1、一个人的价值和评价在于心灵与意志。 A person's value and evaluation lies in his mind and will.

2、一个人的失败,是他自己的直接结果。 A man's failure is the direct result of his own.

3、丈夫贵不挠,成败何足论。 If a husband is not tenacious, what's the point of success or failure.

4、与其隐己之短,不如隐己之长。 It's better to conceal one's strong points than to conceal one's own shortcomings.

5、世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

6、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

7、世人历险如此,忍耐平夷在后头。 This is the adventure of the world; patience is behind.

8、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。 What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength.

9、为学正如撑上船,一篙不可放缓。 Learning is like getting on a boat. A penny can't be slowed down.

10、人才由磨炼而成。 Talent is honed.

11、人要经过一番苦难才能成才。 It takes a long time for a man to succeed.

12、只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。 Only in suffering can we know ourselves.

13、困难是一个严厉的老师。 Difficulty is a strict teacher.

14、困难是严正无比的教师。 The difficulty is a strict teacher.

15、困难是人的教科书。 Difficulties are human textbooks.

16、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。 Difficulties contain victory, failure breeds success.

17、天下决无一蹴即成之事。 Nothing in the world can be accomplished overnight.

18、天公把一种魅力隐藏在困难的事业。 God hides a charm in a difficult cause.

19、天才在于积累,聪明在于勤奋。 Genius lies in accumulation, and intelligence lies in diligence.

20、害怕攀登高峰的人,永远在山下徘徊。 Those who are afraid of climbing the mountain always linger at the foot of the mountain.

21、忍耐和专心,会使我们渡过难关。 Patience and concentration will pull us through.

22、恒心是达到目的地的捷径。 Perseverance is the shortcut to a destination.

23、患难及困苦,是磨炼人格的最高学府。 Adversity and hardship are the highest institutions of learning to temper one's personality.

24、意志来自道德感和自身利益这两个因素。 Will comes from moral sense and self-interest.

25、成功来自与克服困难的斗争。 Success comes from the struggle to overcome difficulties.

26、无论如何困难,不可求人怜悯! No matter how difficult it is, don't ask for mercy!

27、最困难之时,就是离成功不远之日。 The most difficult time is not far from success.

28、本领是从困难中学会的。 Skills are learned from difficulties.

29、没有多次失败,难得一次成功。 It's hard to succeed once without many failures.

30、生活中没有困难,未免过于平淡。 Life without difficulties is too plain.

31、耐心候好运,好运常会来。 Be patient with good luck. Good luck often comes.

32、艰难困苦,玉汝于成。 Difficulties and hardships make you a success.

33、苦难对于天才是一块垫脚石。 Suffering is a stepping stone to genius.

34、苦难过后,必有祝福。 After suffering, there will be blessings.

35、英雄常食苦难与试练的面包。 Heroes often eat bread of suffering and trial.

36、要想摘玫瑰,就得不怕刺。 If you want to pick roses, you must not be afraid of thorns.

37、许多赛跑的人失败,都是失败在最后几步。 Many of the runners who fail are defeated in the last few steps.

38、进步是今天的活动,明天的保证。 Progress is the activity of today and the guarantee of tomorrow.

39、逆境能打败弱者而造就强者。 Adversity can defeat the weak and make the strong.

40、道足以忘物之得春,志足以一气之盛衰。 Tao is enough to forget things and get spring, and ambition is enough to make one Qi prosperous and declining.