1、一生很长要和最爱的人在一起比如你。 It's a long life to be with the people you love the most, like you.

2、一辈子是多久,一辈子就是我爱你那么久。 Life is how long, life is I love you so long.

3、世界上最爱你的人,就是那个舍得花时间陪你的人。 The person who loves you most in the world is the one who is willing to spend time with you.

4、你知道我最珍惜什么吗,就是这句话的第一个字。 Do you know what I cherish most? It's the first word of this sentence.

5、你说摩尔曼斯克,我是北大西洋暖流,你该被抱紧,有风我来顶。 You said Murmansk, I'm the North Atlantic warm current. You should be held tight. I'll take care of the wind.

6、你说,诗很美,我说,有你在结尾。 You said, the poem is beautiful, I said, with you at the end.

7、你走了以后我才知道,买来的苹果不是放两天就会自动脱皮的。 Only after you left did I know that the apples I bought didn't peel automatically after two days.

8、全世界的大人,一个人的小朋友。 Adults all over the world, children of one person.

9、只因你太美好令我无法坦白说出我爱你。 Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you I love you.

10、只因在茫茫人海中见了你一眼,便再也无法忘却你的容颜。 Just because I saw you in the vast sea of people, I can never forget your face.

11、只要你幸福快乐,我也就心满意足了。 As long as you are happy, I will be satisfied.

12、和你在一起时,从没羡慕过别人!谢谢你! When I am with you, I never envy others! thank you!

13、喝腻了仙气,让我尝尝你的味道。 I'm tired of Xianqi. Let me have a taste of you.

14、因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.

15、在我心里,没有什么比你更重要。 In my heart, nothing is more important than you.

16、在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。 After knowing you, I found that I could pay so willingly.

17、就算你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意承受一切的疼痛去抱着你。 Even if you are a cactus, I am willing to bear all the pain to hold you.

18、我一生中最美好的日子是发生那件事情的那天,是和直树相遇的日子。 The best day of my life was the day that it happened, the day that I met Naoshu.

19、我一见到你,我就变得不像我自己。 As soon as I see you, I don't look like myself.

20、我不是一个温柔的人,但是我为了你,可以做尽温柔的事。 I'm not a gentle person, but I can do gentle things for you.

21、我们一起走,爱没有尽头。 We go together, love has no end.

22、我们终将上岸,阳光万里。 We will go ashore in the end.

23、我喜欢你,认真且怂,从一而终。 I like you, serious and counsellor, always.

24、我无法承诺帮你解决所有的问题,但我保证不会让你独自去面对。 I can't promise to help you solve all the problems, but I promise I won't let you face them alone.

25、我是一个很好亲近的人,不信你亲一下试试。 I am a very close person, do not believe you kiss try.

26、我是个不爱说话的人,可遇见你后却变成了一个话唠。 I am not a talkative person, but after I met you, I became a talker.

27、我的前半生都是流浪,自从遇见你,如鹿归林,如舟靠岸。 I have been wandering for the first half of my life. Ever since I met you, I have been like a deer returning to the forest and a boat coming to the shore.

28、我的生活一团乱,只有喜欢你坚定且清晰。 My life is a mess, only like you firm and clear.

29、我要你当我孩子的妈,我孩子指名要你喔。 I want you to be my child's mother. My child wants you by name.

30、我要用尽我的风情万种,让你在没有我的日子里每天都不得安宁。 I want to use all my manners to make you restless every day without me.

31、所谓风花雪月,就是我想跟你谈个恋爱。 I want to fall in love with you.

32、春天比你先来了,可是如果你会来,那春天不值一提。 Spring comes before you, but if you will, it's not worth mentioning.

33、晨光映霞,我吻你千万,是为早安。星月交辉,我问你千千万,是为晚安。 Good morning for you. The stars and the moon, I ask you tens of millions, is for good night.

34、最自私的,也是最暖的一句话送给你。你是我的。 The most selfish, but also the warmest words to you. you are mine.

35、有一天我们都老了,但是我依然记得当初你让我心动的样子。 One day we are old, but I still remember the way you made me feel.

36、没有一种服装比起你的爱更合身,没有一种装饰比起你的爱更迷人。 There is no dress more fitting than your love, no decoration more charming than your love.

37、没有一种服装,比你的爱更合身;没有一种装饰,比你的爱更迷人。 There is no dress that fits you better than your love; there is no decoration that is more charming than your love.

38、没有人可以带走你的痛,所以也别让任何人带走你的幸福。 No one can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness.

39、爱,原来是没有名字的相遇之前等待的就是名字。 Love, there is no name, before meeting is waiting for the name.

40、玫瑰花是红的,紫罗兰是兰的,糖是甜的,你也是。 Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, so are you.

41、界上没有第二个你,也没有第二个我。我们在一起,就是唯一。 There is no second you or me in the world. Together, we are the only one.

42、相比说起晚安,我更想帮你把被子盖好。 I want to help you cover up better than say good night.

43、真正的爱情是当我们老了,我还是会记得你当初让我心动的样子。 True love is when we are old, I will still remember the way you made me move.

44、自从遇见了你,我的悲伤和痛苦都不见了。 Since I met you, my sadness and pain have disappeared.

45、苍狗又白云,身边有了你。 Canggou and Baiyun, with you.

46、请原谅我太贪心,陪你情窦初开,还想陪你两鬓斑白。 Please forgive me for being too greedy to accompany you, but also want to accompany you with white temples.

47、趁这几天还能放烟花爆竹,买点礼炮,然后晚上燃放时向她表白。 Take advantage of these days can also set off fireworks, buy some salute, and then set off at night to her confession.

48、超级超级喜欢你,嘴上三分,心里十分。 I like you very much. I like you very much.

49、这世间五味俱全,可我只想要你一个人给的甜。 There are all kinds of flavors in the world, but I only want the sweetness from you.

50、青春就像是切洋葱,我们都泪流满面,却还乐此不疲。 Youth is like cutting onions. We are all in tears, but we are still happy with it.