1、一根木头盖不成房,一块砖头砌不成墙。 A piece of wood can't make a house, a brick can't make a wall.

2、人家半凿山腰住,车马都在屋顶过。 They live on the hillside, and their cars and horses pass on the roof.

3、人睡卖屋,猪睡长肉。 People sleep to sell houses, pigs sleep long meat.

4、只管自己锅满,不管别人屋漏。 Don't worry about the leakage of others' house.

5、嘴上的高楼大厦,不如用手盖起来的茅屋。 A tall building on the mouth is better than a cottage built by hand.

6、婴儿是屋子里的明灯,友谊是幸福的明灯。 Baby is the light in the house, friendship is the light of happiness.

7、字是门楼书是房。 Words are gatehouses, books are rooms.

8、宁为房上鸟,不作屋里妾。 Better be a bird in the house than a concubine in the house.

9、屋内不烧锅,屋顶不冒烟。 There is no cooking pot in the house, and there is no smoke on the roof.

10、屋漏偏遭连夜雨。 The house leaks, but it rains at night.

11、屋里人支,人要粮撑。 People in the house need food.

12、屋里无灯望月出,身上无衣望天热。 There is no lamp in the house to watch the moon coming out, and no clothes to watch the sky hot.

13、懒媳妇爱打扮自己,勤媳妇爱打扫屋子。 The lazy daughter-in-law likes to dress up, while the diligent daughter-in-law likes to clean the house.

14、房前屋后,栽桑种柳。 Before and after the house, planting mulberry and willow.

15、房前栽柳,房后栽槐。 Willows are planted in front of the house, and locust trees are planted behind the house.

16、拆东墙,补西墙,结果还是住破房。 If we demolish Dongqiang and pay Paul, we still live in a dilapidated house.

17、拆别人的屋,盖自己的房。 Tear down other people's houses and build your own.

18、暴雨能够穿通屋顶,细雨能够穿通岩石。 Rainstorms can penetrate roofs, drizzles can penetrate rocks.

19、毡房里的火苗危险,内部的敌人危险。 The fire in the yurt is dangerous, and the enemy inside is dangerous.

20、泥瓦匠住草房,纺织姑娘没衣裳。 The bricklayer lives in a cottage, but the weaver girl has no clothes.

21、满屋老鼠跑,必定有窟窿。 There must be holes in a room full of mice.

22、独木盖不成房屋,一个人成不了社会。 A single tree can't build a house, and a person can't make a society.

23、砖连砖成墙,瓦连瓦成房。 Brick with brick wall, tile with tile into a house.

24、空话上面盖不起房子。 No house can be built on empty talk.

25、羊子养羊子,三年一房子。 Sheep raise sheep, three years a house.

26、谷折钱,钱折谷,借一石,死一屋。 If you borrow a stone, you will die.

27、金山屋里山,焦山山里屋。 Jinshan house, Jiaoshan mountain house.

28、门前屋后好栽桑,养起蚕来不用忙。 It's easy to plant mulberry in front of and behind the house, so you don't have to be busy raising silkworms.

29、骗人上屋,底下抽梯。 Cheat people to go up the house, draw the ladder from the bottom.

30、鲁班无木难造屋。 It is difficult to build a house without wood in Luban.