1、一曲阳关,断肠声尽,独自凭栏桡。 A tune of Yang Guan, heartbroken sound to do, alone with the fence radius.

2、一生一世一双人,争教两处销魂。 One person in a lifetime, fighting for teaching two ecstasy.

3、三春花事好,为学须及早。 Good things happen in spring, so we must learn early.

4、中州遗恨,不知今夜几人愁。 Zhongzhou regret, I do not know how many people worry tonight.

5、云鬟绿鬓罢梳结,愁如回飙乱白雪。 The cloud maid's green temples have been combed, and their sorrow is like the snow.

6、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。 Life since ancient times, who has no death, stay to take the heart of history.

7、今日乐相乐,别后莫相忘。 Enjoy each other today. Don't forget each other later.

8、伤心重见,依约眉山,黛痕低压。 Sad to see again, in accordance with Meishan, daigen low pressure.

9、但使残年饱吃饭,只愿无事常相见。 But when he is old enough to eat, he only wishes to see each other often.

10、但有故人供禄米,微躯此外更何求? But if there is an old man to offer Lu MI, what more can I ask for?

11、何处秋风至?萧萧送雁群。 Where is the autumn wind? Xiao Xiao sends the geese.

12、倩何人换取,红巾翠袖,h英雄泪。 Qian who exchange, red scarf green sleeve, looking for hero tears.

13、叶底歌莺梁上燕,一声声伴人幽怨。 At the end of the leaf, a warbler, a swallow on the beam, accompanied by a deep resentment.

14、地拔双崖起,天余一线青。 To pull up the double cliff, the sky more than a line of green.

15、多才与命违,末路隐柴扉。 Many talents are against life, and the last way is to hide firewood.

16、大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 The desert smoke straight, long river falling yen.

17、天道悠且长,人命一何促。 The way of heaven is long and long.

18、女萝发馨香,菟丝断人肠。 The sweet smell of the female pineapple, the dodder breaks the intestines.

19、宜有词仙,拥素云黄鹤,与君游戏。 There should be CI immortals, support Su Yun Huang He, and play with Jun.

20、客路相逢难,为乐常不足。 It is difficult to meet on the way, but it is often insufficient for pleasure.

21、小槽红酒,晚香丹荔,记取蛮江上。 Small trough red wine, late fragrance Danli, remember ManJiang.

22、尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流。 You Cao's body and name are all destroyed, and rivers will flow forever.

23、忽与一觞酒,日夕欢相持。 Suddenly with a cup of wine, the day and night happy stalemate.

24、恐断红、尚有相思字,何由见得。 Fear of breaking red, there are Acacia words, how can you see.

25、恨旧愁新。有泪无言对晚春。 Hate the old and worry about the new. There are tears but no words for late spring.

26、愁损翠黛双蛾,日日画阑独凭。 Worry about the damage of the green and Dai moths, day by day painting appendix alone.

27、愿做一支荷,一生只为你亭亭。 Willing to be a lotus, only for you.

28、我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。 I would have thought of the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.

29、戚姬髡发入舂市,万古共悲辛。 Qi Ji Kun was sent to Chongshi, and it was sad and bitter all the time.

30、抱薪救火,薪不尽,火不灭。 If you hold on to the fire, the salary will not be exhausted, and the fire will not be extinguished.

31、掩泪空相向,风尘何处期。 When the wind and dust are in the air, where is the time.

32、攘攘熙熙球上村,真诚共处惠儿孙。 Hustle and bustle ball on the village, sincerely live together to benefit children and grandchildren.

33、日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 Every day I miss you but not see you.

34、春风贺喜无言语,排比花枝满杏园。 Spring breeze congratulation no words, rows of flowers full of Apricot Garden.

35、昨夜更阑酒醒,春愁过却病。 Last night, I woke up from drinking, but I was sick after worrying about spring.

36、月解重圆星解聚,如何不见人归。 How can we not see the return of people when the moon is reunited and the stars are reunited.

37、朝真暮伪何人辨,古往今来底事无。 Who can tell the true from the morning to the evening.

38、朵朵着红霞,痴禽血染花。 Blooming red clouds, crazy birds blood dye flowers.

39、林卧愁春尽,开轩览物华。 Lin Wo sorrow spring, open Xuan to see things.

40、欲系青春,少住春还去。 If you want to be young, live less and go back to spring.

41、此时回眸,已是镜中花,水中月。 At this time, looking back, is already a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water.

42、漂泊天涯空瘦损,犹有当年标格。 Wandering in the end of the world, empty and thin, still has the mark of that year.

43、照他几许人肠断,玉兔银蟾远不知。 According to his several people's intestines broken, the Jade Rabbit Silver toad is far from knowing.

44、珍重主人心,酒深情亦深。 Cherish the master's heart, wine is also deep love.

45、白日莫空过,青春不再来。 Don't let the day pass, youth will never come again.

46、碧水浩浩云茫茫,美人不来空断肠。 Green water vast clouds, beauty does not come to the jejunum.

47、笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 Writing down the wind and rain, poetry into tears of ghosts and gods.

48、算阴晴,浑似几番,渭城故人离会。 Calculate cloudy and sunny, Hun like several times, Weicheng old friends leave.

49、红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。 The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulty of expeditions, but only leisurely.

50、老景萧条,送君归去添凄断。 Old scene depression, send you back to add sad broken.

51、脉脉花疏天淡,云来去、数枝雪。 Pulse flower sparse day light, cloud to go, several branches of snow.

52、自歌自舞自开怀,无拘无束无碍。 From the song, from the dance, from the happy, unrestrained and unimpeded.

53、芳尊美酒,年年岁岁,月满高楼。 Fangzun wine, year after year, full of high buildings.

54、诚既勇兮又以武,终刚强兮不可凌。 He is very brave and martial. He is so unyielding that no one dares to violate his country..

55、辜负我,悔怜君,告天天不闻。 Betray me, regret to pity you, complain every day not to hear.

56、铜驼已陷悲回首,汗马终惭未有功。 The bronze camel has fallen into grief, looking back, the sweat horse is finally ashamed to have done nothing.

57、随富随贫且欢乐,不开口笑是痴人。 He who is rich and poor is happy. He who does not laugh is a fool.

58、隔江风雨晴影空,五月深山护微雪。 Across the river, the wind and rain are clear and the shadow is empty. In May, the mountains protect the snow.

59、雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。 The carved fence and jade building should still be there, but it's just the change of Zhu Yan.

60、零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 Scattered into mud for dust, only incense as before.