1、一切顺利,身体健康,百年老店。 Everything is going well and healthy. It's a century old store.

2、一天一个故事,每个都不寻常。 One story a day, each one unusual.

3、世人都祝你生日快乐,我只愿你遍历山河仍觉得世间值得。 Happy birthday to you from all over the world. I only wish you to walk through the mountains and rivers and still feel that the world is worth it.

4、俗已V,时又良。朝玉帛,会衣裳。 The custom has been changed, and the time is good. The silk and jade of the Dynasty will wear clothes.

5、克隆一个快乐给你,将快乐分你一份。 Clone a happiness to you and share it with you.

6、别人都祝你快乐,而我只愿你历经山河,觉得人间值得。 Others wish you happiness, but I only wish you to go through the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it.

7、即使岁月以刻薄与荒芜相欺,明年今日继续与生命慷慨。 Even if years deceive with bitterness and desolation, next year today will continue to be generous with life.

8、又比去年大一岁,身价不止翻一倍。 He is one year older than last year, and his value has more than doubled.

9、在这美丽的季节,愿你一路鲜花相伴,快乐走向人生路! In this beautiful season, I wish you all the way with flowers, happy to the road of life!

10、城市慷慨亮整夜光,如同少年不惧岁月长。 The city lights up the whole night generously, just like a young man who is not afraid of years.

11、天使保佑你每个梦想都实现,人生旅途都精彩。 Angel bless you every dream come true, life journey is wonderful.

12、如果长久的陪伴太难,那我祝你当下所有的相遇都美好。 If long-term company is too difficult, then I wish you all the present encounter is beautiful.

13、如花似叶,年年岁岁,永沐春风。 Like flowers and leaves, year after year, spring breeze forever.

14、希望以前所有的不愉快,都是以后惊喜的铺垫。 I hope all the unhappiness in the past is the foreshadowing of surprise in the future.

15、往事不忧,未来何惧,新岁渐长,无忧无虑。 No worries about the past, no fear of the future, the new year is growing, carefree.

16、心仪女孩常驻身边,祝你快乐不止生日。 I wish you a happy birthday.

17、愿一生努力,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。 Willing to work hard for a lifetime, want to have, can not get all release.

18、愿你一生温厚纯良,不舍爱与*。 I wish you a warm and pure life, do not give up love and freedom.

19、愿你不改稚气,不失信仰。 I hope you don't change childishness and lose faith.

20、愿你不畏将来,不念过往,无虑无忧,平安喜乐。 I hope you are not afraid of the future, do not read the past, worry free, safe and happy.

21、愿你天天好运罩,福富双收乐逍遥。 Wish you good luck every day, happiness and happiness.

22、愿你快乐永健康,笑容常挂在脸上。 May you be happy and healthy forever. Smile is always on your face.

23、愿你成为自己的太阳,活成自己曾经渴望的模样。 May you be your own sun and live the way you wanted to be.

24、愿你成长,愿你落落大方,枯木逢春,不负众望。 I hope you grow up, and you will live up to expectations.

25、愿你此去星辰大海,前程锦绣如画! May you go to the Starry Sea and have a bright future!

26、愿你的好运,如星空般浩瀚。 May your good luck be as vast as the starry sky.

27、愿你的快乐,如大海般宽广。 May your happiness be as broad as the sea.

28、愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福! May your birthday bring you a happy year. Please accept my birthday wishes!

29、愿你笑里藏着太阳,卡里都是钞票。 May you smile with the sun hidden in your smile. All the cards are banknotes.

30、愿你贪吃不胖,愿你懒惰不丑,愿你深情不被辜负。 May you be greedy and not fat, may you be lazy and not ugly, and may your deep feelings not be betrayed.

31、愿在彼此看不见的岁月里,熠熠生辉。 May you shine in the years when you can't see each other.

32、愿我的问候,是一抹绿荫,为你遮阳挡雨。 May my greetings be a touch of green shade for you to keep out the sun and rain.

33、愿有人与你粥可温,有人与你立黄昏。 May someone warm porridge with you, someone will stand with you at dusk.

34、愿烛光温暖你的每一年,愿美酒快乐你的每一天。 May the candlelight warm your every year, and may the wine make you happy every day.

35、我的祝福只说一遍,你的幸福却延一生,生日快乐! My blessing only say once, but your happiness extends a lifetime, happy birthday!

36、故事不长,也不难讲,四字概括,生日快乐。 The story is not long, it is not difficult to tell, four words summary, happy birthday.

37、敬祝你平安健康,福乐绵绵! I wish you peace, health and happiness!

38、朋友的心要记得,愿你开心永久! Friend's heart to remember, wish you happy forever!

39、每过一岁旧布景倒退,但愿绝望和无奈远走高飞。 Every year after the old set retrogress, I hope despair and helplessness fly away.

40、点亮两只烛光,快乐无限亮。 Light two candlelight, happy infinite bright.

41、热烈祝贺你的生日,愿生日中最美好的一切属于你! Congratulations on your birthday. May the best things in your birthday belong to you!

42、生日之际,遥凭杯酒酬知己,祝友生日快乐! On the occasion of your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday!

43、生日快乐笑,开心永到老。 Happy birthday, smile, happy forever.

44、生日快乐,愿你常与开心做伴。 Happy birthday. May you always be happy.

45、生日快乐,愿你笑里藏着太阳,卡里都是钞票。 Happy birthday, may you smile in the sun, card is money.

46、祝你不止生日快乐,以后日日快乐。 I wish you not only a happy birthday, but also a happy future.

47、祝你今天快乐,你明天的快乐我留着明日祝福。 I wish you a happy day and a happy tomorrow. I keep my blessing for tomorrow.

48、祝你在今后的日子里幸福、健康、事业有成。 I wish you happiness, health and success in your career in the days to come.

49、祝你天天好身体,生活工作都顺利! I wish you good health every day, life and work are smooth!

50、祝你生日快乐起,朋友心思你要知。 I wish you a happy birthday. You should know what your friends are thinking.

51、祝你生日快乐,人生路上平安吉祥,好运永远伴你身旁! I wish you a happy birthday, peace and good luck on your way to life. Good luck will always be with you!

52、祝你生日快乐,精彩每一天。 I wish you a happy birthday and a wonderful day.

53、祝你:发展速度如滔滔江水,势不可挡。 I wish you: the speed of development is unstoppable.

54、祝君遇良人,与你欢喜城,长歌暖浮生。 I wish you to meet your lover and enjoy the city with you.

55、祝您寿与天齐,并祝美好明天! I wish you a long life and a bright future!

56、祝您生日快乐,愿幸福永无归期! I wish you a happy birthday. May happiness never come back!

57、祝我最好的朋友,生日快乐! Happy birthday to my best friend!

58、这一岁,要发现生命中最美妙的光。 This year, to find the most wonderful light in life.

59、送你个圈,愿你开心每一天。 Send you a circle, wish you happy every day.

60、送你牡丹花儿艳,富贵吉祥跟着走。 Send you peony flowers, rich and auspicious to follow.