1、一份耕耘一份收获,未必;九份耕耘一份收获,一定。 One plough and one harvest is not necessarily; nine tills and one harvest are sure.

2、不必每分钟都学习,但求学习中每分钟都有收获。 You don't have to learn every minute, but you can learn every minute.

3、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。 Don't waste your life where you will regret it.

4、世上再美的风景,都不及回家的那段路。 No matter how beautiful the scenery is in the world, it's not as good as the way home.

5、人心,一般不会死在大事上,而是那些一次一次的小失望,成了致命伤! People's heart, in general, will not die on major events, but those small disappointments one after another, become fatal injuries!

6、人生如登山,如果只关注山巅,那你将失去美丽的过程。 Life is like climbing a mountain. If you only pay attention to the top of the mountain, you will lose the beautiful process.

7、人生就是不断地放下,然而痛心的是,我还没来得及与你们好好告别。 Life is constantly put down, but the sad thing is, I haven't had time to say goodbye to you.

8、人生要学会沉淀,沉淀经验,沉淀心情,沉淀自己。 Life to learn to precipitate, precipitation experience, precipitation mood, precipitation themselves.

9、令你忍受痛苦的事情,可能令你有甜蜜的回忆! What makes you endure pain may make you have sweet memories!

10、会拐弯的小溪,才能最终流向大海。 Can turn the stream, can finally flow to the sea.

11、伤感一类的情绪,是对短暂的生命的浪费,实在没必要。 Sentimental emotions are a waste of short-term life, which is unnecessary.

12、但愿日子清净,抬头遇见满是柔情。 I hope the days are clean and full of tenderness when I look up.

13、你是始料不及的心动,是我唯恐不及的惊鸿。 You are unexpected heart, I am afraid of startling Hong.

14、你期待什么,什么就离你越远;你执着谁,就会被谁伤害的最深。 What you expect, what is farther away from you; who you cling to will be hurt the most.

15、你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。 From then on, I will never see you.

16、保持温柔善良才有岁月漫长。 It's long to be gentle and kind.

17、做一个干净洒脱的人,往事不记,后事不提。 Be a clean and free and easy person, do not remember the past, do not mention the future.

18、删掉的是回忆,只是回忆还留在心里。 Deleted is the memory, but the memory is still in the heart.

19、别人的话只能作为一种参考,是不能左右自己的。 Other people's words can only be used as a reference, can not control their own.

20、失败并不意味你浪费了时间和生命,失败表明你有理由重新开始。 Failure doesn't mean you've wasted time and life. Failure shows you have a reason to start over.

21、学会赞美,自然而不虚饰,进而学会调节气氛,控制局面,足以展示你的能力。 Learn to praise, natural and not pretentious, and then learn to adjust the atmosphere, control the situation, enough to show your ability.

22、归零,让坏的不影响未来,让好的不迷惑现在。 Return to zero, let the bad not affect the future, let the good not confuse the present.

23、彻底地失去一件东西,有时候比得到还要快乐,因为不必再苦苦守候了。 To lose something completely is sometimes happier than to get it, because there is no need to wait for it.

24、心若定,何须追逐;心若安,何须浮躁;心若净,何须飘摇。 If the heart is fixed, there is no need to chase; if the heart is peaceful, there is no need to be impetuous; if the heart is pure, there is no need to sway.

25、悄悄伸出手,和风击掌。 Reach out your hand quietly and clap hands with the wind.

26、愿你比别人更不怕一个人独处,愿日后想起时你会被自己感动。 May you be more afraid of being alone than others. May you be moved by yourself when you think about it in the future.

27、成功最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。 The most important thing of success is not to look at the distant vague, but to do something clear at hand.

28、我们的人生必须励志,不励志就仿佛没有灵魂。 Our life must be inspirational. If we don't inspire, we will feel as if we have no soul.

29、我在卡布里为你弹奏一首月光鸣曲。 I'll play you a moonlight sonata at cabley.

30、我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。 I am a very good person, why to run into other people's lives when the episode.

31、拥有一份非世俗的感情,需用非世俗的方式去回报。 Have a non secular feelings, need non secular way to return.

32、时间是世界上一切成就的土壤。时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。 Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time gives the dreamer pain and the creator happiness.

33、智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。 Wise men plan according to the times, but fools move against them.

34、月儿把她的光明遍照在天上,却留着她的黑斑给它自己。 The moon shines her light all over the sky, but leaves her black spots for itself.

35、有些事不是看到了希望才去坚持,而是因为坚持了才会看到希望。 I hope to see something, but I hope to see it.

36、浅望幸福,不写忧伤,红尘三千,不道惆怅,不问花开几许,只问浅笑安然。 Shallow hope happiness, do not write sadness, the world of three thousand, do not ask how many flowers bloom, only ask smile Enron.

37、爱一个人并不是一定要得到她,而是要让她幸福,这就是你对她最好的爱。 Love a person is not necessarily to get her, but to make her happy, this is your best love for her.

38、生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给你一块阴影,必会在不远处撒下阳光。 Life never deliberately owes anyone, it gives you a shadow, will not be far from the sun.

39、真正治愈自己的,只有自己;不去抱怨,尽量担待;不怕孤单,努力沉淀。 The only way to cure yourself is yourself. If you don't complain, try to be patient. If you don't feel lonely, try to settle down.

40、真正的强者,不是没有眼泪的人,而是含着眼泪奔跑的人。 The real strong man is not a man without tears, but a man running with tears.

41、真正的爱情能够鼓舞人,唤醒他内心沉睡着的力量和潜藏着的才能。 True love can inspire a man and awaken his sleeping power and hidden talent.

42、眼睛的鲜活便滋润了奋斗的鲜活,拼搏的鲜活,智慧的鲜活,成功的鲜活。 The fresh eyes moisten the vitality of struggle, struggle, wisdom and success.

43、美女与霉女只在一字之差,则意义却大有不同。 Beautiful women and moldy women are only in one word, but the meaning is very different.

44、自信是走向成功之路的第一步;缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。 Self confidence is the first step to success; lack of self-confidence is the main cause of failure.

45、要记得微笑,一定会美好,一定会找到。 Remember to smile, will be beautiful, will find.

46、让我恐惧的不仅仅是未知,大部分源于自己的无知。 It's not just the unknown that scares me. Most of it comes from my own ignorance.

47、这个世界上,没有人能够使你倒下,如果你自己的信念还站立着的话。 In this world, no one can make you fall, if your own faith is still standing.

48、这个世界既不是有钱人的世界,也不是有权人的世界,它是有心人的世界。 This world is neither the world of the rich nor the world of the powerful. It is the world of the people with the heart.

49、那些年你错过的爱情,也许只有当你偶然发现时才明白。 The love you missed in those years may only be understood when you happen to find it.

50、阳光,很暖。你的笑,很浅。怀抱,很好。宛如梦里繁花。 Sunshine, very warm. Your smile, very shallow. Embrace, good. Like flowers in a dream.