1、一两重的真诚,等于一吨重的聪明。 One or two weight of sincerity is equal to a ton of wisdom.

2、一个快乐的人,不是得到的多,而是计较得少。 A happy person, not get more, but care less.

3、一忍可以克百勇,一静可以制百动。 One forbearance can conquer a hundred courage, and a stillness can restrain a hundred actions.

4、不是烦恼太多,而是心胸不够开阔。 It's not too much trouble, but not enough open-minded.

5、世间最强大的莫过于心灵的力量。 The most powerful thing in the world is the power of heart.

6、临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 It is better to retreat and form a net.

7、乌云上面就是太阳,困难背后隐藏成功。 Above the dark clouds is the sun, behind the difficulties lies the success.

8、人生,改变不了的事情,可以改变心态。 Life, can not change things, can change the mentality.

9、人要有毅力,否则将一事无成。 People should have perseverance, otherwise they will accomplish nothing.

10、健康的心灵,是幸福的源泉。 A healthy mind is the source of happiness.

11、健康的心理是人生成功进步的阶梯。 Healthy psychology is the ladder of success and progress in life.

12、健康良好的心理是取得成功的开端。 A healthy mind is the beginning of success.

13、劝君莫作亏心事,古往今来放过谁。 I advise you not to be guilty, who should be let go of all ages.

14、只有构筑起心理防线才坚不可摧。 Only by building up a psychological defense line can it be indestructible.

15、只要你有一颗平常心,就没有想不通的事。 As long as you have a normal heart, there is nothing you can't think of.

16、坚强不屈是英雄的品质,贪生怕死是懦夫的本性。 Being strong and unyielding is the quality of a hero, and being greedy of life and death is the nature of a coward.

17、坚韧之心,是成功的根基。 Perseverance is the foundation of success.

18、失之东隅,收之桑榆。 lose at sunrise and gain at sunset.

19、奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与从不同。 Struggle changes fate, dreams make us different.

20、好心情,会让你峰回路转。 In a good mood, it will turn you around.

21、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 If you are mentally prepared, everything is done.

22、心理健康,受益你我他。 Mental health benefits you, me and him.

23、悲观者横向比人生,乐观者纵向攀人生。 Pessimists compare life horizontally, optimists climb life vertically.

24、拥有健康的心理,才能拥有健康的人生。 Only with healthy psychology can we have a healthy life.

25、有健全的心理,争做健康的卫士。 Have sound psychology, strive to be a healthy guard.

26、正心以为本,修身以为基。 The right heart is the foundation, and self-cultivation is the foundation.

27、水激石则鸣,人激志则宏。 When water stirs stones, they sing; when men stir up ambition, they are great.

28、没有健康的心理,就没有健康的人生。 Without healthy psychology, there is no healthy life.

29、浇树浇根,知兵知心。 Water the tree and the root.

30、浪再大也在船底下,山再高也在人脚下。 No matter how big the waves are, they are under the bottom of the boat. No matter how high the mountains are, they are under people's feet.

31、滴水也能装满缸,慢火煮出好饴糖。 Water can also fill the jar, slow cooking out good caramel.

32、爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。 Those who love others will always love them; those who respect others will always respect them.

33、爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 Love all, trust a few, and live up to no one.

34、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。 Society is like a ship, everyone should be ready to steer.

35、精诚所至,金石为开。 With sincerity, gold and stone open.

36、给予别人成了一种生活方式。 Giving to others has become a way of life.

37、良好的个性胜于卓越的才智。 Good personality is better than excellent intelligence.

38、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Bitter medicine is good for disease, but bad advice is good for action.

39、踏着别人的足迹前行,永远找不到自己的足迹。 Follow the footprints of others and never find your own.

40、退一步海阔天空,让三分心平气和。 Take a step back, broad sea and sky, and let Sanfen be at peace.