1、一个人彻悟的程度,恰等于他所受痛苦的深度。 The degree of a man's thorough understanding is exactly the depth of his suffering.
2、一个人的昼夜,真的好孤单,好寂寞。 A person's day and night, really good lonely, good lonely.
3、不是每个人都是笨蛋,只有愿不愿意拆穿你。 Not everyone is a fool, only willing to expose you.
4、不是每段故事都有快乐,更多的是无获而终。 Not every story has happiness, more is to end without gain.
5、不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。 No matter how long the night is, the day will come.
6、不要害怕拒绝他人,如果自己的理由出于正当。 Don't be afraid to reject others if your reasons are justified.
7、世界上不是缺少快乐,而是缺少寻找快乐的眼睛。 The world is not lack of happiness, but the lack of eyes to find happiness.
8、世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。 The world is so big that it is not easy to meet.
9、为什么一看书,就困呢?因为书,是梦开始的地方。 Why do you feel sleepy when you read a book? Because books are where dreams begin.
10、为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景。 For you over the mountains, but no intention to see the scenery.
11、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always cherish what they haven't got and forget what they have.
12、你不是青春期靠后,就是更年期提前了。 You're either late puberty or early menopause.
13、你必须跳下悬崖,在坠落空中生出翅膀。 You have to jump off the cliff and give birth to wings in the falling air.
14、你是无意穿堂风,偏偏孤倨引山洪。 You don't mean to go through the wind, but you lead to mountain torrents.
15、你没想象中那么念旧,回忆唤不会你的温柔。 You don't think so nostalgic, memories will not call your tenderness.
16、你爱过一个人吗,从满心欢喜到绝望。 Have you ever loved someone, from joy to despair.
17、你说世间什么最难熬,徒手摘星还是爱而不得? What do you say is the most difficult thing in the world, picking stars with bare hands or not?
18、你这么针对我,是不是想睡我。 Do you want to sleep with me.
19、别嫌弃一直陪你的人,别陪一直嫌弃你的人。 Don't dislike the people who always accompany you and those who dislike you all the time.
20、别嫌弃陪你的人,别陪嫌弃你的人。 Don't dislike those who accompany you and those who dislike you.
21、后来我明白最珍贵的感情从来不用捧在手心。 Later I learned that the most precious feelings never need to be held in the palm of my hand.
22、失望到极致,也就坚强到极致。 Disappointment to the extreme, also strong to the extreme.
23、妄图占有不属于你的东西,总是要付出代价。 You always have to pay for something that doesn't belong to you.
24、宁可被人笑一时,不可被人笑一辈子。 It is better to be laughed at for a time than for a lifetime.
25、安慰别人头头是道,安慰自己全是苦笑。 It is a bitter smile to comfort others and comfort ourselves.
26、寻找昨日的谜,却在一个断句后没再出现过。 Looking for the mystery of yesterday, but it did not appear again after a broken sentence.
27、小时候觉得好人有好报,长大了才知道好人被嘲笑。 When I was a child, I felt that good people would be rewarded, but when I grew up, I realized that good people were ridiculed.
28、当年相知未回音,空叹年华似流水。 At that time, no reply, empty sigh years like water.
29、愿你也能遇见一个,能照亮你生活的人。 May you also meet someone who can light up your life.
30、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。 Growth is the process of turning your crying into silence.
31、我一直很清醒,清醒地看着自己的沉沦。 I have been very sober, soberly watching their own decline.
32、我爱你很多。却又选择寂寞。 I love you a lot. But choose loneliness.
33、我的床不大不小,用来睡你刚刚好。 My bed is not big or small. It's just right for you.
34、我给不了你多少温暖,但有个词叫尽我所能。 I can't give you much warmth, but there's a word called do my best.
35、抛弃别人的人,永远都不可能得到爱。 Those who abandon others will never get love.
36、最好的生活是:时光,浓淡相宜;人心,远近相安。 The best life is: time, the appropriate shade; people, far and near peace.
37、有些事本来就不值得原谅跟大不大度没关系。 Some things are not worth forgiving in the first place, which has nothing to do with magnanimity.
38、有志始知蓬莱近,无为总觉咫尺远。 If you want to know Penglai is near, you will always feel that Penglai is very close.
39、有时可能别人不在乎你,但你不能不在乎自己。 Sometimes others don't care about you, but you can't ignore yourself.
40、朋友还是旧的好,哪怕不联系,见面还是一如既往。 Friends or old good, even if not contact, meet as usual.
41、活着的目的不在于永远活着,而在于永远活出自己。 The purpose of living is not to live forever, but to live forever.
42、浮生微凉,白骨成双,不过是一场三世离殇。 Floating life slightly cool, white bones in pairs, but a third generation from the war.
43、经验不会犯错。只有过于依赖经验,才会判断错误。 Experience makes no mistakes. Only relying too much on experience can we make mistakes.
44、苍白的年少,我们用无知来掩饰青春。 Pale youth, we use ignorance to cover up youth.
45、蓦然回首,站在灯火阑珊处的早已不是你。 Suddenly looking back, standing in the dim lights is not you.
46、蓦然回首,身后早已空无一人。 Suddenly looking back, there is no one behind.
47、虽然辛苦,我还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。 Although hard, I will still choose that kind of hot life.
48、要么天生丽质;要么天生励志。 It's either natural beauty or natural motivation.
49、遇到了最爱的人,从此人生一场长乐未央。 I met the one I love most, and my life will be happy forever.
50、都说边走路边玩手机不安全,吓得我开始跑着玩。 It is said that it is not safe to play with mobile phones while walking, which scared me to run and play.