1、一朝天子一朝臣,一辈新鲜一辈陈。 A son of heaven, a courtier, a new generation, a Chen.

2、万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明。 All things to persuade people not to hide ignorance, lift up three feet of God.

3、不怕山高,就怕脚软。 If you are not afraid of high mountains, you are afraid of soft feet.

4、世上若要人情好,赊去物件莫取钱。 If you want a good relationship in the world, don't take money from things on credit.

5、世上闲愁千万斛,不教一点上眉端。 There are thousands of idle worries in the world, and you can't teach a little about it.

6、为人不见面,见面去一半。 If you don't meet, go half way.

7、书中有真就有假,世人认假不认真。 If there is truth in the book, there is falsehood. The world does not take it seriously.

8、人不求人一般高,水不下滩一层平。 People don't ask for people to be tall, but the beach is flat.

9、人到弯腰处,不得不低头。 When a man stoops, he has to bow his head.

10、人多没好汤,猪多没好糠。 Many people have no good soup, and pigs have no good chaff.

11、人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺。 The evil man is afraid of heaven, but the good man does not deceive the heaven.

12、人情莫道春光好,只恐秋来有冷时。 There is no way to be friendly in spring, for fear of cold in autumn.

13、人生七十古来稀,问君还有几春秋。 Seventy years of life is rare since ancient times. I ask you how much spring and autumn there are.

14、人生何处不相逢,莫因小怨动声色。 Where life does not meet, not because of small resentment.

15、今日有酒今朝醉,明天倒灶喝凉水。 Today there is wine, today drunk, tomorrow pour stove drink cold water.

16、入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀。 I'm not afraid to hurt a tiger in the mountains, but I'm afraid that human feelings can be dealt with on both sides.

17、刚离虎口,又遇豺狼。 Just left the tiger mouth, meet jackal again.

18、刹人可恕,情理难容。 It's hard to be forgiven for breaking up.

19、劈柴看纹理,讲话凭道理。 Cut wood to see the texture, speak with reason.

20、各处各乡俗,一处一规矩。 The local customs are different everywhere, and each place has its own rules.

21、君子修道和立德,不为窘困而改节。 A gentleman cultivates morality and morality, and does not change stances for the sake of embarrassment.

22、堂上二老是活佛,何用灵山朝世尊。 There are two living Buddhas in the hall. Why do you use Lingshan emperor.

23、好义固为人所钦,贪利乃为鬼所笑。 Good righteousness is admired by people, but greed for profit is laughed at by ghosts.

24、好搞溜须拍马,必有弄虚作假。 If you like to flatter others, you will have to cheat.

25、好话不背人,背人没好话。 Good words don't back people, but back people don't have good words.

26、如若十分都使尽,远在儿孙近在身。 If you use all of them, you will be far away from your children and grandchildren.

27、娃娃当家,饿死全家。 When the baby is in charge, the whole family is starved to death.

28、将军不下马,各自奔前程。 The generals did not dismount, but went their own way.

29、得宠思辱,居安思危。 When you are in favor, you should think of disgrace; when you are in peace, you should think of danger.

30、放着快活不会享,何苦自已寻烦恼。 If you don't enjoy it, why bother yourself.

31、无求到处人情好,不饮随它酒价高。 There is no need to go everywhere. If you don't drink it, the price of wine will be high.

32、旦不恋生,班子要崩。 If you don't love life, the team will collapse.

33、是非只为多开口,烦恼皆因强出头。 Right and wrong just for more mouth, worry all because of strong.

34、求人难如求天,使人不如使己。 It is as difficult to ask for others as it is to seek heaven.

35、洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。 Wedding night, when the gold medal.

36、浮云世态纷纷变,秋草人情日日疏。 Floating clouds have changed the state of the world, autumn grass human relations day by day sparse.

37、由来富贵三更梦,何必楚楚苦用心。 There is no need to be careful and painstaking in the dream of wealth and honor.

38、知恩报恩天下少,反面无情世间多。 There are few people in the world who know how to repay their kindness, but there are many in the world on the contrary.

39、秋至满山皆秀色,春来无处不花香。 From autumn to the mountains are beautiful, spring is everywhere flowers.

40、纵令然诺暂相许,终是悠悠路行心。 Even if the promise is temporary, it's a long way to go.

41、自古英雄惜好汉,从来才子惜佳人。 Since ancient times, heroes cherish heroes, but talented people cherish beauties.

42、蜂多出王,人多出将。 More bees make kings, more men produce generals.

43、见庙就烧香,见佛就磕头。 When you see a temple, you burn incense; if you see a Buddha, you kowtow.

44、谁人背后无人说,那个人前不说人。 No one says behind his back, but he doesn't talk about people in front of him.

45、钱到了赌场,人到了法场。 Money goes to the casinos, and people to the law courts.

46、鬼神可敬不可谄,怨家宜解不宜结。 Ghosts and gods should be respected and not flattered, and resentment should be solved rather than ended.

47、鼓破乱人捶,墙倒众人推。 When the drum is broken, people will beat it, and when the wall falls, everyone will push it.

48、龙泪落地,亢旱三年。 The dragon's tears fell to the ground, and the drought lasted three years.