1、5 meters.

2、不同的山顶也会有美丽的日出。 There will be beautiful sunrise on different mountaintops.

3、不怕被人利用,就怕你没用。 I'm not afraid of being used, but I'm afraid you're useless.

4、不熟没关系,叫我小仙女就好。 It doesn't matter if I'm a fairy.

5、不用看日月,你就是星辰。 Don't look at the sun and the moon, you are the stars.

6、不要和我比懒,我懒得和你比。 Don't be lazy with me. I'm too lazy to compare with you.

7、不要熬夜玩手机,对手机不好。 Don't stay up late to play with mobile phones. It's not good for mobile phones.

8、乍见之欢,不如就处不厌。 It's better to have a good time at first sight.

9、今晚来我梦里,买瓶酒给你喝。 Come to my dream tonight and buy you a bottle of wine.

10、以后的路你自己走,我打车。 You can go by yourself and I'll take a taxi.

11、住在我心里,你交房租了吗? Living in my heart, have you paid the rent?

12、你好,你让我心动了,请负责。 Hello, you let me heart, please be responsible.

13、你给我滚,马不停蹄地滚! You get out of here, keep going!

14、信者有不信者无,谁看谁奇怪。 There are those who believe or don't believe, and those who see it are strange.

15、做自己就好了,我会喜欢你的。 Just be yourself. I'll like you.

16、傻人有傻福,但傻比没有。 A fool is a fool, but a fool is not.

17、先学会不生气,再学会气死人。 First learn not to be angry, and then learn to be angry.

18、初恋无限好,只是分得早。 First love is infinitely good, but it is separated early.

19、别害怕,世界和我爱着你。 Don't be afraid, the world and I love you.

20、别调戏我,不然我非礼你。 Don't tease me, or I'll insult you.

21、到处喳喳叫,像个大蝈蝈。 Chirping all over the place, like a big bird.

22、古之善将者,必以其身先之。 The good generals of ancient times must be preceded by their own bodies.

23、只要功夫深,拉屎也认真。 As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the shit is also serious.

24、喜欢我的人多了,你算老大。 Many people like me. You are the boss.

25、喝一杯水,坐在马桶上等着。 Drink a glass of water, sit on the toilet and wait.

26、坚强,把这两个字倒过来念念。 Adamancy, turn these two words upside down.

27、天冷加衣,不爱我的不用加。 If you don't love me, you don't have to.

28、天王盖地虎,仙女一米五。 King gaidihu, fairy

29、太阳能维修,月亮可更换。 Solar maintenance, the moon can be replaced.

30、宁愿胖的可爱也不愿瘦得雷人。 I'd rather be fat and cute than skinny.

31、小猫在午睡时,地球在转。 When the cat is taking a nap, the earth is turning.

32、小猫在午睡,地球在转圈。 The cat is taking a nap and the earth is turning.

33、岁岁常欢愉,万事皆胜意。 Every year is happy, and everything wins.

34、幼稚的话少说,免得太可爱。 Say less childish words, so as not to be too cute.

35、怏怏四季,予你一季爱倾城。 Four seasons, give you a season of love.

36、总有一个人陪你,从不怕受伤。 There is always a person with you, never afraid of injury.

37、想跌入满天星河,随黑夜隐去。 Want to fall into the starry river all over the sky, disappear with the night.

38、我们各自努力,最高处见。 We'll try our best and see you at the top.

39、我喜欢的人多了,你算老大! I like more people, you are the boss!

40、我想找一条路,去你心里的路。 I want to find a way to your heart.

41、我想早恋,可是已经晚了。 I want to fall in love early, but it's too late.

42、我的眼泪,不想让你看见。 I don't want you to see my tears.

43、我,温婉可亲,可以为妻。 I, gentle and amiable, can be a wife.

44、晚是世界的晚,安是有你的安。 Night is the night of the world. ANN is the one with you.

45、汇报一下,今天也喜欢你哦。 I like you today.

46、深情不及久伴,厚爱无需多言。 Love is not worth long company, love needs no more words.

47、理想很丰满,现实很骨感。 Ideal is plump, reality is very bony.

48、生活不仅要吃甜头,还要吃肉。 Life needs not only sweetness, but also meat.

49、生活嘛,就是生下来,活下去。 Life is to be born and live.

50、男人靠的住,母猪能上树! Man can rely on, sow can go up the tree!

51、砰砰在左边,你在砰砰里。 Bang bang on the left, you're in the bang.

52、秀发去无踪,头屑更出众! Hair without trace, dandruff more outstanding!

53、等星星都睡着了,再说想你。 Wait for the stars to fall asleep, and then miss you.

54、给烟不给火,纯属调戏我。 To give smoke, not fire, is to tease me.

55、身安不如心安,屋宽不如心宽。 Peace of mind is better than peace of mind, and width of house is not as wide as heart.

56、身高只是数据,内涵才是高度。 Height is only data, connotation is height.

57、过了这个村,我在下个村等你! After this village, I'll wait for you in the next village!

58、鄙视我的人这么多,你算老几? How old are you when there are so many people who despise me?

59、闺蜜以后我们不嫁了,我养你。 We will not marry after my best friend. I will raise you.

60、面似芙蓉出水,腰如弱柳扶风。 Face like lotus water, waist as weak willow Fu Feng.

61、飞蛾扑火是痛是美?是找死! Is it pain or beauty? It's death!