1、一人传虚,百人传实。 One person tells the truth, one hundred people tell the truth.

2、一思尚存,此志不懈。 When we think about it, we will persevere.

3、一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理。 For a moment strength lies in strength, and for all time success lies in reason.

4、一等二靠三落空,一想二干三成功。 First class, second class and third class fail, and second class succeeds.

5、丈夫之志,能屈能伸。 Husband's ambition is resilient.

6、不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。 If you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afraid of short ambition.

7、不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。 It is not circumstances that make people, but man-made circumstances.

8、与其坐而言,不如起而行。 It's better to go up than sit down.

9、为学须先立志。 In order to learn, one must first make up one's mind.

10、交人交心,浇花浇根。 Make friends, watering flowers and roots.

11、人多出正理,谷多出好米。 More people make sense, more grain makes good rice.

12、人怕没志,树怕没皮。 People are afraid of losing their ambition and trees are afraid of losing their bark.

13、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The great cause of life is not to know, but to be able to do.

14、以势服人口,以理服人心。 To subdue the population by force and the people by reason.

15、任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台。 Let the wind and waves rise, sit on the fishing platform steadily.

16、勤奋是聪明的土壤,勤学是聪明的钥匙。 Diligence is the soil of wisdom. Diligence is the key to wisdom.

17、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 Do not let evil be small, or good be small.

18、千里之行,始于足下。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

19、只可劝人家圆,不可劝人家离。 We can only persuade others to be happy, but not to leave.

20、只有上不去的天,没有做不成的事。 There is nothing that can't be done except that it can't be done.

21、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。 When the external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be strengthened.

22、大王好见,小鬼难求。 King is good to see, but little devil is hard to ask.

23、大老爷丢签,老百姓啃砖。 The old man lost his signature and the common people chewed bricks.

24、天下的弓都是弯的,世上的理都是直的。 The bows of the world are bent, and the principles of the world are straight.

25、好事多磨,善行多难。 Good deeds are hard, but good deeds are hard.

26、好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。 A good man does everything to the end, and a good horse runs to the end.

27、娘痛儿,路样长;儿痛娘,线样长。 Niang Tong Niang, the road is long; Niang Tong Niang, the line is long.

28、学成巧,总是巧;装成巧,惹人笑。 Learning to be smart is always smart; pretending to be smart makes people laugh.


30、小人记仇,君子长志。 Villagers bear grudges, gentlemen have long aspirations.

31、心志要坚,意趣要乐。 Keep your mind strong and have fun.

32、怕走崎岖路,莫想攀**。 Fear of rough roads, do not want to climb the peak.

33、成人不自在,自在不成人。 Adults are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

34、日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。 Day by day, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not afraid of thousands of things.

35、有志不在年高,有理不在会说。 The ambition is not in old age, the reason is not to say.

36、有斧砍得树倒,有理说的不倒。 If an axe chops down a tree, it is reasonable not to fall.

37、有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。 Fate thousands of miles to meet, no chance to know each other.

38、有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。 When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time is nowhere to be found.

39、树老根多,人老识多。 There are many roots in trees, but many people know.

40、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every hard work, there must be double reward.

41、水退石头在,好人说不坏。 When the water recedes and the stone is there, the good man can't say bad.

42、煮饭要放米,讲话要讲理。 Cook rice and speak reasonably.

43、牛不知角弯,马不知脸长。 Cows don't know the corners, horses don't know the faces.

44、牛无力拖横耙,人无理说横话。 Cows can't drag the rake and people can't talk nonsense.

45、猫鼠不同眠,虎鹿不同行。 Cats and mice sleep differently, tiger and deer do differently.

46、用人不疑,疑人不用。 No doubt about the employer, no doubt about the suspect.

47、男儿出门志,不独为谋身。 A man's ambition to go out is not just for his own sake.

48、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。 Seeing is better than hearing, doing is better than seeing.

49、直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。 Straight as a vermilion rope, clear as a jade jug ice.

50、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 To know is to know, not to know is to know.上一页12下一页 It is better to lend a hand than to open up the trapped population.

51、砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。 The casserole won't break, the wood won't cut.

52、穷人求饭吃,富人胀破肚。 The poor beg for food and the rich burst their bellies.

53、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。 Old beef has a chewing head, old people have a listening ear.

54、自己打败自己的远远多于比别人打败的。 They defeat themselves far more than others.

55、若无松柏志,超越不为高。 Without pines and cypress aspirations, transcendence is not high.

56、药不治假病,酒不解真愁。 Drugs do not cure false diseases, but wine does not solve real worries.

57、菜没盐无味,话没理无力。 The dishes are tasteless and salt-free, and the words are unreasonable and powerless.

58、虚心万事能成,自满十事九空。 Everything can be done with an open mind, and nothing can be done with complacency.

59、要为天下奇男子,须历人间万里程。 To be a man of wonder in the world, one must go through thousands of miles in the world.

60、要得惊人艺,须下苦功夫。 It takes a lot of hard work to be amazing.

61、要打当面鼓,不敲背后锣。 We should beat drums in front ofus, not gongs behind us.

62、让人一寸,得理一尺。 Let people one inch, reasonable one foot.

63、路是人开的,树是人栽的。 The road is opened by man, and the tree is planted by man.

64、路是走熟的,事是做顺的。 The road is familiar and everything goes smoothly.

65、远亲不如近邻,近邻不抵对门。 A distant relative is better than a nearest neighbour, and a nearest neighbour does not come to the opposite door.

66、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。 If the bell does not ring, one cannot learn.

67、飞蛾扑火,非死不止。 The moth will not stop fighting the fire.

68、骐骥筋力成,志在万里外。 Qianjinsheng is strong and ambitious.

69、骑马莫怕山,行船莫怕滩。 Riding horses are not afraid of mountains, sailing boats are not afraid of beaches.
