1、—阵激动声穿过他们。 A wave of excitement passed through them.

2、一阵醉人的快乐浸透了她的心。 A gust of intoxicating joy soaked her heart.

3、乌云似乎一直笼罩着她的头顶。 The clouds seemed to have been over her head.

4、他一听到这个字就勃然大怒。 He was furious at the word.

5、他们沉浸在悲痛之中。 They were immersed in grief.

6、他听了,立刻瞪起了眼,脸上暴起了一道道青筋,愤怒地盯着我。 He listened, and immediately stared at me, and a blue band burst on his face.

7、他哭了这么久,眼睛又肿又红。 He cried so long, his eyes swollen and red.

8、他喜极而泣。 He cried with joy.

9、他心中涌起一阵恐惧。 There was a burst of fear in his heart.

10、他摔倒在地上,痛得不省人事。 He fell to the ground, and he was unconscious.

11、他无法隐藏在他脸。上的惊喜。 He can't hide in his face. Surprise on.

12、他气得大发雷霆。 He was furious.

13、他气得脸色阴沉。 He was sullen with anger.

14、他用灼热的目光怒视着我。 He glared at me with his burning eyes.

15、他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。 His voice trembled with anger.

16、他的脑子里充满了明亮的光。 His mind was full of bright light.

17、他的脸露出愉快的神色。 His face showed a pleasant look.

18、他看起来像热锅上的蚂蚁。 He looks like an ant in a hot pot.

19、他站在那儿,脸色变得灰白。 He stood there, his face gray.

20、他站在那里,面色苍白,说不出一句简单的话。 He stood there, pale and unable to say a simple word.

21、他紧握拳头,牙齿嘎嘎作响。 He clenched his fist and his teeth rattled.

22、他紧紧地抿住嘴,握着拳。 He shut up tightly and held his fist.

23、他被悲伤压垮了,哭了。 He was crushed by grief and cried.

24、他试图抓些东西靠在她身上。站着别动。 He tried to grab something and lean on her. Stand still.

25、他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。 He turned around, his eyes full of fear.

26、他静静地站着眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 He stood quietly, tears streaming down his cheek.

27、他高兴地笑了,露出了一排洁白整齐的牙齿。 He smiled happily and showed a line of clean and tidy teeth.

28、听到这个不幸的消息,他痛哭起来。 He cried at the sad news.

29、在她驾驶考试时,她像热锅上的蚂蚁。 She was like an ant in a hot pot when she was driving the test.

30、在这个黑暗而绝望的时刻,他想到了一个绝妙的主意。 In this dark and desperate moment, he thought of a wonderful idea.

31、她全身发抖,感觉如坐针毡。 She was shivering and felt like a needle.

32、她几乎冻僵了,脸色苍白,眼睛通红。 She was almost frozen, pale and red.

33、她咬着嘴唇,把眼睛从威洛太太的眼睛里移开。 She bit her lips and removed her eyes from Mrs. willow's.

34、她大哭,像是大雨倾盆。 She cried like a rain.

35、她太紧张了,吓得发抖。 She was too tight to shake.

36、她屏住呼吸,一动也不敢动。 She held her breath and dared not move.

37、她开始哭起来,好像要把所有的悲伤都倾诉出来。 She began to cry as if she was going to pour out all her sorrows.

38、她掩面哭泣。 She hid herself and cried.

39、她洋溢着幸福。 She is brimming with happiness.

40、她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。 She shivered and felt like a needle.

41、她激动得满脸维红,心里像有只小鹿,在欢乐地蹦跳。 She was so excited that she was red and she was dancing happily like a deer in her heart.

42、她的出现使我的呼吸停止了。 Her appearance stopped my breath.

43、她的心跳得厉害,几乎窒息而死。 Her heart beat so hard that she almost choked to death.

44、她的心里充满了幸福。 Her heart was full of happiness.

45、她的眼中闪烁着激动的光芒。 There was a thrilling glow in her eyes.

46、她的耳朵一响,一个字也听不见。 Her ears rang and a word could not be heard.

47、她的脸因剧痛而扭曲。 Her face was twisted by a sharp pain.

48、她的脸被痛苦淹没了。 Her face was drowned in pain.

49、她紧张得说不出话来。 She was so nervous that she could not speak.

50、她绝望地抱住头,跪下来。 She hugged her head in despair and knelt down.

51、她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。 The smile on her face sparkled like a diamond.

52、她脸上露出了得意的笑容,心里比吃了蜜还甜。 She had a smile of pride on her face, and she was sweeter than honey.

53、她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。 She stood there pale, with her tongue tied.

54、她觉得自己的心好像被人从身上撕开了。 She felt as if her heart had been torn apart.

55、她高兴得又跳又笑又唱。 She danced, laughed and sang with joy.

56、孩子们互相追逐着。他们的脸。上充满了喜悦。 The children are chasing each other. Their faces. It was full of joy.

57、幸福从她的眼中散发出来。 Happiness came out of her eyes.

58、当我的名字被呼唤时,我能感觉到我的心在我的喉咙里。 When my name is called, I can feel my heart in my throat.

59、我充满了愤怒。 I was full of anger.

60、我慢慢抽泣起来,心里满是绝望。 I sobbed slowly, and my heart was full of despair.

61、我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。 I was ecstatic and ran by step by step.

62、我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天的白云那样安闲、自在。 I am in a good mood at this moment, as the white clouds in the blue sky are so relaxed and free.

63、我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。 I am floating in the sea of sorrow.

64、我的内心十分激动,像波涛汹涌的大海一样。 I was very excited, like the rough sea.

65、我的心扑通扑通的跳个不停,好像要跳出来了。 My heart is beating and beating, as if it is going to jump out.

66、我的心跳的很快。 My heart beat very fast.

67、我的心里像悬着一块大石头,怎么也落不下来。 My heart is like a big stone hanging, how can not fall down.

68、我的脑子一片空白。 My mind is blank.

69、笑声在房间里萦绕。 Laughter lingers in the room.

70、花儿在灿烂地微笑,鸟儿在快乐地欢叫,我的心情啊,像吃了蜜一样甜。 Flowers smile brightly, birds are cheering happily. My mood is as sweet as honey.

71、这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。 The news cast a shadow on his face.

72、这消息的震惊使我喘不过气来。 The shock of the news made me gasp.

73、那人大叫了一-声,惊退了几步。 The man shouted and stepped back.