1、一只只秋蝉婉转轻唱,交织成一阀颂歌。 Only autumn cicadas gently sing, interwoven into a valve of ode.
2、一群大象投入地翩翩起舞,为人们表演。 A group of elephants danced and performed for people.
3、一群鸭子在水里欢快地追逐嬉戏。 A group of ducks are chasing and playing happily in the water.
4、乌鸦在树上像歌唱家在唱歌。 The crow is singing like a singer in the tree.
5、云朵在大风的驱赶下在蓝天跑着。 The clouds ran in the blue sky driven by the strong wind.
6、公园里的花开了,向人们绽放了笑脸。 The flowers in the park bloom and smile to people.
7、凛冽的寒风载着雪花,向我们走来了。 The cold wind carrying snow, came to us.
8、刺猬小心翼翼地在地上匍匐前进。 The hedgehog creeps cautiously on the ground.
9、向日葵对着太阳公公在做运动。 Sunflowers are doing sports to the sun.
10、在微风中,柳树摆动着那迷人的身姿。 In the breeze, the willow swayed its charming posture.
11、夏夜的星空小星星调皮的眨着眼睛。 The stars in summer night blink mischievously.
12、夏天迈着沉稳的脚步款款地向我们走来。 Summer strides the steady step to us.
13、大海用温柔的双手抚摸岸边的岩石。 The sea caresses the rocks on the shore with gentle hands.
14、天空中的小鸟欢快地在唱着欢乐的歌儿。 The birds in the sky are singing happily.
15、天黑了,路边的灯光像忠诚的卫士。 It's dark, and the roadside lights are like loyal guards.
16、太阳上班了,小星星下班了。 Sun goes to work, little star goes off work.
17、孔雀像一个孩子,在草坪上快乐地玩耍。 Peacock like a child, playing happily on the lawn.
18、小树摆动着枝叶,向我们点头笑。 The little tree waved its branches and leaves and nodded and laughed at us.
19、小河哼着歌儿开心的向前流着。 The river is humming along happily.
20、小溪里,鱼儿游来游去在玩捉迷藏。 In the stream, the fish swim to and fro, playing hide and seek.
21、小熊在河水姐姐的身边走来走去。 Little bear walked up and down beside his sister.
22、小牛看着自己的妈妈,高兴的手舞足蹈。 The calf looked at his mother and danced happily.
23、小草在春风下频频点头向人们问好! Grass in the spring wind frequently nodded to say hello to people!
24、小蜗牛整天背着一座小山为生活奔波。 Little snail carries a hill all day for life.
25、小蜻蜓在荷叶上,表演着精彩的舞蹈。 Little dragonflies perform wonderful dances on the lotus leaves.
26、小雪花像个小精灵似的,跳着舞飘下来。 Snow like a little elf, dancing down.
27、小雪花扭扭捏捏地从空中缓缓地跳下。 Small snowflakes wriggled slowly from the air.
28、小雪花迎着风跳着舞,缓缓飘下来了。 Small snowflakes dancing against the wind, slowly floating down.
29、小鱼儿笑嘻嘻地游来游去。 The little fish swam back and forth with a smile.
30、床前的小夜灯时不时的眨眨眼。 The Nightlight in front of the bed blinked from time to time.
31、星星们在你追我赶捉迷藏。 The stars are chasing each other for hide and seek.
32、星星像很多小眼睛一样在星空中闪烁。 The stars twinkle in the sky like many little eyes.
33、春天就像活泼的儿童,憧憬渴望。 Spring is like a lively child, longing for it.
34、春天,布谷鸟迈着轻快的舞步来了。 In spring, the cuckoo comes with a brisk dance.
35、春水唱着欢快的歌向远方奔去。 Spring water is singing a happy song to the distance.
36、春风轻抚大地,小草从睡梦中清醒了。 The spring breeze caresses the earth, and the grass wakes up from sleep.
37、木桥开始晃动,嘎吱嘎吱地叫着。 The wooden bridge began to shake and creak.
38、杜鹃花和太阳公公打招呼。 Rhododendron and sun Gonggong say hello.
39、柳枝摆动着自己纤纤的细腰。 Willow branches swing their slender waist.
40、柳树在风中扭摆着腰肢,尽情地跳舞。 The willows swayed in the wind and danced to their heart's content.
41、浪花亲吻着岩石,岩石更光滑了。 The spray kisses the rock and the rock is smoother.
42、浪花快活地吟唱着动听的旋律拍着岸边。 The waves are singing happily and clapping on the shore.
43、淘气的小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳地唱着歌。 The naughty birds were chirping in the trees.
44、满树的苹果红彤彤得想小孩子的笑脸。 The apple trees are so red that they are like children's smiling faces.
45、瀑布唱着歌,愉快地跳下崖边。 The waterfall sang and jumped happily down the cliff.
46、狐狸跑来跑去,又是在打什么坏主意。 The fox ran around, and he was making some bad ideas.
47、田里的禾苗随着风姑娘翩翩起舞。 The grass seedlings in the field are dancing with the wind girl.
48、白杨披着浓霜,像哨兵似的站在路边。 White poplar in thick frost, like a sentinel standing on the side of the road.
49、碧蓝的天空出现了一道翩翩起舞的彩虹。 A dancing rainbow appeared in the blue sky.
50、船头飞溅起的浪花,吟唱著欢乐的歌儿。 The waves from the bow are singing joyful songs.
51、花儿在向你嬉笑打招呼。 The flowers are greeting you.
52、萤火虫在空中兴高采烈的飞舞。 Fireflies are flying in the air happily.
53、落叶在风中像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞。 The leaves are dancing like butterflies in the wind.
54、蜜蜂唱着歌在花丛中采蜜。 Bees are singing and gathering honey among the flowers.
55、蜡烛对着童话书大笑起来。 The candle laughed at the fairy tale book.
56、蜡烛高兴了,呼呼的燃烧自己。 The candle was happy and burned itself.
57、蝴蝶欢快的在花丛中飞来飞去。 Butterflies fly around in the flowers happily.
58、路口的的红绿灯在调皮的眨着眼睛。 The traffic lights at the intersection blinked mischievously.
59、金鱼羞答答的在水里游来游去! The goldfish swam back and forth in the water!
60、长剑似的绿叶,互相缠搭着,密不透风。 Sword like green leaves, intertwined with each other, airtight.
61、长槟闩炫鹊纳砬是那么强壮。 Chang Chang, your surging body is so strong.
62、长江坚守自己的岗位,从不偷懒。 Changjiang sticks to his post and never shirks.
63、雨滴落到水中,似乎它要弹奏乐曲。 The raindrop fell into the water as if to play music.
64、鱼儿像一个可爱的水精灵在水里游。 Fish swim in the water like a lovely water spirit.
65、鲸最喜欢一家人在一起睡觉。 Whales like sleeping together as a family.
66、鸟儿在天空中飞翔的姿态很有绅士风度。 The way birds fly in the sky is gentlemanly.
67、黑暗的夜里,烟愤怒的冒了出来。 In the dark night, smoke came out angrily.