My own way, I'd like to travel in the end.

62、苦了自己调整,愁了自己宽慰。 Suffering from their own adjustment, worry about their own comfort.

63、谁对谁错,做好自己。 Who is right and who is wrong, be yourself.

64、这个社会,是快鱼吃慢鱼,而不是慢鱼吃快鱼。 In this society, fast fish eat slow fish, not slow fish eat fast fish.

65、这个社会,没有对与错,只有强与弱。 In this society, there is no right or wrong, only strong or weak.

66、遗失在路上,失落在天堂。冷风吹散,无能为力。 Lost on the road, lost in heaven. The cold wind blows away, nothing can be done.

67、错过情,错过爱,错过现实,错过真实和存在。 Miss love, miss love, Miss reality, Miss reality and existence.

68、靠人如上九重天,人生还得靠自己! Rely on people as the Ninth Heaven, life has to rely on their own!