1、一个人久了,遇到点关心和温暖就感动了。 A person for a long time, met a little care and warmth was moved.

2、万事自有安排,不必过分感慨。 Everything has its own arrangement, so there is no need to be too emotional.

3、不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。 Don't sigh for the lost time, but face up to the time that you want to slip away in a hurry.

4、不迷茫,不依附,有自尊。 No confusion, no attachment, self-esteem.

5、为了想清楚昨晚为什么失眠、今晚,又失眠了。 In order to understand why insomnia last night, tonight, insomnia.

6、也许我最天真的一次就是,我竟然相信彼此都是彼此的唯一。 Perhaps the most naive time for me was that I actually believed that each other was the only one for each other.

7、人们不会为了那些自己不尊重的人卖力表现。 People don't work hard for people they don't respect.

8、人的欲望是无穷无尽的,如不懂控制必将带来无穷烦恼。 People's desire is endless, if you don't know how to control, it will bring endless troubles.

9、从此以后,四海八荒,千秋万,代只有你我,再无我们。 From then on, the four seas and eight wasteland, thousands of generations, only you and me, no us.

10、他根本就不爱你,他只是舍不得你鞍前马后的那份殷勤。 He doesn't love you at all, he just can't bear your attentions.

11、你就像开着一架喷气式小飞机,扑哧扑哧飞进了我的心。 You're like flying a little jet into my heart.

12、你必须承认,身边总有一些朋友的笑声比笑话还好笑。 You have to admit that there are always some friends around who laugh better than jokes.

13、你是我生命中最美的夏天,也是我难以回去的昨天。 You are the most beautiful summer in my life, and also yesterday that I can hardly go back.

14、你有没有闻到什么东西在燃烧?没有啊!我爱你的心在燃烧! Do you smell something burning? Not at all! I love your heart burning!

15、你横眉冷对的无趣,避之不及的过去,是我爱你的了了证据。 Your indifferent and boring past is the evidence that I love you.

16、你瘦的时候住进我心里,后来胖了,便卡在里面出不来了。 When you are thin, you live in my heart. Later, when you are fat, you get stuck in it and can't get out.

17、你的每一条消息,对于我来说,都是来之不易的惊喜。 Every piece of your news, for me, is a hard won surprise.

18、你知道你像什么吗?你像地球一样,深深地吸引了我。 Do you know what you look like? You like the earth, deeply attracted me.

19、你知道我最珍贵的是什么吗,就是这句话的第一个字。 Do you know what I value most? It's the first word of this sentence.

20、假如我不能,我就一定要;假如我一定要,我就一定能。 If I can't, I must; if I must, I can.

21、做事极端,从不将就,没有凑合,让我说对不起,你配吗? Extreme work, never make do with, no make do, let me say sorry, you with it?

22、和朋友吃饭的时候,朋友给我夹了一牛鞭,并说吃啥补啥。 When I had dinner with my friends, my friend gave me a bullwhip and said that what I ate would make up for what I ate.

23、哪怕此刻的生活有多糟糕,也总会有好转的一天。 No matter how bad life is at the moment, there will always be a better day.

24、多希望你会看穿我的不安心和难过,可是你没有。 I wish you could see through my uneasiness and sadness, but you didn't.

25、如果晚点遇见你,或许余生都是你。 If I meet you later, maybe it will be you for the rest of my life.

26、容易发怒的人,情绪智商也不怎么高,是小人利用的对象。 Easily angry people, emotional intelligence is not very high, is the object of villain use.

27、对一个人的好感最多存在四个月,一旦超过那可能就是爱了。 A good feeling for a person can last for up to four months. Once it is exceeded, it may be love.

28、当一切失去,便是开始之时。 When everything is lost, it is the beginning.

29、念旧的人活的像个拾荒者,不动声色却满心澎湃。 Nostalgic people live like a scavenger, silent but full of emotion.

30、恋爱中人宛如智障,失恋的人们却像极了诗人。 People in love are like mental retardation, but people who are lovelorn are like poets.

31、感情里只有心甘情愿做傻瓜的人,没有真正的傻瓜。 There is only one who is willing to be a fool, but no real fool.

32、我不会温暖人,我是个可怕的人。 I don't warm people. I'm a terrible person.

33、我们不会分开太久哦,山顶的风景才最好看。 We won't be apart for long. The scenery at the top of the mountain is the best.

34、我们可以慢慢向前走,但绝对不能后退。 We can move forward slowly, but we must not retreat.

35、我会爱你很久很久,和你度过每个情人节。 I will love you for a long time and spend every Valentine's day with you.

36、我就像一只趴在玻璃上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,却找不到出路。 I'm like a fly on the glass, with a bright future but no way out.

37、我想我是太喜欢你,所以才会比一般人更在意你。 I think I like you so much that I care more about you than most people.

38、我想要的其实很简单,时光依旧,你也依然在。 What I want is actually very simple, time is still, you are still.

39、我有两个忆,一个是回忆,一个是失忆。 I have two memories, one is memory, the other is amnesia.

40、我有遇见你的运气,没有留住你的本事。 I have the luck to meet you, but I don't have the ability to keep you.

41、我没力气喜欢别人了,你能不能回头看看我。 I don't have the strength to like others. Can you look back at me.

42、我离开了,你可以好好生活了。 I left, you can live a good life.

43、我被狠狠的抛弃了,他连愧疚都没有。 I was abandoned, and he didn't even feel guilty.

44、无限相信书籍的力量,是我的教育信仰的真谛之一。 Unlimited belief in the power of books is one of the truths of my educational belief.

45、明明是我们的故事,却给了别人一个完美的结局。 It's clearly our story, but it gives others a perfect ending.

46、星星我偷偷藏起来了,等到你失意黯然,用来装饰你的眼睛。 Stars I secretly hide, until you are sad, used to decorate your eyes.

47、最糟糕的不是输了的人,而是一开始就不想赢的人。 The worst is not the one who loses, but the one who doesn't want to win in the first place.

48、有钱的人更有钱,这往往是一种必然。 It is often inevitable that the rich will have more money.

49、没有人能真正帮助你,除了你自己。做好自己的人生导演。 No one can really help you except yourself. Be a good director of your own life.

50、活着的目的不在于永远活着,而在于永远活出自己。 The purpose of living is not to live forever, but to live forever.

51、淡泊是人生的一种坦然,坦然面对生命中的得失。 Indifference is a kind of calm life, calm in the face of life gains and losses.

52、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love doesn't need words as a medium, it's all in the heart.

53、生死本就不由命,富贵岂能由天定。 Life and death are not determined by fate. How can wealth be determined by heaven.

54、生活从未变得容易,只是我们变得更加坚强。 Life has never been easy, but we have become stronger.

55、用你的快乐告诉我,现在放开双手是对的,别让我舍不得。 Tell me with your happiness that it's right to let go of your hands now. Don't let me give up.

56、目之所及,满目欢喜。 The eyes are full of joy.

57、相思无所寄,且待春风起,*何足道,花开只为你。 Acacia nothing to send, and wait for the spring breeze, Jiangshan what road, flowers bloom only for you.

58、胎就是备胎,一句不爱就可以给你多年的等待一个交代。 The tire is the spare tire. A word of no love can give you an explanation for years of waiting.

59、还要用这双哭红的眼睛看多少人,才能遇到对的你。 How many people do you need to see with these red eyes to meet the right one.

60、这个世界就好比个巨大的娃娃机,我站在外边,只想得到你。 The world is like a huge doll machine, I stand outside, just want to get you.