1、一半孤独,一半温柔。 Half lonely, half gentle.
2、一念放下,万般自在。 Let go and be at ease.
3、也许当你什么都不奢望的时候,一切都会如期而至。 Maybe when you don't expect anything, everything will come as scheduled.
4、习惯了所有,却不能习惯没有你。 Used to all, but can not be used to without you.
5、人有控制不了的情,天有遮掩不住的黑。 People have uncontrollable feelings and the sky is dark.
6、他到底哪里好,值得你红了眼睛,还要笑着原谅。 Where is he good in the end, it is worth your red eyes, but also smile to forgive.
7、他等她等了一万年,只是等来了寂寞。 He has been waiting for her for ten thousand years, only waiting for loneliness.
8、以前觉得日子挺好过的,现在觉得好难听。 I used to think life was good, but now I feel terrible.
9、何必让我内疚自己还爱得不够。 Why make me feel guilty that I don't love enough.
10、你不回复我的时候,我一直在默默等你回复我。 When you don't reply me, I've been waiting for you to reply me.
11、你在敷衍我的时候,又在陪着谁。 When you are perfunctory to me, who are you accompanying.
12、你要学会单枪匹马,一个人去勇闯天涯。 You should learn to go to the world by yourself.
13、其实我想爱,只是你不在。 In fact, I want to love, but you are not.
14、别再说那些牵强的理由,我现在就给你*。 Don't talk about those far fetched reasons, I will give you freedom now.
15、历尽沧桑之后,愿仍有人眉眼如故,待你岁月如初。 After going through all the vicissitudes, I wish there were still people with the same eyebrows and eyes, waiting for you as before.
16、太主动就会廉价,太被动就会错过。 Too active will be cheap, too passive will miss.
17、如果不是离开,我不会知道花心还有代价? If I don't leave, I won't know what the cost is?
18、如果过去还值得眷恋,别太快冰释前嫌。 If the past is still worthy of nostalgia, don't let it go too soon.
19、寂寞,孤独,心里还是想着她,希望她开心快乐。 Lonely, lonely, still thinking of her in my heart, I hope she is happy.
20、情爱搁浅,西湖是微醉的柔情。 Love stranded, West Lake is slightly drunk tenderness.
21、想要告诉你,这份爱别人无法代替。 I want to tell you that this love can't be replaced by others.
22、感谢你泼我一身凉水,赐我从此一身狼狈。 Thank you for splashing me with cold water and giving me a mess.
23、我不想喜欢你了,可怎样才能不喜欢。 I don't want to like you, but how can I not like you.
24、我从未拥有过你一秒,却仿佛失去了你千万次。 I've never had you for a second, but I seem to have lost you thousands of times.
25、我们永远在一起,一辈子不离不弃。 We will always be together and never leave.
26、我会努力变出色的,你先别着急找新欢。 I'll try my best to be outstanding. Don't worry about finding a new girl.
27、我努力的去忘记你,可是却一直铭记。 I try to forget you, but always remember.
28、我可以旁观吗。做你们的旁观者。 Can I watch. Be your spectator.
29、我告诉你,我很吝啬,连恨都不会给你。 I tell you, I'm very stingy, even hate will not give you.
30、我是狠小气的人,非常小气的人。 I'm a mean person, a very mean person.
31、我爱你,爱已深入骨髓,你要我如何割舍。 I love you, love has been deep into the bone marrow, how do you want me to give up.
32、我的肩上是风,风上是闪烁的星群。 On my shoulder is the wind, and on the wind are the twinkling stars.
33、或许,分手是无奈的等待;离开,是幸福的下一站。 Perhaps, breaking up is helpless waiting; leaving is the next stop of happiness.
34、撕裂A心扉,看清迩A虚伪,受了伤却如此卑微。 Tear the heart, see you hypocrisy, hurt but so humble.
35、无论我有多努力,你都不会看在眼里。 No matter how hard I try, you won't see it.
36、有些人不喜欢听真话,我只好试着戴上虚伪的帽子。 Some people don't like to listen to the truth, so I try to put on a fake hat.
37、有些朋友,曾经无话不说,现在却无话可说。 Some friends used to have nothing to say, but now they have nothing to say.
38、此后我当司南一生,伴君两人一马。 Since then, I have been Sinan all my life, accompanying two of you.
39、没关系的,你伤过我,我只当一次玩笑好吗。 It doesn't matter. You've hurt me. I'll only be a joke, OK.
40、爱听你的声音,我觉得里边包含了各种感情。 Love to hear your voice, I think it contains all kinds of feelings.
41、甜言蜜语再好听,也是只是花言巧语。 Sweet words, no matter how nice, are just sweet words.
42、睡不着的时候,我不想要安眠药,只想要你的拥抱。 When I can't sleep, I don't want sleeping pills, I just want your hug.
43、纵使过去爱得深,一分开就变陌生。 Deep love makes the past strange.
44、认识你不后悔,后悔的一切都是我自己自作多情。 Know you do not regret, regret everything is my own amorous.
45、记忆屏障中,曾经心动的声音,已渐渐远去。 In the memory barrier, the sound that once touched the heart has gradually gone away.
46、走了,我频频回头,那是因为怕你回头。 Gone, I often turn back, it is because you are afraid to turn back.
47、走的岔路太多,怕走的太远,就再也回不去了。 There are too many forks. I'm afraid I can't go back if I go too far.
48、都说花心必须惩罚,可是从来无人做到。 It is said that cheating must be punished, but no one has ever done it.
49、醉生梦死是一个幻想,清醒后够就得接受现实。 It's a fantasy to be drunk and dream of death. When you wake up, you have to accept the reality.
50、靠近你,远离你,都错?面对你,背对你,都痛。 Close to you, away from you, are wrong? Face you, back to you, all pain.