1、一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。 A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.

2、三伏有雨,好种荞麦。 There's rain in three seasons. Good buckwheat.

3、上钩钩云,地上雨淋淋。 On the hook of the cloud, rain on the ground.

4、不付出艰辛的劳动,怎能获得香甜的食物。 How can you get sweet food without hard work.

5、不勤于事贪酒杯,明日事情推后日。 If you are not diligent and greedy for wine, tomorrow's business will be postponed.

6、不怕人不敬,就怕己不正。 If you are not afraid of disrespect, you are afraid that you are not right.

7、不怕人不请,就怕艺不精。 I'm not afraid that people don't invite them, but I'm afraid they're not good at art.

8、与其悲叹自己的命运,不如相信自己的力量。 It is better to believe in your own strength than to lament your own destiny.

9、云低要雨,云高转晴。 Low clouds need rain, high clouds turn clear.

10、人怕信心齐,虎怕成群。 People are afraid of confidence, tigers are afraid of flocks.

11、人怕悲哀,树怕剥皮。 People are afraid of sorrow, and trees are afraid of peeling.

12、人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。 Life between heaven and earth, if the gap, suddenly just.

13、人瘦脸皮黄,地瘦少打粮。 People thin face yellow skin, thin ground, less grain.

14、会水水下死,浅水淹死人。 Will die under water, drown in shallow water.

15、信用是我生命中的血液,我绝不宣布破产。 Credit is the blood of my life. I will never declare bankruptcy.

16、修水库,有三好灌溉、养鱼、亮电泡。 To build a reservoir, there are three good irrigation, fish culture, bright electric bubble.

17、光阴似箭,日月如梭。 Time flies like an arrow.

18、冬草肥田,春草肥禾。 The winter grass fertilizes the field, and the spring grass fertilizes the grass.

19、十年树木,百年树人。 Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people.

20、卖主怪脚,买主怪鞋。 The seller blame the foot, the buyer blame the shoe.

21、南风刮到底,北风来还礼。 The south wind blows to the end, and the north wind returns the salute.

22、只给君子看门,不给小人当家。 Only for gentlemen, not for villains.

23、天不生无用之人,地不长无名之草。 Heaven does not give birth to useless people, and earth does not grow nameless grass.

24、好种出好苗,好树结好桃。 A good plant produces a good seedling, a good tree makes a good peach.

25、布衣暖,菜根香。 Warm cloth clothes, fragrant vegetable roots.

26、平路跌死马,浅水溺死人。 A horse falls on a level road and drowns in shallow water.

27、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门。 Perseverance sets up the road to heaven, courage opens the door of wisdom.

28、早晨东云长,有雨不过晌。 In the morning, there are long clouds in the East, but the rain doesn't reach noon.

29、时间匆匆流去,但回忆,永远存在。 Time goes by in a hurry, but memories always exist.

30、杨柳发青,百病皆生。 When willows are green, all diseases are born.

31、根不正,苗必歪,染坊拿不出白布来。 If the root is not right, the seedling will be crooked, and the dyeing house will not bring out the white cloth.

32、桃花开,杏花败,李子开花卖薹菜。 Peach blossom, apricot flower failure, plum blossom selling bolting vegetables.

33、泥鳅静,天气晴。 The loach is still and the weather is fine.

34、洼地种地瓜,十年九年瞎。 It's ten years and nine years' blindness to plant sweet potato in low-lying areas.

35、猪衔草,寒潮到。 The cold wave is coming.

36、看田选种,看种种田。 We should select the seeds according to the fields.

37、真的假不了,假的真不了。 It's not true. It's not true.

38、砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。 If the casserole is not rammed, the wood will not be cut through.

39、种子粒闰圆,禾苗根根壮。 The seeds are intercalated and round, and the roots of the seedlings are strong.

40、种庄稼怕误了节气,嫁姑娘怕选错女婿。 I'm afraid I'll miss the solar term by planting crops. I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong son-in-law if I marry a girl.

41、秤能称轻重,话能量人心。 The balance can weigh the weight, then the power of the heart.

42、肥多禾壮,奶多儿壮。 More fat, more milk.

43、节令不到,不知冷暖;人不相处,不知厚薄。 I don't know whether it's warm or cold when the season is not coming.

44、西北起黑云,雷雨必来临。 If there are black clouds in the northwest, thunderstorms will come.

45、谷雨下秧,大致无妨。 It's no harm to plant rice seedlings in the rain.

46、谷雨前后栽地瓜,最好不要过立夏。 It is better not to start summer when planting sweet potato before and after grain rain.

47、车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。 There must be a way to get to the front of the mountain.

48、过了河,忘了桥,愈了伤,忘了痛。 Cross the river, forget the bridge, heal the injury, forget the pain.

49、饼肥麦子羊粪谷,大粪高粱长得粗。 Cake fertilizer wheat, sheep dung Valley, dung sorghum grow thick.

50、鸿雁叫一声,穷汉吃一惊。 The wild goose cries, and the poor man is startled.

51、鼓不敲不响,理不辩不明。 If the drum does not beat, it will not sound.