1、一个人如同一只钟表,是以他的行动来确定其价值。—佩恩{英国。 A man like a watch, is his action to determine its value. - Payne {Britain.

2、一个今天胜过两个明天。 One today is worth two tomorrow.

3、一个尝试错误的人生,不但比无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且更有意义。 A trial and error in life, not only more glory than an idle life, and it makes more sense.

4、人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。 Man can not live like beasts, should pursue knowledge and virtue.

5、人才难得又难知,就要爱惜人才,就要用人不疑。 Talent is rare and difficult to know, will cherish talents, employing not suspect.

6、人正确地用“才”并不难,难的是正确地用“德”。 People correctly use "to" is not difficult, difficult is to correctly use "DE".

7、人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的只有沿途的风景,以及看风景的心情。 Life is like a journey, don't need to care about the destination,only care about the scenery along the way, and the mood.上一页12下一页

8、人生就像一面镜子,你笑它也笑,你哭它也哭。 Life is like a mirror, you laugh it also laugh, you cry it also cry.

9、人生就像爬坡,要一步一步来。 Life is like climbing a hill, you must step by step.

10、人生最大的光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.

11、人生有一道难题,那就是如何使一寸光阴等于一寸生命。 Life is a puzzle, that is how to make one inch time is equal to one inch life.

12、人生有很多困难,只有你克服它,才能成功。 There are a lot of difficulties in life, only you overcome it, to be successful.

13、人若把自己框在一定的范围内,就容易限制自己的思维和格局。 If a man put his box in a certain range, easy to limit their thinking and pattern.

14、你的选择是做或不做,但不做就永远不会有机会。 Your choice is do or do not, but do not do will never have a chance.

15、你相信你行,你就活力无穷;你认为你自已不行,就会精神萎靡。 Do you believe that you do, you are infinite vitality; You don't think you can, you could have depression.

16、你知道的真多!知识真丰富!我们大家要向你学习! You know! Knowledge really rich! We all learn from you!

17、再耀眼的骄阳,也有落下来的时候,何况是人呢? Again the glare of the sun, also has fallen, and is a person?

18、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,成大事者不拘小节。 Rome was not built in a day, as informal events.

19、努力不一定获得成功,但不努力一定不会获得成功。顽强拼搏,直到成功的彼岸。 Efforts may not succeed, but don't work hard will not succeed. The other side of the tenacious struggle, until success.

20、十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这叫坚持。 Failing nineteen times and succeeding, twentieth this call.

21、千古圣贤豪杰,既奸雄欲有立志者,不外乎一个“勤”字。 Historic sages hero, either has the biography to aspire to, nothing more than a word "often".

22、只有忠实于事实,才能忠实于真理。 Only faithful to the facts, faithful to the truth.

23、只要你相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活。 As long as you believe in yourself, you will know how to live.

24、向自己奋斗目标飞奔的人,才是美好生活的播种者。 Runs out to their goals, the sower is a better life.

25、在奋斗的过程中,常会遭受挫折,惟有坚持到底,才会获得最后的成功。 In the process of struggle, often suffer setbacks, but stick to it, will get the final success.

26、在遥远的路,一步步也能走完;最近最短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 In the distant road, step by step, also can go out; Recently one of the shortest path, do not stride feet also cannot reach.

27、坚强并不只是在大是大非中不屈服,而也是在挫折前不改变自己。 Strong not only in the big is not not to yield, but also in front of the setback don't change yourself.

28、夜晚给老人带来平静,给年轻人带来希望。 Night to old people peace, hope for young people.

29、奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与众不同。 Striving to change destiny, the dream let us apart.

30、如果你想攀登**,切莫把彩虹当作*。 If you want to climb, don't put the rainbow as a ladder.

31、嫉妒别人,仇视异己,就等于把生命交给别人。 Envy others, hostile alien, is to give life to others.

32、学会妥协的同时,也要坚持自己最基本的原则。 Learn to compromise at the same time, also want to insist on their most basic principle.

33、学着看淡一些人和事物,这才是对自己最好的保护。 Learn to see light some people and things, this is the best protection.

34、对于不屈不挠的人来说,没有失败这回事。 For the persevering, no failure.

35、对待生命要认真,对待生活要活泼。 Treat life seriously, life is lively.

36、尽管我们用判断力思考问题,但最终解决问题的还是意志,而不才智。 Although we think in judgment problem, but in the end, or will, to solve the problem without wisdom.

37、当你停下来休息时,不要忘记,别人在奔跑。 When you stop to rest, don't forget, others in the running.

38、当你希望成功,当以恒心为良友。 When you wish to succeed, and perseverance as friend.

39、微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。 Smile than to frownlook good, request than reprimand angrily to the nature.

40、心有多大,舞台就有多大。思考的越多,得到的越多。因为思考可以释放能量。 How much heart, the stage has much. The more you think, the more you get. Because thinking can release energy.

41、感觉累的时候,也许你正处于人生的上坡路。 Feel tired, maybe you are in the ascent of life.

42、愤怒使别人遭殃,但受害最大的是自己。 Anger makes people suffer, but suffered the biggest is yourself.

43、懒惰受到的惩罚不仅仅是自己的失败,还有别人的成功。 Lazy punishment is more than just your failure, and the success of others.

44、成功之路只有一条,那就是准备,准备,再准备。 The road to success is only one, that's preparation, preparation, and preparation.

45、成功是魄力之学。 Success is the knowledge of assertiveness.

46、成功来自使我们成功的信念。 Success comes from the belief that we can.

47、成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。 The law of success is very simple, but simple doesn't mean easy.

48、成大事的方法多种多样,别不接受你看不惯的方法。 Into the event method is varied, don't accept the way you don't like.

49、我可能会对不起很多人,但不能对不起自己。 I may be sorry a lot of people, but it can't sorry myself.

50、或许,现在的他很平凡,但谁能说平凡中不孕育着伟大呢? Perhaps, now he is very ordinary, but who can say the ordinary gestates great?

51、所有的失败,与失去自己的失败比起来,更是微不足道。 All the failures, and lose your failure, are negligible.

52、把学问过于用作装饰是虚假;完全依学问上的规则而断事是书生的怪癖。 The learning too used as adornment is false; Fully in accordance with the rules of learning and a judge is a scholar of quirks.

53、无法兑现的诺言,一定要提前向有关人员解释清楚。 Can't keep promise, must explain to the authorities in advance.

54、无知识的人,其生命如同无叶子的树,缺少勃勃生机。 Without knowledge, life like a tree without the leaves, the lack of vitality.

55、无论何时,不管怎样,我也绝不允许自己有一点点心丧气。 No matter when, no matter how, I also never allow yourself to have a little heart.

56、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误一生的事。 Morning, miss a day, not learn at a young age, miss a lifetime.

57、明天,给自己一个新的开始。 Tomorrow, give yourself a new beginning.

58、有些东西当你不能在拥有的时候,你唯一可以做的就是不要忘记。 Some things when you can't have, the only thing you can do is not to forget.

59、有些路很远,走下去会很累,可是,不走,会后悔。 Some of the long way, it will be very tired, but, does not walk, will regret it.

60、有时候,不小心知道了一些事,才发现自己所在乎的事是那么可笑。 Sometimes, accidentally know some things, just discover oneself care about is so ridiculous.

61、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.

62、朋友是黑暗中的明月,书籍是心海里的航灯。 A friend is a bright moon in the dark, books is the heart of the sea navigation lights.

63、每一个人对明天都有所希望,每一个人对未来都有个目标和计划。 Each and every one of the both, hope for tomorrow every one of us has a target and plan for the future.

64、每一个成功者背后都留着你看不见的汗水。 Behind every successful man has can't you see the sweat.

65、每一天跨越自己多一段,每一天靠近远方多一点,至少我们曾用心去闯。 Each day across own a more, a little more every day close to the distance, at least we have to rush.

66、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。 Tell yourself once a day, I am really good.

67、没有比人更高的山,没有比心更宽的海,人是世界的主宰。 There is no higher mountain, no more than the heart wide sea, man is the master of the world.

68、爱心诚信是做人根本,求实谦虚为治学前提。 Love the integrity is fundamental, realistic research premise is humility.

69、爱惜衣裳要从新的时候开始,爱惜名誉要从幼小的时候开始。 When spare clothes to from a new start, cherish reputation should start from the time they are young.

70、理想的路总是为有信心的人预备着。 Road of ideal is always prepared for the confident person.

71、生命如同寓言, Life is like fable, its value is not and length, and with the content.

72、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself.

73、用自己的努力去赢得别人的尊敬。 With their own efforts to win the respect of others.

74、目标越明确,决心越好下,信心就越大,力量能用到点子上。 Goal is clear, determination, the better, the greater the confidence and strength to the point.

75、祸患多蕴藏在隐微地方,而发生在人们疏忽的时候。 Evillies more in quiet place, and when people neglect.

76、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 Poor and a stronger, don't drop the qingyun.

77、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。 Bitter think no hope, hard work look forward.

78、要听别人的意见,不管是好的还是坏的。 Listen to the opinions of others, whether good or bad.

79、要成功,先研究成功学。 To succeed, first research learning success.

80、许多潜意识觉得做不来而没去做的事情,都是我们对自己未知潜能的放弃。 Many unconscious thought can'tdo it and didn't go to do, are we to give up his unknown potential.

81、赏识导致成功,抱怨导致失败。 Recognition result in success, complain that lead to failure.

82、遇到困难时不要放弃,要记住,坚持到底就是胜利。 Encounter difficulties don't give up, remember, stick to it is victory.

83、随着我渐渐变老,我越来越少在意人们在说些什么。我只观察他们做什么。 As I get older, I care about what people are saying less and less. I just watch what they do.
