1、且让我们一起遗忘,你忘掉一个你应该不会关心的名字,我忘掉一份不可能的幸福。 And let us forget together, you forget a name you should not care about, I forget an impossible happiness.

2、也许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。 Maybe I live in your heart, is the best place, where others can not see me, no one can despise our love.

3、人生不过是为了满足不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶女神。 Life is just to satisfy the constant desire, the soul is just to maintain the flame of love stove goddess.

4、人生只不过是为了满足持续不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶女神。 Life is just to satisfy the continuous desire, the soul is just to maintain the flame of love stove goddess.

5、即使我有生之年活得不是很长,我活的时间肯定也要比您爱我的时间长。 Even if I don't live very long in my life, I will certainly live longer than you love me.

6、只有在真正圣洁的女人身上,才配让你付出真正纯洁的爱情。 Only in a truly holy woman, you are worthy of true pure love.

7、善而感到骄傲,最重要的是,我们千万不要丧失信心。 We should be proud of our kindness, and above all, we should never lose confidence.

8、女人们在评价一个男人如果不便用言语表达的时候,常会用眼神来补充。 When women evaluate a man who is inconvenient to express in words, they often use their eyes to supplement.

9、她像最高贵的女人一样高贵。别的女人身上有多少贪婪,她身上就有多少无私。 She is as noble as the noblest woman. How much greed other women have, how much selflessness she has.

10、如果说世界还没有一下子变得尽善尽美,至少它已变得比过去要好。 If the world has not become perfect all of a sudden, at least it has become better than in the past.

11、心灵的荒芜与玛侬葬身的荒漠相比,是一种更加广袤,更加残酷的荒芜。 Compared with the desert where Manon was buried, the desolation of soul is more extensive and cruel.

12、我也越觉得女人有两种爱的方式,即用心去爱,或用感官去爱,而两种方式互为因果。 The more I feel that women have two ways of love, that is, to love with heart, or to love with the senses, and the two ways are cause and effect.

13、我们是如此软弱,又是如此可怜。 We are so weak and so pitiful.

14、我原以为应该原谅她的是我,而现在我发觉自己连接受她的宽恕都不配。 I thought I should forgive her, but now I find myself unworthy of her forgiveness.

15、我爱你的朴素清雅,但我更喜欢你的雍容奢华。 I love your simplicity and elegance, but I prefer your grace and luxury.

16、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。 My heart is not used to happiness. Maybe it's better to live in your heart. In your heart, the world can't see me.

17、我的要求就是你爱我,而且没有马匹,没有开司米披肩,没有钻石首饰,你也同样爱我。 My request is that you love me, and no horses, no cashmere shawl, no diamond jewelry, you also love me.

18、是你教会我怎样去爱,而我应该教会你怎样去生活。 You taught me how to love, and I should teach you how to live.

19、没有忏悔,就谈不上宽恕。 There is no forgiveness without repentance.

20、由于我们无忧无虑,尤其我们一往情深,我们看到前景光灿灿。 Because we are carefree, especially our devotion, we see a bright future.

21、的确,有时一分钟发生的事,比一年的追求还见效。 Indeed, sometimes what happens in a minute is more effective than a year's pursuit.

22、眼睛只有一个圆点,它却能一览无余地看见海阔天空。 The eye has only one dot, but it can see the sea and sky at a glance.

23、获取一颗没有被人进攻的经验的心,也就像夺取一座没有守卫的城池一样。 To gain a heart that has not been attacked is just like to capture a city that has no guard.

24、越相信善良的少女就越可能失身,要不是失身于情人,至少也算失身于爱情。 The more I believe in a kind girl, the more likely she is to lose herself. If she is not lost to her lover, at least she is lost to love.

25、金钱是出色的佣人,糟糕的主人。 Money is a good servant and a bad master.