1、一个科学家不能有任何偏见,我们不能被情绪而驱动。 A scientist can't be biased. We can't be driven by emotions.

2、与飞船保持距离,有一个带枪的*就足够了。 Keep a distance from the ship. A fool with a gun is enough.

3、人在低温的情况下不会做梦,六年的时间转瞬即逝。 People don't dream in low temperature. Six years is fleeting.

4、他已经死了,我知道这给所有人带来了巨大的麻烦。 He's dead, and I know it's a huge problem for everyone.

5、你什么都没有得到,继续跑。你为什么不带回来一些朋友。 You got nothing. Keep running. Why don't you bring back some friends.

6、你可以失败,但是你的态度不能倒下。 You can fail, but your attitude can't fall.

7、你就像一个孩子乱嚷嚷,根本不知道该做什么。 You're just like a child yelling, you don't know what to do.

8、你想要一个公平的交易,你来错星球了。 You want a fair deal. You're on the wrong planet.

9、你有三个月的时间,届时推土机将会到达那里。 You have three months, and the bulldozer will get there.

10、你看起来像件垃圾,你做事太极端了。 You look like a piece of rubbish. You are too extreme.

11、你真的很厉害,如果你不来我可能已经死了。 You are really good. If you don't come, I may be dead.

12、假如你有钱的话,他们可以帮你把脊髓医好。 If you have money, they can help you with your spinal cord.

13、地球人永远都学不会,你们不用心去感受。 People on earth will never learn. You don't feel it with your heart.

14、如果你们想活命,就一定要有坚毅的态度。 If you want to live, you must have a firm attitude.

15、我们的敌人就在外面,他们的火力很强大。 Our enemies are out there. They have a lot of firepower.

16、我原本要杀了他,但是我看见伊娃显现神迹。 I was going to kill him, but I saw EVA perform a miracle.

17、我只是想为了应该奋斗的事而奋斗。 I just want to fight for what I should fight for.

18、我只是想谢谢你,帮我杀了那些东西。 I just wanted to thank you for helping me kill those things.

19、我希望你知道,你刚又令你自己失去了一个顾客。 I want you to know that you just lost yourself another customer.

20、我必须相信我的身体才能去做任何困难的事。 I have to trust my body to do anything difficult.

21、我想你可能不明白我在说什么,但是…谢谢你。 I don't think you understand what I'm talking about, but thank you.

22、我的错,它们攻击我,怎么我倒成了坏人。 My fault, they attack me, how I become a bad person.

23、我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错? My fault? They attacked me first. How could it be my fault?

24、我需要一个研究员,不是锅盖头的前海军陆战队员。 I need a researcher, not a former Marine with pot head.

25、我骑马的技术可能不怎么样,但骑这个我可是天生的高手。 My riding skills may not be very good, but I'm a natural master.

26、所有的能量都是借来的,早晚有一天要还回去。 All the energy is borrowed and will be returned one day.

27、杰克!听我说!你还不适应你的阿凡达!这很危险! Jack! Listen to me! You're not used to your avatar yet! It's dangerous!

28、欢迎来到潘多拉,很高兴你们能来。 Welcome to Pandora. I'm glad you're here.

29、流浪汉、叛徒、异类,我成了一个被遗弃的人。 Tramp, traitor, alien, I became an abandoned person.

30、这个地球人,你为什么把他带到这里来? This earth man, why did you bring him here?