1、不忘初心、不改初衷、不失信仰、不丢理想。 Do not forget the original intention, do not change the original intention, do not lose faith, do not lose ideals.
2、任务来了往前冲,困难当前迎着上,挫折面前担得起。 The task has come to rush forward, the difficulties are facing up, and the setbacks are affordable.
3、偶像是大师,偶像是榜样。偶像是崇拜,偶像是模仿。 Idols are masters, idols are role models. Idols are worship, idols are imitation.
4、冬雪,像鹅绒,像柳絮,又像云朵,轻轻的飞舞着。 Winter snow, like velvet, like catkins, like clouds, flying gently.
5、凶恶也是一种缺点,一种悲观,一种*! Ferocity is also a defect, a pessimism, a blasphemy!
6、创新需要智慧;创新需要头脑;创新需要灵感。 Innovation needs wisdom; innovation needs brains; innovation needs inspiration.
7、合作必须真诚;合作必须愉快;合作必须长远。 Cooperation must be sincere; cooperation must be pleasant; cooperation must be long-term.
8、团结是万众之心,团结是钢铁长城,团结是力之源! Unity is the heart of all, unity is the great wall of steel, unity is the source of strength!
9、多清澈的水,多冰凉的水,多阴柔的水。 How clear water, how cold water, how soft water.
10、天是那么威严,山是那么雄伟,水是那么深邃。 The sky is so majestic, the mountain is so majestic, the water is so profound.
11、天是那么高,山是那么远,水是那么深。 The sky is so high, the mountain is so far, the water is so deep.
12、天空是那样的静谧,那样的湛蓝,那样的让人心醉。 The sky is so quiet, so blue, so intoxicating.
13、太阳,多么温暖!多么明亮!多么辉煌! How warm the sun is! How bright! How brilliant!
14、她没有生气,只有担忧,只有心痛,只有后悔。 She was not angry, only worried, only heartache, only regret.
15、学习新知识、增长新本领、创造新业绩。 Learn new knowledge, increase new skills and create new achievements.
16、实践在创新、制度在创新、理论也在创新。 Practice is innovating, system is innovating and theory is innovating.
17、家是温暖的港湾,家是幸福的源泉,家是心灵的寄托。 Home is a warm harbor, the source of happiness, and the sustenance of the soul.
18、家是温暖的港湾,是一生的眷念,是奋斗不息的动力。 Home is a warm harbor, a lifelong memory, and a driving force for constant struggle.
19、小敏越来越聪明,越来越懂事,越来越漂亮。 Xiaomin is getting smarter, more sensible and more beautiful.
20、小河里有你的影子,有他的影子,还有我的影子。 There is your shadow, his shadow and my shadow in the river.
21、小河里有垃圾袋,有塑料瓶,还有臭袜子。 There are garbage bags, plastic bottles and smelly socks in the river.
22、尝试是锻炼,尝试是培养,尝试是起点。 Try is exercise, try is training, try is the starting point.
23、我们仍然活着,我们仍然年轻,我们仍然坚持着! We're still alive, we're still young, we're still holding on!
24、我渴望蓝天,我渴望飞翔,我渴望一片*的天地。 I long for the blue sky, I long for flying, I long for a free world.
25、把握整体脉络、理解真谛要义、掌握基本观点。 Grasp the overall context, understand the essence, master the basic point of view.
26、掌声是喝彩、掌声是鼓励、掌声更是文明。 Applause is applause, applause is encouragement, applause is civilization.
27、日出是美丽的,日出是壮观的,日出是漫长的。 The sunrise is beautiful, spectacular and long.
28、时间是生命;时间是效率;时间是速度。 Time is life; time is efficiency; time is speed.
29、时间是生命;时间是金钱;时间是力量。 Time is life; time is money; time is power.
30、春天来了,桃树红了,梨树白了,杏树也开花了。 Spring is coming, peach trees are red, pear trees are white, and apricot trees are blooming.
31、春天的花真美,有红的、有黄的、有白的、有紫的。 The flowers in spring are so beautiful. They are red, yellow, white and purple.
32、春雨,像牛毛、像花针、像细丝,密密地斜织着。 Spring rain, like ox hair, like flower needles, like fine silk, tightly woven obliquely.
33、智慧是钥匙,智慧是帆船,智慧是风筝 Wisdom is the key, sailing boat and kite
34、月季花那样得娇艳,那样得可爱,又那样得平常。 The rose flowers are so delicate, so lovely, and so common.
35、机会,带给人以期待,送给人以热情,带给人以痛苦。 Opportunity brings people expectation, enthusiasm and pain.
36、果园里有许多果子,有樱桃、有苹果、还有梨子。 There are many fruits in the orchard, including cherries, apples and pears.
37、母校是避风的港湾;是我们的故乡;是童年的回忆。 Alma mater is a harbor for shelter, our hometown and childhood memory.
38、水清澈明净,水温柔靓丽,水宁静圣洁。 The water is clear and clear, gentle and beautiful, and peaceful and holy.
39、汉字是结构严谨的,是形态优美的,是寓意丰富的。 Chinese characters are rigorous in structure, beautiful in form and rich in meaning.
40、满天的星星是那么璀璨,那么浩繁,那么神秘。 The stars are so bright, so vast, so mysterious.
41、环境越来越糟,噪音越来越闹,绿色越来越少。 The environment is getting worse, the noise is getting louder, and the green is getting less and less.
42、理清工作思路、把控工作节奏、破解矛盾困难。 Clarify the working ideas, control the working rhythm and solve the contradictions.
43、用实用的办法,干实在的事情,求真实的效果。 Use practical methods to do real things and seek real results.
44、痛苦是药的苦,是冬的寒,是夏的燥。 Pain is the pain of medicine, the cold of winter and the dryness of summer.
45、目光像鞭策的话;目光像火热的爱;目光像锋利的剑。 Eyes are like words of spur; eyes are like hot love; eyes are like sharp swords.
46、知识是面包,知识是牛奶,知识是甘露。 Knowledge is bread, knowledge is milk, knowledge is dew.
47、科学是知识的源泉,是智慧的结晶,是文明的象征。 Science is the source of knowledge, the crystallization of wisdom and the symbol of civilization.
48、等待是喜悦,等待是焦急,等待是希望。 Waiting is joy, waiting is anxiety, waiting is hope.
49、*像雄鹰,*像云,*像风。 Freedom is like an eagle, freedom is like a cloud, freedom is like a wind.
50、苦难是财富,苦难是洗礼,苦难是哲理。 Suffering is wealth, suffering is baptism, suffering is philosophy.
51、讲忠诚、讲打赢、讲严实、讲创新、讲奉献。 We should pay attention to loyalty, win-win, strictness, innovation and dedication.
52、诚信是金,诚信是银,诚信是每个人心里的金和银。 Honesty is gold, honesty is silver, honesty is gold and silver in everyone's heart.
53、谦虚使人进步,谦虚使人成长,谦虚使人收获更多。 Modesty makes people progress, modesty makes people grow, modesty makes people gain more.
54、这朵花是多么鲜艳,多么芬芳,多么惹人喜爱呀! How bright, how fragrant, how lovely the flower is!
55、这里的水好清啊,这里的水好蓝啊,这里的水好美呀。 The water here is so clear, the water here is so blue, and the water here is so beautiful.
56、适应新岗位、站上新平台、迎接新挑战、创造新业绩。 Adapt to new posts, stand on new platforms, meet new challenges and create new achievements.
57、那一朵朵盛开的牡丹花似麦浪;似朝霞;似海洋。 The blooming peonies are like wheat waves, the morning glow and the ocean.
58、长城像蜿蜒的巨龙,像金色的项链,像长长的扁担。 The Great Wall is like a serpentine dragon, a golden necklace and a long shoulder pole.
59、高起点开局、高标准建设、高效率推进。 High starting point, high standard construction and high efficiency promotion.
60、高起点谋划、高标准推进、高质量落实。 High starting point planning, high standard promotion and high quality implementation.