1、不管每天的工作有多累,回家看到宝贝的那一刻,是什么都换不回的欢喜。 No matter how tired the work is every day, when I go home and see my baby, I can't change anything back.
2、为孩子们的成长自豪,为孩子们的将来祈祷! Proud of the growth of children, pray for the future of children!
3、乐观的生活,不要被困难挡住了视线,不要夸大生活中的阴暗面。 Optimistic life, do not be blocked by difficulties, do not exaggerate the dark side of life.
4、亲爱的孩子们,去飞吧,飞向属于你的那片天空吧! Dear children, fly to the sky that belongs to you!
5、亲爱的孩子,希望你能一辈子心平气和地去奋斗。 Dear child, I hope you can fight peacefully all your life.
6、你的成长像是拔节的玉米秆儿,每长高一节,你就长大了一岁。 Your growth is like a corn stalk. You will grow up one year with each node.
7、只有多读书,才能使你触摸更多的未知,培养更多的兴趣,拓展人生的宽度。 Only by reading more books can you touch more unknowns, cultivate more interests and expand the width of your life.
8、孩子,书是我们的良师益友。 Children, books are our good teachers and helpful friends.
9、孩子,人生在世,健康是福,平安是福。没有这些,其他一切都无从谈起。 Happiness in the world, peace in life, and children's health. Without these, nothing else can be said.
10、孩子,我希望你是个踏实的人。 I hope you're a down-to-earth person.
11、孩子,我希望你自始至终都是一个理想主义者。 Kid, I want you to be an idealist all the time.
12、宝贝你的可爱,治愈一切不可爱,生日快乐,我的宝贝。 Baby your lovely, cure all not lovely, happy birthday, my baby.
13、宝贝,在以后的人生里,妈妈希望你能更加坚强、更加隐忍、更加智慧。 Baby, in the future life, my mother hopes you can be stronger, more patient and more intelligent.
14、希望你将来也请不要吝啬你璀璨的笑容,让它填充你未来的每一天吧! I hope you will not be stingy with your bright smile in the future, let it fill your future every day!
15、希望你继续努力,争取更大的进步。 I hope you continue to work hard for greater progress.
16、希望你继续努力,相信你将会变得更棒。 I hope you continue to work hard, I believe you will become better.
17、希望我们永恒不变的爱能化作你发奋求知的动力,助你达到理想的彼岸。 I hope our everlasting love can turn into your motivation to strive for knowledge and help you reach your ideal destination.
18、志存高远天下走,不忘求实度春秋。天道酬勤是真理,坦荡面对展锋芒! Aim high and go all over the world, do not forget to be realistic in spring and autumn. Heaven rewards hard work is the truth, magnanimous in the face of zhanfengmang!
19、愿你今后在不断探索的日子里,天天都有新的收获! May you have new harvest every day in the days of continuous exploration in the future!
20、愿你付出之后享受收获的欢乐,掌握更多知识和本领! May you enjoy the joy of harvest and master more knowledge and skills after paying!
21、愿你们在这片乐土上健康快乐成长。 May you grow up healthily and happily in this happy land.
22、愿你拥有更多真挚的友谊,与朋友共成长! May you have more sincere friendship and grow up together with your friends!
23、愿你热爱读书,多读好书,收获满满。 I hope you love reading, read more good books, harvest full.
24、愿你爱惜自己的洁白无瑕,做一个有道德的人,让内心深处的光芒绽放。 May you cherish your innocence, be a moral person, and let the inner light bloom.
25、愿你身体健康,无病无灾,平安幸福! Wish you good health, no disease, no disaster, peace and happiness!
26、愿你通过自己不懈的努力,去照亮通往未来的征程。 May you light up the journey to the future through your unremitting efforts.
27、愿未来的日子,你能够健康快乐,平安的长大。 May you grow up healthy, happy and safe in the future.
28、每天做一点,并坚持下去。质变源于量变的积累,千里之行,始于足下。 Do a little every day and stick to it. Qualitative change comes from the accumulation of quantitative change. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
29、祝愿你健康快乐,拥有一个美好的童年。 I wish you a healthy and happy childhood.
30、衷心地祝贺你,用智慧、才情、胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。 I sincerely congratulate you on opening up your own land with wisdom, talent, courage and perseverance.