1、一分钟的成功,付出的代价却是好些年的失败。 A year's failure costs a lot.

2、一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。 One dollar a day, ten dollars a day. Water drips through the stone.

3、不付出劳动就不会有收获。 No gain without labor.

4、不受苦中苦,难得甜上甜。 It is hard to be sweet without suffering.

5、不经一番彻骨寒,哪有梅花扑鼻香? Without a bitter cold, how can there be plum blossom fragrance?

6、世上无难事只怕有心人。 Nothing in the world is difficult for those who have a mind.

7、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 There is no end to learning, and there is no end to learning.

8、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。 Business is often accomplished by perseverance and destroyed by impatience.

9、伟大的作品,不是靠力量而是靠坚持才完成的。 Great works are accomplished not by strength but by perseverance.

10、初中一粒粟,秋收万颗子。 One millet in junior high school, ten thousand seeds in autumn.

11、只要功夫深铁杵磨成针。 As long as Kung Fu, deep iron pestle is ground into a needle.

12、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron pestle is ground into a needle.

13、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。 As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of the distance.

14、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 If you eat bitterly, you will become a master.

15、吃的苦中苦,方为人上人。 If you eat bitterly, you will become a master.

16、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。 Those who avoid the reality will be less ideal in the future.

17、坚持者能在命运风暴中奋斗。 He who perseveres can struggle in the storm of fate.

18、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。 Ambition and perseverance are the two wings of a career.

19、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。 Boldness is the price of progress.

20、天才就是这样,终身努力便成天才。 That's what genius is. Lifelong effort is genius.

21、天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

22、失败就是迈向成功应付出的代价。 Failure is the price of success.

23、失败是块磨刀石。 Failure is a whetstone.

24、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 April showers bring May flowers.

25、少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤。 Young people do not work hard, old people sad.

26、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。 Success is not important, but hard work.

27、成功最终属于耐心等待得人。 Success ultimately belongs to those who wait patiently.

28、成功的秘诀在于永不改变既定的目标。 The secret of success is to never change your goals.

29、成功的秘诀端赖坚毅的决心。 The secret of success depends on perseverance.

30、我们能做到的,比想象的更多。 We can do more than we think.

31、春种一粒子,秋收万颗粮。 One grain is planted in spring and ten thousand grains are harvested in autumn.

32、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 A wise man asks for himself, a fool asks for others.

33、有志者事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way.

34、毅力是永久的享受。 Perseverance is a permanent enjoyment.

35、百败而其志不折。 If you lose a hundred times, you will never fail.

36、看日出必须守到拂晓。 Watch the sunrise until dawn.

37、精诚所至,金石为开。 With sincerity, gold and stone open.

38、经历沧桑的人是不会轻易气馁的。 People who have experienced vicissitudes will not be easily discouraged.

39、经历过;才会明白;有付出才有回报。 Experienced; will understand; has paid only then has the repayment.

40、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。 Patience and perseverance will always be rewarded.

41、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。 Patience is the foundation of all wisdom.

42、获取信用是要付出很高代价的。 It is very expensive to get credit.

43、要想获得什么,就看你付出什么。 What you want to get depends on what you give.

44、谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦! Who knows, the dish Chinese food, the grain is all laborious!

45、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。 Who gives me a drop of water, I will repay him the whole sea.

46、锲而不舍,金石可镂。 Perseverance is the key to success.

47、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 If you persevere, you will never break a rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone.

48、顽强的毅力可以克服任何障碍。 Perseverance can overcome any obstacle.

49、骆驼走得慢,但终能走到目的地。 The camel walked slowly, but it was able to reach its destination.