1、不知从何时起,和你聊天也已变成一种奢望。 I don't know when, and you chat has become a luxury.
2、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃。 Initiative for a long time will be very tired, care for a long time will collapse.
3、乖有什么用,不是照样会难过。 What's the use of being good? It's not that you're still sad.
4、习惯了没有你的日子,所以现在我过的一样开心。 I'm used to living without you, so I'm just as happy now.
5、习惯是一个强大的词,它能代替所有的一言难尽。 Habit is a powerful word. It can replace all words.
6、他们发现他情绪低落,无精打采。 They found him depressed and listless.
7、何必向人证明什么,生活得更好,乃是为你自己。 Why prove to others what it is for you to live a better life.
8、你回到了这个城市,但我们却再也不联系。 You came back to the city, but we never contacted again.
9、你已经走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。 You have been out of my sight, but never out of my thoughts.
10、你很好,我不配,忘了我吧,下一位。 You're fine. I don't deserve it. Forget me, next one.
11、你沉默的时候太用心,安静了我的整个世界。 When you are silent, you are so attentive that you quiet my whole world.
12、你的故事里没有我,把我忘得一干二净。 You don't have me in your story. Forget all about me.
13、偶尔偷过下雨的窗里面,想象吻着你的脸。 Once in a while, I've stolen the rain window and imagined kissing your face.
14、其实我们都一样,想回头但又怕重蹈覆辙。 In fact, we are all the same. We want to look back, but we are afraid of repeating the same mistakes.
15、别到处嚷嚷世界抛弃了你,世界原本就不属于你。 Don't shout about the world abandoning you. The world doesn't belong to you.
16、别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影。 Don't try to rewind. It's life, not a movie.
17、别对我忽冷忽热,这样你累,我也反胃。 Don't be hot and cold to me, so you're tired and I'm sick.
18、到最后心空了,所有的美好都留在了曾经。 To the end of the heart empty, all the good are left in the past.
19、只要你不在乎,多大的难过都将会是无谓。 As long as you don't care, how sad will be meaningless.
20、只要有你在,我就可以连寂寞都不怕。 As long as you are here, I can not even be afraid of loneliness.
21、回忆中,总有些瞬间,能温暖整个曾经。 In memory, there are always moments that can warm the whole past.
22、回忆过去,痛苦的相思忘不了。 Memories of the past, painful Acacia can not forget.
23、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。 Without you, tomorrow is not worth looking forward to, yesterday is not worth remembering.
24、对于你,我一直很用心,却还是得不到。 For you, I have been very attentive, but still can not get.
25、当我转身时,早已物是人非。 When I turned around, things had changed.
26、心痛的感觉,又出现在了这该死的雨季。 The feeling of heartache appeared again in this damned rainy season.
27、总要有些人不在了,才发现TA在身边有多珍贵。 Only when some people are gone can we find out how precious TA is around us.
28、想你的时候,就象饮酒,未抬杯,人却醉了。 When I think of you, it's like drinking wine. When I don't lift my glass, I'm drunk.
29、想到那个离开了很久的人,眼中有泪却落不下来。 Think of the person who left for a long time, but there are tears in his eyes.
30、我一直以为自己很坚强,最后,我却流泪了。 I always thought I was strong, but in the end, I cried.
31、我不会软弱到陷在那种记忆里出不来。 I'm not weak enough to get stuck in that memory.
32、我不想忘记你,就算可以,我宁愿记得所有伤心。 I don't want to forget you, even if I can, I would rather remember all the sadness.
33、我从不随意闹情绪,因为深知没人会哄我。 I don't get into any mood, because I know no one will coax me.
34、我从未怪过你只是偶尔会失望。 I never blame you for just being disappointed once in a while.
35、我只是不小心闹了,你就不再对我笑了。 I just made a mistake and you won't laugh at me anymore.
36、我要变得多坚强,才能承受这人世荒凉。 How strong I must be to bear the desolation of this world.
37、我说我会遗忘,是因为忧伤弥漫整个心脏。 I said that I would forget, because sadness permeates the whole heart.
38、揭穿多没意思,我就是喜欢看着你演。 It's boring to expose. I just like watching you play.
39、既然你不想让我受伤,又何必对我念念不忘呢。 Since you don't want to hurt me, why don't you think about me.
40、时间一天天过去,好像什么都不曾改变过一样。 Time goes by as if nothing has changed.
41、时间暴露了谎言,改变了距离,看清了人心。 Time exposes lies, changes distance, and sees the heart.
42、有些人,到此为止;有些事,由不得你。 Some people, so far; some things, you can not help.
43、有时候,承诺,只有听的那个人才会记得。 Sometimes, commitment, only listen to that person will remember.
44、有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着。 Is there such a moment, you love my persistence.
45、来不及说出口的,成了我们彼此心中的遗憾。 What we didn't have time to say became our mutual regret.
46、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。 It's hard to love someone. It's harder to give up the one you love.
47、爱到最后,我已经不知道自己到底还剩下什么。 In the end, I don't know what I have left.
48、爱情怎么能容许介入,心酸怎么能说清楚。 How can love allow to intervene, how can sad say clearly.
49、爱情里,累的永远是主角,伤的永远是配角。 In love, the tired is always the leading role, the injured is always the supporting role.
50、珍惜自己的小时光,长大了,世界就不会快乐了。 Cherish your little time, grow up, the world will not be happy.
51、眼泪滑落,幸福走了。从此以后,各自天涯。 Tears fall, happiness goes. From then on, their own ends of the world.
52、等我不缠着你的时候,恭喜你你已经失去我了。 When I'm not around you, congratulations you've lost me.
53、能不动声色饮茶,踏碎这一场,盛世烟花。 Can quietly drink tea, step on this scene, fireworks.
54、虽然我不是天使,但,我会像天使一样守护你。 Although I am not an angel, I will guard you like an angel.
55、请珍惜得之不易的爱情,别等到失去才后悔。 Please cherish the hard won love, don't wait to lose to regret.
56、那一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。 In that golden age, we were so lonely and wounded that we were totally different.
57、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。 The ones that will get you in the end are always nice at first.
58、那阳光洒满了整条街,却照不到我的内心。 The sun is shining all over the street, but it can't shine on my heart.
59、酒剩半杯你说你好累,故人未归住后别流泪。 You said you were tired with half a cup of wine left, so don't cry when you haven't come back.
60、闭嘴不谈的那个人,一定伤你很深吧。 The man who shut up must have hurt you deeply.