1、一个人孤独久了,他便成了孤独本身。 When a person is lonely for a long time, he becomes lonely.

2、一个想流泪的人,一定很很平凡吧。 A person who wants to shed tears must be very ordinary.

3、不敢生气的是懦夫,不去生气的才是智者。 Those who dare not get angry are cowards, and those who do not get angry are wise men.

4、与其拼了命也要鹤立鸡群,不如努把力让自己离开那群鸡。 Instead of fighting to stand out from the crowd, it's better to make every effort to leave the flock.

5、人性这种东西,不可言不可研不可验。 Human nature is something that cannot be said, researched or tested.

6、从前只觉得自己不够好,后来才发现是你没有眼光。 In the past, I only felt that I was not good enough, but later I found that you had no vision.

7、他们是我的命,别拿我的命和我开玩笑。 They are my life. Don't make fun of my life.

8、何必让回忆比经历还长,何必让自己一再负伤。 Why let the memory longer than the experience, why let oneself hurt again and again.

9、你把秘密告诉了风,就别怪风把它告诉整片森林。 If you tell the secret to the wind, don't blame the wind for telling it to the whole forest.

10、像我这样的姑娘,没有点体重能压得住美貌吗? Can a girl like me be beautiful without weight?

11、刚好我也想放弃你,这是我们最默契的一次。 I just want to give up you. This is the most tacit understanding between us.

12、别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。 Don't wait for me just because you know I'll wait for you.

13、努力了这么久,但凡有点儿天赋,也该有些成功迹象了。 After working hard for such a long time, if you have some talent, it's time to show some signs of success.

14、只有抛开过去,才能遇见未来更完美的风景。 Only by putting aside the past can we meet a more perfect landscape in the future.

15、告诉别人你累了,但事实上,你只是难过了。 Tell people you're tired, but in fact, you're just sad.

16、喜欢有口袋的衣服,否则不知道手放在哪里合适。 I like clothes with pockets, otherwise I don't know where to put my hands.

17、回忆如墓,淡泊如素,我们是否该相忘于江湖。 Memories are like tombs and indifference is like plain living. Should we forget each other in the river and lake.

18、在时间和现实的夹缝里,青春和美丽一样,脆弱如风干的纸。 In the crevice of time and reality, youth and beauty are as fragile as wind dried paper.

19、在爱与恨之间,惟你我徘徊。在伤与痛之间,惟你我彷徨。 Between love and hate, only you and I linger. Between injury and pain, only you and I are hesitating.

20、失去比得不到可怕很多很多,因为它多个过程叫曾经拥有。 Losing is much more terrible than not getting, because it has many processes called having.

21、如果你有梦想,就要去捍卫它。 If you have a dream, defend it.

22、如果你真的想要做好一件事,全世界都会为你挡路。 If you really want to do something well, the world will stand in your way.

23、如果说最奢侈的事,就是我愿用我整个青春去等你。 If the most luxurious thing is that I am willing to use my whole youth to wait for you.

24、宁静的夜,给添增了一份孤独,一份寂寞! Quiet night, to add a lonely, a lonely!

25、对于乌云来说,阴天可能也是漫长的一生。 For dark clouds, cloudy days can also be a long life.

26、希望你能明白,每个人能付出的都是有限的。 I hope you can understand that what everyone can give is limited.

27、年轻时,不拖累生你的人,年老时,不拖累你生的人。 When you are young, don't drag down those who give birth to you. When you are old, don't drag down those who give birth to you.

28、当一切伤心的理由都找到了借口,心伤就自然愈合了。 When all the reasons for sadness have found an excuse, heartbreak will naturally heal.

29、很久很久以后、你是否一如既往的温柔。 After a long time, whether you are as gentle as ever.

30、得到,不一定能长久。失去,不一定不再拥有。 Get, not necessarily for a long time. Lose, not necessarily no longer have.

31、心,接纳不了一个人,是因为已经住着另一个人了。 Heart, can't accept a person, because already live another person.

32、我不想做你生命的插曲,只想做你生命最完美的结局。 I don't want to be the interlude of your life, just want to be the perfect ending of your life.

33、我们必须接受有限的失望,但绝不失去无尽的希望。 We must accept limited disappointment, but never lose endless hope.

34、我们都要笑的灿烂如花,纵然掺杂着万般心碎。 We all want to smile as brightly as flowers, even with all kinds of heartbreak.

35、我唯一感到遗憾的,就是至今没有一张与你的合照。 My only regret is that I haven't taken a picture with you so far.

36、我愿陪你枯骨成双,作别这场曲散人凉。 I'd like to accompany you in pairs and make this song cool.

37、我终于见了他,在歌里的人。 I finally met him, the man in the song.

38、所有的苦难我都替你扛,你别太快成长。 I carry all the sufferings for you. Don't grow up too fast.

39、据说:你梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你。 It is said: you dream of a person, because that person is thinking of you.

40、无论年限长短,有些人真的只是泛泛之交,入不了心。 No matter how old they are, some people are really just casual friends and can't get involved.

41、无论我如何强大,你仍然是我的弱点。 No matter how strong I am, you are still my weakness.

42、明天开始,我不吃晚餐了。 I won't have dinner from tomorrow.

43、最自私的,也是最暖的一句话送给你。你是我的。 The most selfish, but also the warmest words to you. you are mine.

44、有一种思念叫望穿秋水,有一种寒冷叫忘穿秋裤。 There is a kind of yearning called wangchuanqiushui, there is a kind of cold called forget to wear autumn pants.

45、有本事你就好好照顾自己,没本事就乖乖的让我照顾你。 If you have the ability, you should take good care of yourself. If you don't have the ability, please let me take care of you.

46、来到人世间蹉跎几十年,只为望你回眸一眼。 Came to the world wasted decades, just to look back at you.

47、生气就好像自己喝毒药,而指望别人会痛苦。 Anger is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer.

48、用双手将过去埋葬墓碑上却清晰的篆刻着关于我的曾经。 With both hands will be buried in the past, but the tombstone is clearly carved about my once.

49、真爱的第一个征兆,在男孩身上是胆怯,在女孩身上是大胆。 The first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls.

50、管你是什么人,别靠近我喜欢的人。 Whatever you are, stay away from the people I like.

51、要不是认识过你,我接受别人就没那么难。 If I hadn't known you, it wouldn't be so hard for me to accept others.

52、要么就努力的向上爬,要么就生活在社会最底层。 They either strive to climb up, or they live at the bottom of the society.

53、让心在繁华过尽依然温润如初,带上最美的笑容且行且珍惜。 Let the heart in the prosperous, still warm as before, with the most beautiful smile and line and cherish.

54、说好不再流泪就不会流,即使心再痛泪就在眼眶。 Say no more tears will not flow, even if the heart pain, tears in the eyes.

55、谁与年少比轻狂,敢把爱情作天长。 Who and young than frivolous, dare to love for the day long.

56、过错,是短暂的遗憾,而错过,却是永恒的遗憾。 Fault is a temporary regret, but missing is an eternal regret.

57、遇到你,是我的缘;爱上你,是我的劫。 Meeting you is my fate; falling in love with you is my disaster.

58、遇见你之前我不会爱,错过你之后我丧失爱。 I will not love you before I meet you, but I will lose love after I miss you.

59、难过难过,难是难,但终究会过。 Sad sad, difficult is difficult, but eventually will pass.

60、骄傲可以给你一时的快意,却会把你推进失败的深渊。 Pride can give you temporary pleasure, but it will push you into the abyss of failure.