1、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 No worries about the ambiguous future, just to clear now.

2、不是因为需要你所以爱你,是因为爱你所以需要你。 So I love you not because of need you, because love you so I need you.

3、两个人在一起靠的是缘分,两个人幸福靠的是自己。 Two people together is the fate, two personal happiness depends on yourself.

4、之所以男人讨厌女人猜疑,往往是因为她们猜得太准。 The reason men hate women suspicion, often because they would guess too.

5、人生下来就是为了爱;爱是人生的原则和唯一的目的。 Born for love; The principles and the only purpose of life is love.

6、人生就像一场戏站在自己的角落,假装自己是个过客。 Life is like a play standing in their own corner, pretending to be a traveler.

7、人生就是,需要的人得不到,得到的人又不需要。 Life is, need not get, get the person don't need.

8、人生无非是笑笑人家,再被人家笑笑。这就是豁达。 Life is nothing but smile the somebody else, being laughed again. This is optimistic.

9、从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。 To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.

10、从眼里掉下的泪水,是我因为太害怕而未曾讲出的话。 From the drop down of tears, is I too scared and did not say.

11、你忽然的一句我爱你,让我在喧闹的火车站失声痛哭。 Suddenly a word I love you, you let me in a noisy crying at the train station.

12、你看过彼岸花么,充满了美好的期待的花,却是白色的。 Have you seen the other shore flower, full of sweet looking forward to spend, it is white.

13、别在喜悦时许诺,别在忧伤时回答,别在愤怒时做决定。 Don't promise when you are in joy. Don't reply when you are sad, don't make a decision when you are in anger.

14、原来,真的没有什么东西,完美得值得我们用生命坚持。 Originally, really nothing, perfect worth we insist on with life.

15、只有在年轻时灿烂燃烧过,年老后才会变成恬静有气质。 Only in burned bright youth, old age will become quiet temperament.

16、只要面对着阳光努力向上,日子就会变得单纯而美好。 As long as facing the sunshine hard up, the days will become pure and beautiful.

17、可不可以不要不理我躲避我,尽管我爱你而你不爱我。 Can you ignored me don't ignore me, though I love you and you don't love me.

18、叹气是最浪费时间的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。 Sigh is one of the most waste of time things, crying is the most waste energy.

19、在这个陌生的城市,空气里呼吸里都是我对你的思念。 In this strange city, in the air to breathe is my missing for you.

20、坚强的人,并不是能应对一切,而是能忽视所有的伤害。 It takes a strong man, not can handle everything, but can ignore all the damage.上一页12下一页

21、太过美好的东西从来都不适合经历,若失去便无法忘记。 Too good things are never suitable for experience, if lost can't forget.

22、如果早知道分手这么痛苦,当初就不会放开你的手。 If early know so pain, break up had won't let go of your hand.

23、如果有一天,我再遇到一个喜欢的人,我会把你放下。 If one day, I met a of the person you like, I will put you down.

24、并非我的年少无知,只想保留那仅存的一点点天真。 Not that I was young and ignorant, just want to keep the remaining a little naive.

25、幸福死了,他娶了寂寞为伴,然后有个孩子,叫回忆。 Happiness died, he married the loneliness, then have a child, called memories.

26、想念一个人的时候,也许自己都不知道想念他的什么。 Miss a person, maybe you don't know what to miss him.

27、想把我爱你写成一本书,那就是我愿意为你付出。 Want to write a book, I love you is that I am willing to pay for you.

28、成长的滋味只是苦味的药片沉沦在黑暗被丢弃在雨夜。 Growing taste bitter pills just drown in the dark are discarded in the rainy night.

29、我不会对谁都善良,人心换人心,是人都懂得道理。 I won't be good for everybody, the heart in the heart, is people know the truth.

30、我并不是每天下班的时候都数星星,有时也能看日出。 When I'm not from work every day to count the stars, sometimes also can see the sunrise.

31、我把爱情还给你,你把骄傲还给我,从此两不相欠。 I return the love to you, you give pride back to me, from now on two do not owe.

32、我是你生命中的过客,而你是我这辈子永恒的定格。 I am a sojourner in your life, and you are my life eternal frames.

33、我有一颗比纯牛奶还纯的心。有一颗比真果粒还真的心。 I have a heart of pure than pure milk. Have a heart really than true fruit grain.

34、我现在虽然没到达终点,但至少比昨天更接近终点了。 Although now I didn't reach the destination, but at least closer to the end than yesterday.

35、我真的没有很想你,我只是在我不想想你的时候想起你。 I really didn't miss you, I just think of you when I don't want to miss you.

36、把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。 The others too seriously, result oneself in others' eyes are nothing.

37、断了线的风筝是无法找回来的,就像是我们的爱情一样。 Broken line kite cannot be back, just like our love.

38、既然爱就不要说分手,分手之后就不要还说爱着对方。 Since love, don't say break up, don't also said after break up our love to each other.

39、早就习惯了世界里只有自己,而自己的心里只有你。 Already accustomed to the world, only oneself, but his heart only you.

40、曾为你留了无尽的泪水,到头来换来一个不爱我的人。 Had left endless tears for you, in the end for a man does not love me.

41、曾经拥有过的美好,如今只是再也找不回来的回忆。 Ever had good, now just can't find back memories.

42、有些路很远,走下去会很累。可是,不走,会后悔。 Some of the long way, it will be very tired. However, does not walk, will regret it.

43、有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 Sometimes, the most suitable for you, just is you least expect.

44、有没有一个人,用尽了一生力气还舍不得将他遗忘。 Is there a person, ran out life strength also won't forget him.

45、梦就算遥不可及, Dream even far-fetched, but as long as you insist, there will be a day.

46、每一个被庆祝的今天,都是来不及回首昨天的明天。 Each is celebrated today, tomorrow is too late to look back on yesterday.

47、没有什么是永恒不变的,正如你身边的人都在更新。 Nothing is eternal, as the people around you are updated.

48、没有水的地方就是沙漠,没有声音的地方那就是寂寞。 Place is a desert without water, there is no sound that is lonely.

49、灯红酒绿,照穿男人花心,情场作戏,最怕女人多情! Neon, according to wear men flower heart, love burlesque, the most afraid of woman amorous!

50、爱和依赖是有区别的,依赖是离不开,而爱是不离开。 There is a difference between love and rely on, rely on is inseparable from, and love is not to leave.

51、爱情是*自在的,而*自在的爱情是最真切的。 Love is free, but free love is the most real.

52、爱的世界,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁! The world of love, have no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who!

53、生命不在乎长短,但求活得灿烂,吃光用光,身体健康! Doesn't care about the length of life, but to live is bright, eat light, good health!

54、眼光放高点不要把河当成海,你只见过树未进过森林。 Sights high don't put the river as the sea, and you only met without trees into a forest.

55、给时间一点时间,让过去的过去,让开始的重新开始。 Give time a little time, let the past in the past, let began to start again.

56、缘分是本书,翻得不经意会错过,读得太当真会流泪。 Predestination is this book, to casual will miss, read too seriously will tears.

57、要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。 Either travel or read, body and soul, there must be a in the road.

58、记住,太阳每天都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光。 Remember, the sun is new every day, don't failed to live up to good morning light.

59、语言很多时候都很虚假,一起经历的事情才最真实。 Language many times are false, together through the thing is the most real.

60、说好就此放手,说好不为彼此停留,可回忆说走又不走。 Say to let go, say don't stay for each other, can be recalled walk not to walk again.

61、说走就走,是人生最华美的奢侈,也是最灿烂的*。 Come away, is life's most beautiful luxury, which is the most brilliant of freedom.

62、贪婪与*成反比。也就是说,越贪婪,越不*。 Greed is inversely proportional to the freedom. That is, the more greedy, the less freedom.

63、走累了就停下来休息一会儿,只要还记得启程就好。 Walk tired stop to have a rest, just remember the trip.

64、越长大越是越是小心翼翼,越是瞻前顾后,越是脆弱。 The more the more the more grown up carefully, the more cautious, the more vulnerable.

65、过了有多久,回忆中的你还是能轻易影响着我的心情。 For how long, memories of you still can easily affect my mood.

66、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 The past one page, can not turn don't turn, turn down the dust will lost his eyes.

67、遇到你之前,不曾懂得爱,遇到你之后,不再懂幸福。 Met you before, never know love, meet you later, no longer understand happiness.

68、遇到你之后,我知道什么是爱,也知道了什么是痛苦。 After met you, I know what love is, also know what is pain.

69、遇到自己喜欢的人,去追才明白不要脸是多么的实用。 Have oneself of the person you like, go after just understand how shameless and practical.

70、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who previously said never to be parted, have already scattered in the tianya.

71、那些年,未来遥远得没有形状,我们单纯得没有烦恼。 In those years, the future far no shape, we simply have no trouble.

72、那人喝高了喜欢动手动脚,女人喝高了让人动来动去。 The man to drink up like hands, the woman drink up moving.

73、那轮傍晚的落日,哀怨地为隔世的爱情画上一个句号。 The rounds of the evening sunset, plaintively to put an end to all the distant love.

74、除了地上的烟灰,这个世界还有什么能证明我的存在。 In addition to the cigarette ash on the floor, the world still have what can prove my existence.

75、青春这东西,你有的时候不明白,明白的时候已经老了。 Youth the thing, you don't understand, sometimes know when already old.
