1、九点半上坟,七点半叫我起床,整个人都不好了,太令人崩溃了。 Go to the grave at 9:30, wake me up at 7:30, the whole person is not good, it's too collapse.

2、亲人朋友知己之母亦是我的母亲,他们的悲痛等同于我的悲痛! The mother of relatives and friends is also my mother, their grief is equal to my grief!

3、今天是母亲去世一周年。您在那边还好吗? Today is the first anniversary of my mother's death. Are you OK over there?

4、你们谁再欺负我,我就让你清明节快乐一下。 If you bully me again, I'll make you happy on Tomb Sweeping Day.

5、又是一年清明时,清明的天是阴的清明的雨是涩的! Qingming is another year, Qingming Day is overcast, Qingming rain is astringent!

6、又是一年清明节。清明节既是祭祀扫墓的日子,又是踏青的好时节。 It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. Qingming Festival is not only a day for offering sacrifices and sweeping tombs, but also a good time for outings.

7、只愿逝去的亲人安息,只愿健在的亲人安康。 I only wish the dead relatives rest in peace and the living ones are in good health.

8、哥,清明节快到了,我们又可以见面了。 Brother, Qingming Festival is coming. We can meet again.

9、头,垂首!自嘲一笑,独自饮酒,低语坟头,奈何桥前可与卿逢? Head down! Laugh at yourself, drink alone, whisper at the grave, how can I meet you in front of the bridge?

10、对于死者,我们不复牵挂,只是怀念。我想念我的奶奶了。 For the dead, we no longer care, just miss. I miss my grandmother.

11、希望我想念的爸爸下辈子不再受这么多苦,我真的很想你。 I hope the father I miss will not suffer so much in the next life. I really miss you.

12、心里默默的祈祷,希望远在天堂的亲人们幸福安康! I pray silently in my heart, hoping that the relatives far away in heaven will be happy and healthy!

13、无需感慨生命之无常,无常才是真。好好活着,才是最好。 There is no need to lament the impermanence of life. Impermanence is true. To live well is the best.

14、明明还有两天才清明节,我今天就开始有种上坟的感觉了。 It's two days before the Tomb Sweeping Day. Today I begin to feel like going to the grave.

15、清明、适合悼念一个失去的人、一段逝去的感情。 Qingming, suitable for mourning a lost person, a lost relationship.

16、清明时节,雨纷纷泪也纷纷。 Qingming season, rain have tears have.

17、清明的天,是阴的;清明的雨,是涩的。 The clear sky is overcast; the clear rain is astringent.

18、清明祭祖,不求别的,只求一夜暴富。 Qingming ancestor worship, nothing else, just overnight wealth.

19、清明祭祖,我太婆墓地的松柏格外的茂盛。 During the Qingming Festival, the pines and cypresses in my mother-in-law's graveyard were particularly luxuriant.

20、清明节上坟的泡泡糖纸还在。你不在了。 The bubble candy paper for Tomb Sweeping Day is still there. You're not here.

21、清明节应该回小学初中扫扫墓,因为那里埋葬了你的青春。 Qingming Festival should go back to primary school and junior high school to sweep the grave, because your youth is buried there.

22、清明节快到了,昨天晚上梦见父母了,需要回家上坟了! Qingming Festival is coming. I dreamt of my parents last night. I need to go home and go to the grave!

23、清明节我打算买几束花。来祭奠我死去的爱情。 I'm going to buy some flowers for Qingming Festival. To pay homage to my dead love.

24、清明节给自我扫墓,埋葬自我的过去。 Tomb Sweeping Day to self grave, bury self past.

25、清明节说人话给鬼听,情人节说鬼话给人听。 On Tomb Sweeping Day, people talk to ghosts. On Valentine's day, people talk to ghosts.

26、清明节,我们在墓地献鲜花祷告唱赞美。不烧香和纸,不供祭品。 On Tomb Sweeping Day, we offer flowers, pray and sing praises in the cemetery. No incense, no paper, no sacrifice.

27、爸爸,想起您,我就流泪。但是我们只能想你,再也看不到你了。 Dad, I cry when I think of you. But we can only miss you and never see you again.

28、现在有很多人扫墓也要发张自拍,毕竟买得起墓地的人不多。 Nowadays, many people have to take a self portrait when they sweep tombs. After all, there are not many people who can afford a cemetery.

29、生命无常,不要等待,因为有时候的等待却是一场空。 Life is impermanent, don't wait, because sometimes the waiting is empty.

30、祭奠母亲去世一周年,愿母亲在另一个世界一切安好,没有痛苦! To commemorate the first anniversary of my mother's death, I wish my mother all well in another world, no pain!

31、给天堂的亲人送上美丽的鲜花,留下祝福的话语,愿你幸福快乐。 Send beautiful flowers to relatives in heaven, leave words of blessing, wish you happiness.

32、薄酒一杯诉衷肠,但愿亲人都安康! A cup of thin wine tells my heart, I hope all my relatives are well!

33、谁要是再敢惹我,我就在清明时把他埋了。 If anyone dares to provoke me again, I will bury him at Qingming.

34、这个雨季,窗外的雨听着有些伤感,也许是恰逢清明吧。 This rainy season, the rain outside the window sounds sad. Maybe it's Qingming.

35、鹃声凄切蛙声凄厉,清明时节,雨纷纷泪也纷纷。 The sound of cuckoo is very sad, the sound of frog is very sad. In the Qingming Festival, the rain and tears come one after another.