1、一个人忙,一个人累,一个人烦恼,一个人体会。晚安! A person busy, a person tired, a person trouble, a person experience. good night!
2、一份希望,一份苦逼,明天会更好! A hope, a hard force, tomorrow will be better!
3、一句晚安送给自己,送给不认识的你们。 A good night to myself, to you who don't know.
4、上今天的课,睡昨天的觉。 Today's class, sleep yesterday.
5、下雪天里最适合窝在被窝里睡觉了,可是却要早起见习。 Snowy days are the best place to sleep in bed, but you have to get up early to practice.
6、不是每件事都注定会成功,但是每件事都值得一试。晚安! Not everything is destined to succeed, but everything is worth trying. good night!
7、世界睡着了,但梦还醒着。 The world is asleep, but the dream is still awake.
8、人生不易,光阴易逝,眨眼之间,一天又过去了,梦中很美,但理想何时实现。 Life is not easy, time is fleeting, in the blink of an eye, a day has passed, the dream is very beautiful, but when the ideal will come true.
9、今天的雨真的超级超级大,听歌睡觉,我要睡一个下午。 Today's rain is really super big, listen to the song sleep, I want to sleep for an afternoon.
10、你又不是鱼,怎能不睡觉呢? You are not a fish, how can you not sleep?
11、你尝试过一个人失眠睡不着的感觉嘛? Have you ever tried to feel like a person can't sleep with insomnia?
12、你相信明天会更好,那明天就一定会更好。 If you believe that tomorrow will be better, then tomorrow will be better.
13、你骂我肯定是因为不了解我,因为了解我的人都想打我。晚安! You scold me because you don't know me, because people who know me want to hit me. good night!
14、做礼拜的时候居然想睡得不行,澹 I don't want to sleep well when I go to church!
15、吃饭不知饥饱,睡觉不知颠倒。 I don't know how to eat and how to sleep.
16、坚信自己的选择,不动摇,使劲跑,明天会更好。 Firmly believe in your choice, do not waver, run hard, tomorrow will be better.
17、多一点快乐,少一点烦恼。累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。晚安。 More happiness, less worry. Sleep when you are tired, smile when you wake up. good night.
18、天生就是睡神体质。 Nature is the constitution of sleeping God.
19、对,我自己的内心必须要变得强大起来,擦干眼泪,迎接美好的明天。 Yes, my own heart must become strong, dry my tears, and welcome a beautiful tomorrow.
20、小时候我以为全世界都喜欢我,长大后我才发现是全宇宙!晚安! When I was a child, I thought the whole world liked me. When I grew up, I found out that it was the whole universe! good night!
21、尖酸刻薄的话少说,冲动任性的事少做。晚安! Speak less acrid words and do less impulsive and willful things. good night!
22、工作再忙都要休息,累坏了自己,谁也不能代替,所以还是洗洗睡吧,晚安! No matter how busy I am, I have to rest. I'm tired and I can't be replaced by anyone. So I'd better wash and sleep. Good night!
23、希望有一天,所有东西都可以回到原来的样子,晚安,明天会更好。 I hope that one day, everything can return to the original way, good night, tomorrow will be better.
24、带着疲惫一天的身体,通过午夜清静的休息,回归灵魂,等待下一个黎明,晚安好梦! With a tired day's body, through the quiet midnight rest, return to the soul, waiting for the next dawn, good night, good dream!
25、总有那么一个人,不管他以前如何对你,你总会找到原谅他的理由。 There is always a person, no matter how he used to treat you, you will always find a reason to forgive him.
26、情若能自控,要心有何用?余生不长,就让我们找个舒服的人,慢慢变老!晚安。 If you can control your emotions, what is the use of your heart? The rest of our life is not long, let's find a comfortable person and grow old slowly! good night.
27、想问问你现在几点了,也没别的意思,就是提醒你现在不早了,也该喜欢我了。晚安! I want to ask you what time it is now. It's no other meaning to remind you that it's not too early to like me. good night!
28、我们也充满信心,相信明天会更好。 We are also confident that tomorrow will be better.
29、我在煮月亮,你想往里面加点什么,晚安好梦。 I'm cooking the moon. What do you want to add to it? Good night, good dream.
30、我现在只想睡觉,苍天啊,大地啊,你不要让我越来越清醒了,你让我睡会吧。 I just want to sleep now. Heaven, earth, don't let me wake up more and more. Let me sleep.
31、春困秋乏夏打盹,睡不醒的冬三月。 Spring sleeps in autumn, sleeps in summer, and sleeps in winter and March.
32、春眠不觉晓,理工美女少。夜来睡不着,俺去网上找。 Spring sleep does not realize dawn, science and engineering beauty less. I can't sleep at night, I go to the Internet to find.
33、晚安这两个简单的字,我想每天不落的对你说一辈子。 Good night, these two simple words, I want to say to you every day for a lifetime.
34、有点困,我是传说中的睡美人吗? A little sleepy. Am I the sleeping beauty in legend?
35、比我优秀的人,他当然得努力,不然他凭什么比我优秀。晚安! The person who is better than me, of course, has to work hard. good night!
36、爷爷睡得真香啊,鼾声震天哦!哈哈哈哈! Grandfather is sleeping soundly, snoring is shocking! Ha ha ha ha!
37、现在就去睡的小可爱可以得到今日份美梦。 Now go to sleep the little cute can get today's dream.
38、生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。 Why sleep long before you live, you will sleep after death.
39、白天加白班,不瞌睡;晚上加晚班,睡不着。 Day shift during the day, not sleepy; night shift, can not sleep.
40、睡个好觉明天精神满满迎接美好的下个星期! Have a good sleep, tomorrow is full of energy to welcome the beautiful next week!
41、睡觉睡觉!不期待别人,也不被别人期待! Sleep, sleep! Don't expect or be expected by others!
42、睡觉,这是为了提前适应死亡。 Sleep, it's to adapt to death in advance.
43、睡醒了看见我妈我都有点恍如隔世的感觉了。 When I wake up and see my mother, it's like an eternity.
44、碎觉,你要是不愿意的话我帮你把觉掰碎如何! Break Jue, if you don't want to, I'll help you break it up!
45、累了就去睡觉,醒了继续微笑。 Tired go to bed, wake up and continue to smile.
46、辛苦了一天,好好休息一下。洗个热水澡,一杯牛奶,一句晚安,梦,就快来临。 After a hard day, have a good rest. Take a hot bath, a glass of milk, a good night, dream, is coming soon.
47、辛苦了一天,终于可以躺在床上休息了,感觉自己都有点驼背了,生活好辛苦。晚安! After a hard day, I can finally lie in bed and have a rest. I feel a little hunchback. My life is very hard. good night!
48、闲来无事不从容,睡觉东窗日已红。 When you have nothing to do, you have to sleep in the east window.