1、不买珍稀木材,保护动物家园。 Do not buy rare wood and protect animal homes.

2、不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。 Do not eat the field chicken, protect the frog and protect the farmers.

3、不吃野味,莫为口腹之欲,去做饕餮之徒。 Don't eat wild food. Don't be a gluttonous person for the sake of stomachache.

4、为了美好的明天,请节约用水、爱护小动物、保护森林大自然。 For a better tomorrow, please save water, take care of small animals and protect forest nature.

5、亲爱的朋友们,让我们善待动物,珍爱每一种生命。 Dear friends, let us treat animals well and cherish every life.

6、人类怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待人类。 How humans treat animals, animals treat humans.

7、人类改造世界,它们丰富自然。 Human beings transform the world, they enrich nature.

8、保护动物吧,不然世界上的最后一种动物是人类。 Protect animals, or the last animal in the world is human.

9、保护动物就是,保护我们的同类。 Protecting animals is to protect our kind.

10、保护动物,与自然和谐。 Protect animals and harmony with nature.

11、保护动物,人人有责。 It is the responsibility of all to protect animals.

12、保护动物,从我做起。 Protect animals, start with me.

13、保护动物,就是保护我们自己。 Protecting animals is protecting ourselves.

14、保护动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect animals and maintain ecological balance.

15、保护珍稀动物,关注地球生态。 Protect rare animals and pay attention to the earth ecology.

16、保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。 Protect wildlife, not fight birds, don't catch snakes, don't catch frogs.

17、保护野生动物,共建美丽福建。 Protect wildlife and build a beautiful Fujian Province.

18、保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。 Protecting wildlife is to care for human beings.

19、保护野生动物,是人类更好的选择。 Protecting wildlife is a better choice for human beings.

20、保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect wildlife and maintain ecological balance.

21、保护鸟类保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect birds, protect wildlife and maintain ecological balance.

22、保护鸟类,为环境增姿添彩。 Protect birds and add color to the environment.

23、保护鸟类,保护生物多样性。 Protect birds and biodiversity.

24、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责。 It is the responsibility of all to protect birds and wildlife.

25、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Protect birds, protect wildlife, and maintain ecological balance.

26、关注候鸟,保护环境。 Pay attention to migratory birds and protect the environment.

27、关爱动物,保护人类的朋友。 Love animals and protect human friends.

28、关爱动物,关爱我们共同的世界。 Love animals, love our common world.

29、关爱野生动物,保护完美家园。 Love wildlife and protect the perfect home.

30、关爱野生动物,保护美好家园。 Care for wildlife and protect a beautiful home.

31、动物也是有生命的,请保护动物。 Animals also have life. Please protect them.

32、动物和咱是一家,保护动物靠大家。 Animals and we are a family, protecting animals depends on everyone.

33、动物是人类的好朋友,它们是自然的精灵。 Animals are good friends of human beings, they are natural elves.

34、动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧。爱护动物人人有责。 Animal is a friend of human beings. Please take care of it. It is the responsibility of people to take care of animals.

35、动物是人类的第二,请大家来保护它们。 Animals are the second of human beings. Please come and protect them.

36、同一个蓝天下,和谐相处,保护动物,人人有责。 Under the same blue sky, it is the responsibility of people to get along harmoniously and protect animals.

37、同在地球上,共享大自然。 Share nature with the earth.

38、同在蓝天下,人鸟共家园。 In the blue sky, people and birds share their homes.

39、同建绿色温馨家园,共享清澈碧水蓝天。 Build a green and warm home with you, share clear, clear, blue sky.

40、善待动物,和谐生存。 Treat animals well and live harmoniously.

41、地球上没有动物,就是一个没有活力的世界。 There is no animal on the earth, it is a world without vitality.

42、尊重生命,从善待小动物开始。 Respect life, start with being nice to small animals.

43、希望的眼眸,不只你拥有。 Hope of the eyes, not only you have.

44、我们也是动物,请善待动物。 We are also animals. Please treat animals well.

45、拒食野生动物,维护生态平衡。 We should resist wildlife and maintain ecological balance.

46、无数事实证明,人类与动物共存亡。 Countless facts have proved that human beings and animals are living together.

47、每一个生命都值得尊重,请爱护动物。 Every life is worth respecting. Please take care of animals.

48、每一种动物,或大或小,却都演绎着生命的传奇故事。 Every animal, big or small, is a legend of life.

49、爱护动物,就是爱护我们自己。 To love animals is to love ourselves.

50、爱护动物,珍惜生命。 Cherish animals and life.

51、爱护鸟儿吧。不要让树木感到孤独。 Take care of the birds. Don't let the trees feel lonely.

52、珍惜爱护野生动物,是人类应尽的职责。 It is the duty of human beings to cherish and cherish wildlife.

53、维护生态平衡,保护动物。 Maintain ecological balance and protect animals.

54、若不具备条件,切勿饲养动物。 Do not raise animals if they are not qualified.

55、莫去江河钓鱼,不与水鸟争食。 Don't go fishing in rivers, and don't fight with waterfowls.

56、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。 Pursue green fashion and embrace green life.

57、野生动物如此多娇,引无数英雄尽眼红。 Wild animals are so delicate that they attract countless heroes to the eye.

58、野生动物是人类的朋友。 Wildlife is a friend of mankind.

59、野生动物是人类的朋友,保护是最好的选择。 Wildlife is a friend of mankind, and protection is the best choice.

60、鸟是害虫的。天敌,鸟是人类的益友。 Birds are pests. Natural enemy, bird is a friend of mankind.