1、一剪薄弱的光,也要骄傲的捧出辉煌。 A weak light, but also proud to hold out brilliant.

2、万人宠,不如一人懂。 It's better for one to understand than to be loved by ten thousand people.

3、不要在十六七岁爱上谁,因为那个人会是你最爱的人。 Don't fall in love with someone when you are sixteen or seventeen, because that person will be your favorite.

4、习惯了晚睡,只是为了等一个劝我早点睡然后跟我说晚安的人。 I'm used to staying up late, just to wait for someone to tell me to go to bed early and say good night to me.

5、人真的是一种完全以自我为中心的动物。 Man is really a completely self-centered animal.

6、从此天光大亮,你是我全部的渴望与幻想。 From then on, the sky is bright, you are all my desire and fantasy.

7、他有多爱你,就看他在旁人面前提起你的样子。 How much he loves you depends on the way he mentions you in front of others.

8、你只记得那个让你朝思暮想的人,却忘了让你笑的人。 You only remember the one who makes you miss, but you forget the one who makes you laugh.

9、你可以爱一个人到尘埃里,但没有人爱尘埃里的你。 You can love a person to the dust, but no one loves you in the dust.

10、你和我,好或者不好,都不重要,再相见,只剩一句当年当年。 You and I, good or bad, are not important, meet again, only a sentence that year.

11、你身上有种特别的味道,是那种让我着迷的味道。 You have a special smell on you. It's the smell that fascinates me.

12、偶尔我会想起他,心里有一些牵挂,有些爱不得不各安天涯。 Occasionally I will think of him, there are some concerns in my heart, and some love has to go to the end of the world.

13、别把开头说的太动人,毕竟我们都喜欢结局。 Don't make the beginning too touching. After all, we all like the ending.

14、发自己的光就好,不必吹灭别人的灯。 Just shine your own light, don't blow out other people's lights.

15、只要是你喜欢的人,即使站的再远,也能一眼就看到他。 As long as you like the person, even if you stand far away, you can see him at a glance.

16、喝再多的心灵鸡汤,都不如现实狠狠甩一耳光来得有效! No matter how much chicken soup you drink, it's not as effective as a slap in the face!

17、因为我想赢,所以你得输,整不好你还得哭。 Because I want to win, so you have to lose. Maybe you have to cry.

18、失去灯火之后不必慌乱,你还可以看见满天的繁星。 Don't panic after losing the lights, you can see the stars all over the sky.

19、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。 If you have no ability to give her happiness, you should have the courage to let her go.

20、姐的一瓶卸妆水,吓跑了多少无知小男人。 Sister's a bottle of makeup remover, scared away how many ignorant little men.

21、宁做灵魂摆渡人,也不做你的意中人。 Better be a soul ferry than a lover.

22、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。 Even God cannot be wise in love.

23、当我们真的爱痛了,才发现,爱是真的走远了。 When we really love pain, we find that love is really far away.

24、得不到的总是最好的,若即若离便出现了暧昧。 What can't be got is always the best. If you can't leave, you will have ambiguity.

25、恐惧不是怕死,而是心疼深爱的人。 Fear is not the fear of death, but the love of people.

26、想和你去看每一年的烟火,一年又一年,十年又十年。 I want to see the fireworks every year with you, year after year, decade after decade.

27、想念一个人,有时也许会面带微笑,但心却在流泪。 Miss a person, sometimes meet with a smile, but the heart is in tears.

28、感情上我们都不是好演员,我藏不住热情,你演不出喜欢。 Emotionally, we are not good actors, I can not hide the enthusiasm, you can not play like.

29、我只是个戏子,永远在别人的故事里流着自己的泪。 I'm just an actor, always in other people's stories with their own tears.

30、我爱你如此卑微,你伤我痛彻心扉。 I love you so humble, you hurt my heart.

31、我的爱情世界是贫民窟,你的却是万丈高楼。 My love world is a slum, but yours is a tall building.

32、我的生活中可以没有温暖,但绝对不允许有欺骗。 There can be no warmth in my life, but cheating is absolutely not allowed.

33、我知道这样不对,可虚度年华真的好过瘾。 I know it's not right, but it's really enjoyable to spend my time in vain.

34、我要的很简单,你总是把我想得太复杂。 What I want is very simple. You always think of me as too complicated.

35、我这么难过,你怎么什么都不知道。 I'm so sad that you don't know anything.

36、时间带走的只就是容颜,却留下难以忘记的回忆! Time takes away only the face, but leaves unforgettable memories!

37、昔有朝歌夜弦之高楼,上有倾城倾国之舞袖。 Once upon a time, there were high-rise buildings singing the song of the night, and the dancing sleeves were on top of them.

38、是我错了,只要我们之间有矛盾,都是我错了。 I'm wrong. As long as there is contradiction between us, it's all my fault.

39、智慧永远指向虚无之境,从虚无中生出知识和美。 Wisdom always points to nothingness, from which knowledge and beauty come into being.

40、曾经再美,不过一回空谈。脚下艰难,却是直指明天。 Once again beautiful, but an empty talk. The foot is hard, but it points to tomorrow.

41、江湖不好混,躲我被窝吧。 It's not easy to mix up in the world. Hide from my bed.

42、特别懒,没什么特长,但熬夜是一把好手。 I'm very lazy. I'm not good at it, but staying up late is a good skill.

43、眼睛是首先宣布温柔的爱情故事的前驱。 The eyes are the first to announce a gentle love story.

44、破镜重圆裂缝仍在,世上最难下咽的两个字,是原谅。 The two most difficult words to swallow in the world are forgiveness.

45、让所有的笙歌都沉默,为我哀怨这悲伤的时分。 Let all the Sheng songs be silent and lament for me at this sad time.

46、谁都会害怕,尤其是拼了命的珍惜后,却还是什么都留不住。 Everyone will be afraid, especially after struggling to cherish, but still nothing can stay.

47、跟我走夜路吧,我想乘机抱你。 Come with me at night. I want to take the opportunity to hold you.

48、那些你装作满不在乎的事,其实就是你无能为力的事。 What you pretend to care about is actually something you can't do.

49、那些我自以为爱你的执着,在你眼里不过是我死缠烂打。 Those I think I love you persistently, in your eyes is just me.

50、青春,一旦典当,则永不能赎。 Youth, once pawned, can never be redeemed.