1、一念起,天涯咫尺;一念灭,咫尺天涯。 Once read, the world is within reach; once read out, it is so close to the end of the world.

2、不开心就不要埋的太深啦,坏情绪是会发芽的。 If you are not happy, don't bury it too deeply. Bad mood will sprout.

3、不要让太多昨天占据你的今天! Don't let too many yesterday occupy your today!

4、人心里有了爱,无论深浅,都会热别勇敢。 People with love in their hearts, no matter how deep or shallow, will be hot, do not be brave.

5、人真无趣,抱怨的十有八九是爱情。 People are really boring, nine out of ten complain about love.

6、今当永诀,告诉桃花不要再开了。 Now let's say goodbye and tell the peach blossom not to bloom again.

7、他让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅。 He makes you red eyes, but you still smile and forgive.

8、你不懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过。 You do not understand my silence, and how will you know my sadness.

9、你可以说走就走,而我却不能说挽留就挽留。 You can leave as soon as you say, but I can't say to stay.

10、你就像烈酒,喝了醉生梦死,不喝难解忧愁。 You are like a strong drink, drunk to death, do not drink difficult to solve sorrow.

11、你所有的痛苦都是活该,谁叫你自己想不开。 You deserve all your pain. You can't think of it.

12、你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是。 You have a new love. I'm not even an old one.

13、你的善心从来不该惯着不识好歹的人。 You are never used to good or evil.

14、你的眼睛里有海,烟波蓝,两颗黑瞳是害羞的。 You have sea in your eyes, blue smoke wave, two black pupil is shy.

15、做个女汉子,谁把你当备胎,你就让谁爆胎。 To be a woman, you'll let the tire blow out if you are the spare tire.

16、全天下最好的东西都应该归我所有,包括你! The best things in the world should belong to me, including you!

17、关于我们的一生,已经永远失落。 About our life, has been lost forever.

18、其实我也会痛,只是你不会在意。 In fact, I will also hurt, but you will not care.

19、冬天来了,没人给我织围巾,自我买一条去。 When winter comes, no one weaves a scarf for me and buys one for myself.

20、别在我面前犯贱,告诉你,你还没那个资格。 Don't be mean in front of me, tell you, you are not qualified.

21、又或是我一生情赴你生死火,泪泪为君伤奈何。 Or is it my life and death fire, tears for your injury.

22、只怪相遇太美,美到我忘了我们有多不可能。 It's just that the meeting is so beautiful that I forget how impossible we are.

23、听着美妙的歌声,只能平静自己的心情。 Listen to the wonderful song, can only calm their own mood.

24、回忆之所以是回忆,因为是回不去的记忆。 Memories are memories, because they are memories that can't go back.

25、回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

26、多少人对你说不能没有你,后来他们在哪里。 How many people told you they couldn't live without you, and then they were there.

27、多照照镜子,很多事情你就明白原因了。 Look in the mirror more, and you will understand the reason for many things.

28、天上星星那么多,地上真心人没几个。 There are not so many stars in the sky.

29、她的心,还是这么冷,也许,我的温暖还不够。 Her heart, still so cold, maybe, my warmth is not enough.

30、姑娘,一个人,没啥,拼的就是坚强。 Girl, a person, nothing, fight is strong.

31、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 The first impression of you is unforgettable for a long time.

32、彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单,如此难。 Love each other is happiness, so simple, so difficult.

33、忘不了你,放不过我自己。 I can't forget you. I can't let myself go.

34、忘记一个人挺简单的:不要见,不要贱。 Forget a person is very simple: do not see, do not cheap.

35、愿你一生勇敢且温柔,有爱可寻亦有梦可追。 May your life be brave and gentle, with love and dreams.

36、愿你习惯曲终人散,不再为谁独悲欢。 May you get used to the end of the song, no longer for whom alone sad.

37、愿你孤独岁月有人陪,敬我余生悲喜有人听。 May you have someone to accompany you in the lonely years. I'd like to have someone listen to me for the rest of my life.

38、愿所有梦见远方的人,心有惊雷,生似静湖。 May all those who dream of the distance have thunder in their hearts and live like a lake of tranquility.

39、我在幸福的门外,却壹直都进不来。 I'm outside the door of happiness, but I can't get in.

40、我壹直在你身後,而你却从未回头。 I'm always behind you, but you never look back.

41、我好心好意说你丑,你为什么生气。 I'm kind enough to say you're ugly. Why are you angry.

42、我想对药说一句,情若能自控我要你又有何用。 I want to say to the medicine, if you can control the situation, what's the use of you.

43、我把微笑送给你,我把悲伤留给了自己。 I give you a smile, I leave my sadness to myself.

44、所有眉宇间的故事,不是深情就是辜负。 All the stories between the eyebrows are either affectionate or disappointed.

45、所有艰难困苦的到来,只是为了成为过去。 All difficulties and hardships come just to become the past.

46、拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 With your beautiful love, the sun will always be bright.

47、曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过你一句好聚好散。 Once the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, but you are good to gather and disperse.

48、有些东西,即使失去了也不会后悔。 Some things, even if lost, will not regret.

49、沉默不是我懦弱,而是我觉得你没资格。 Silence is not my cowardice, but I think you are not qualified.

50、活着不仅需要氧气,更需要勇气,还得霸气。 To live needs not only oxygen, but also courage and domineering.

51、生活不是电影,不会有那么多的不期而遇。 It's not so much of a movie.

52、等一场雪落,等一株花开,等一个人归。 Waiting for a snow fall, waiting for a flower to bloom, waiting for a person to return.

53、被寂寞溺死的爱情,成了泪海中的浮尸。 Drowned by loneliness, love has become a floating corpse in the sea of tears.

54、要有想赢的心,但也要有直面失败的勇气。 Have the heart to win, but also the courage to face failure.

55、觉得不想去打扰你,又不想违背自己的心。 I don't want to disturb you, and I don't want to go against my heart.

56、请不要把我对你的容忍,当成你不要脸的资本。 Please don't take my tolerance to you as your shameless capital.

57、运气是失败者的借口,运气是成功者的谦辞。 Luck is the excuse of the loser, and luck is the humility of the winner.

58、这世界是你的遗嘱,而我是你唯一的遗物。 The world is your will, and I am your only legacy.

59、那些让你睡不着的心事,都会变成天上的星星。 Those things that keep you awake will become stars in the sky.

60、长得漂亮是你们的优势,活得漂亮是我的本事。 To be beautiful is your advantage, and to live well is my skill.