1、一张席子睡两人——情同手足。 Two people sleep on a mat - brotherhood.
2、丈母娘痛女婿——真心实意。 Mother in law hurts her son-in-law.
3、三人买一股香磕头——难兄难弟。 Three people kowtow to buy a stream of incense.
4、三人喝一杯酒——轮流来。 Three for a drink - take turns.
5、两个人推磨——你推我让。 Two people push the mill - you push me.
6、六月里送炭——不领你的情。 Send charcoal in June -- don't take your affection.
7、冰糖煮黄莲——同甘共苦。 Boiled yellow lotus with rock sugar.
8、千里送客——总有一别。 Seeing off guests from thousands of miles -- there's always a difference.
9、千里送鹅毛——物轻人意重。 Goose feather sent from thousands of miles.
10、华容道上放曹操——不忘旧情。 Let Cao Cao go on Huarong Road -- never forget the old love.
11、叩头拜把子——称兄道弟。 Kowtow and worship -- call each other brothers.
12、吹糖人儿的朋友——好大口气。 Sugar puffer's friend - good breath.
13、和尚同施主太太结朋友——高攀。 The monk made friends with his wife.
14、和影子交朋友——十分孤单。 Making friends with the shadow - very lonely.
15、多年的朋友——老交情。 Friends of many years old friendship.
16、小朋友堆雪人——就地取材。 Children make snowman - local materials.
17、屎壳郎和苍蝇交朋友——臭味相投。 Dung beetles make friends with flies.
18、岔路上分手——各奔前程。 Break up on a fork in the road -- go on your own way.
19、往油里掺水——合不拢。 Water in the oil - it doesn't close.
20、戏里的朋友——假义气。 Friends in the play - false righteousness.
21、扁担垫坐——不是久留之客。 Sitting on the shoulder pole is not a long stay guest.
22、扔掉拐棍作揖——老兄老弟。 Throw away the crutches and bow to each other.
23、时迁的朋友——贼多。 Many thieves are friends of time.
24、梁山泊的朋友——打出来的。 Friends from liangpo.
25、泥鳅跟黄鳝交朋友——滑头对滑头。 Loach and eel make friends -- slippery head to slippery head.
26、泥鳅黄鳝交朋友——滑头对滑头。 Loach Monopterus albus makes friends -- slippery head to slippery head.
27、泥鳅黄鳝轧朋友——滑头碰滑头。 Loach, Monopterus, rolling friends -- slippery head touching slippery head.
28、火塘边烤红薯——一面熟。 Roast sweet potatoes by the fire - cooked on one side.
29、烧起开水淋朋友——专烫熟人。 Boil boiling water to drench friends.
30、烧香得罪菩萨——没有诚心。 Burning incense offends Bodhisattva without sincerity.
31、狐狸和狗拜把子——狐朋狗党。 Fox and dog bow to each other.
32、狐狸和羊交朋友——居心不良。 The fox and the sheep make friends.
33、狐狸找羊交朋友——居心不良。 The fox makes friends with sheep.
34、猪八戒卖猪肝——难得的心肠。 Pig Bajie selling pig liver -- rare heart.
35、猫给老鼠吊孝——假情假义。 The cat mourns the mouse.
36、病好打医生——恩将仇报。 A good doctor will be punished if he is ill.
37、看戏掉眼泪——是真情。 It's true love to shed tears at the opera.
38、罗汉请观音——客少主人多。 Arhat please Guanyin - less guests, more masters.
39、羊跟老虎做朋友——总有一天要吃亏。 Sheep and tigers make friends - one day they will suffer.
40、老朋友见面——你好我也好。 Meet old friends - Hello, I'm fine.
41、耗子和蛤蟆交朋友——不怀好意。 Mice and toads make friends - bad intentions.
42、背着娃娃进当铺——把你当人。 Carrying a doll into the pawnshop - treat you as a person.
43、苍蝇跟屎壳郎做朋友——臭味相投。 Flies and dung beetles are friends.
44、茶馆里谈生意——老交道。 Talking about business in teahouses - old contacts.
45、蛇蝎交朋友——毒上加毒。 A snake and a scorpion make friends.
46、裁缝搬家——依依不舍。 The tailor moved - reluctantly.
47、要饭的拜把子——患难之交。 A friend in need is a friend in need.
48、过河抽板——没有良心。 Cross the river to draw a board - no conscience.
49、过河拆桥——忘恩负义。 Cross the river and tear down the bridge - ungrateful.
50、酒肉朋友的交情——吃吃喝喝。 The friendship of a good friend is eating and drinking.
51、门角里装灯——关照。 Light in the corner of the door.
52、雨后送伞——假情假义。 Umbrella after rain.
53、雨后送斗笠——假人情。 Send a bamboo hat after rain.
54、韭菜包子——从里往外香。 Steamed stuffed bun with leek -- from inside to outside.
55、高山土地——不请不到。 Alpine land - no, no, No.
56、黄忠交朋友——人老心不老。 Huang Zhong makes friends -- old people are not old hearts.