1、一句顺其自然,里面包含了我多少绝望和不甘心,如果你懂。 Let it be, it contains how much despair and unwillingness I have, if you understand.

2、一场说走就走的旅行,回来等着你的就是一段吃土的日子。 A walk on the road trip, back to wait for you is a period of time to eat soil.

3、人到了山穷水尽的地步,而能够自拔,才不算懦弱! People to the point of exhaustion, and can extricate themselves, is not cowardly!

4、仓山负雪,浮生尽歇。 Cangshan is full of snow.

5、任何的限制,都是从自我的内心开始的。 Any restriction starts from the inner self.

6、你一边讨厌着你现在的生活状态,一边懒散的混过每一天。 You hate your current life, while idling through every day.

7、你可以不看我,但不可以贬低我。 You can not look at me, but you can not belittle me.

8、你离开的时候,是否有回头看看落寞的我。 When you leave, do you look back at the lonely me.

9、你说世间什么最难熬,徒手摘星,还是爱而不得。 What do you say is the most difficult thing in the world, picking up stars with bare hands, or not with love.

10、你身边好拥挤,我没法靠近你。 It's so crowded around you that I can't get close to you.

11、傻瓜总是相信自己以外的人都是傻瓜。 A fool always believes that everyone else is a fool.

12、冥冥之中遇见你,原来不是不可以,原来只有你可以。 Meet you in the dark, it's not impossible, only you can.

13、别让最后成为孤独,我们之间不曾留恋。 Don't let the last become lonely, we never miss each other.

14、卑鄙的朋友,远比正直的敌人更可怕的多。 A mean friend is far more terrible than an honest enemy.

15、回首,留不住岁月;凝眸,牵不住时光。于是,微笑,释然。 Looking back, you can't keep the years; gazing, you can't hold the time. So, smile, release.

16、在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤伤伤! Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is hurt!

17、多少人在错误的时空,遇见对的人。 How many people meet the right people in the wrong time and space.

18、如果一个人秒回了你,也只能说明这个人在玩手机而已。 If a person seconds back to you, it only means that the person is playing with the mobile phone.

19、学会比以前快乐,即使难过,也要微笑着面对。 Learn to be happier than before. Even if you are sad, you should face it with a smile.

20、就算是美好的结局、也比不上没有结局。 Even a happy ending is not as good as no ending.

21、已经抬不起头了,好想躺下来好好休息,觉得一切可以慢慢来。 I can't lift my head. I really want to lie down and have a good rest. I think everything can be done slowly.

22、当一切都结束了,爱还在,这是最让人痛不欲生的事情。 When it's all over, love is still there, which is the most painful thing.

23、心如花,静若柳,动如风,醉一首诗,醉一阙词。 Heart like flowers, static like willows, moving like wind, drunk a poem, drunk a que word.

24、感情没有对与错,爱的最深的人总是先低头。 There is no right or wrong feeling, love the deepest people always bow first.

25、我不是不爱了只是不想再患得患失。 I don't love you anymore. I just don't want to worry about gain and loss.

26、我以为你不会忘记我,却不知你从未记住我。 I thought you would never forget me, but I don't know you never remember me.

27、我们始终都不会理解对方的感情,但却舍得彼此交付。 We will never understand each other's feelings, but we are willing to deliver each other.

28、我对老公这个角色的绝望。得过且过吧,对自己好才是真的好。 My despair for the role of husband. Just muddle along. It's really good to be good to yourself.

29、我将往事煮成茶,从此清苦不为它。 I'll make the past into tea, and I'll never forget it.

30、我已经哭的说不出话了,你却以为我在闹脾气。 I have cried speechless, but you think I'm in a temper.

31、我总爱跟你谈及宇宙温柔橘子汽水味儿的风和蓝色的落日。 I always love to talk to you about the universe, the gentle orange soda wind and the blue sunset.

32、我能陪你满腔豪迈与悲歌,陪你一生荣耀与坎坷。 I can accompany you full of heroic and sad songs, accompany you all your life glory and frustrations.

33、明知道最后受伤的依旧是我,但还是一如既往的选择相信你。 Know that the final injury is still me, but still as always choose to believe you.

34、最想的是你,最不敢打扰的也是你。 What I miss most is you, and what I dare not disturb most is you.

35、有时我也会难过,只是骄傲不让我说。 Sometimes I will be sad, just proud not to let me say.

36、毕竟她才是你的情深不寿,我只拥有着一轮无关风月的春秋。 After all, she is your deep love, I only have a round of spring and autumn.

37、没有什么是永远灿烂的,太阳都不能,更何况爱情。 Nothing is always brilliant, the sun can not, let alone love.

38、没有失败,只有停止成功。 There is no failure, only stop success.

39、爱很怪,开始什么都介意最后又什么都原谅。 Love is strange. At first, I mind everything, and at last, I forgive everything.

40、爱的时候不真心,忘的时候不真诚。 Love when not sincere, forget when not sincere.

41、生活从没放弃过喜欢你,只是从浓烈变成无声无息。 Life has never given up like you, just from strong to silent.

42、生活归于平淡,没有惊喜,没有意外。 Life is plain, no surprise, no accident.

43、生活是一场自导自演的电影,是悲剧还是喜剧都由自己决定。 Life is a movie directed and acted by oneself. Whether it is a tragedy or a comedy is up to you.

44、等你的关心,等到我关上了心。 Waiting for your concern, waiting for me to close my heart.

45、能回到从前吗,就算再难过一次。 Can we go back to the past, even if we are sad again.

46、谁能懂我内心的孤独和无助。 Who can understand my loneliness and helplessness.

47、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 In the past, don't turn the page if you don't turn it. If you turn over the dust, you will be fascinated.

48、那年梅花,已不知遗落在谁的墙院下,老了青砖,湿了黛瓦。 Nobody knows under which courtyard wall were the plum blossoms left behind, with the black bricks becoming old and the tiles moistened.

49、酒里情话,梦里桃花,半真半假。 Love talk in wine, peach blossom in dream, half true and half false.

50、阳光总是会在阴天过后出现,是那般温暖,那般耀眼。 The sun will always appear after the cloudy day, so warm and dazzling.