1、一个人吃夜宵,一个人回家。 A person to eat supper, a person to go home.

2、一个人回想你所说过的每一句话,都是那么的刻骨铭心。 A person recalled you said every word, are so unforgettable.

3、一个人要进来,另一个人不得不离开。 One person wants to come in and the other has to leave.

4、一段轰轰烈烈的爱情,一定要懂得细水长流。 A vigorous love, we must know how to flow.

5、不信你回头看看,你都已经在不知不觉中熬过了很多苦难。 Do not believe you look back, you have been unconsciously through a lot of suffering.

6、不喜欢你的人永远都忙,想送你回家的人东南西北都顺路。 Those who don't like you are always busy, and those who want to send you home are on their way.

7、不要评价别人的家庭,因为那和你无关。 Don't judge other people's families, because it's none of your business.

8、世界不管怎样荒凉,爱过你就不怕孤单。 No matter how desolate the world is, once I love you, I am not afraid of loneliness.

9、人生只需一人,知我冷暖,懂我悲欢。 Only one person is needed in life to know my warmth and sadness.

10、从来就没有人对我说过:别装了,你并不快乐。 No one has ever said to me: don't pretend, you are not happy.

11、他再好,也是别人的,你自己再不好,也是你自己的。 No matter how good he is, it belongs to others. No matter how bad you are, it belongs to yourself.

12、以后,不用了,谢谢! Later, no, thank you!

13、你别出现在我黎明的梦里。 Don't show up in my daybreak dream.

14、你又不是我的氧气,可是离开你我就会痛到窒息。 You are not my oxygen, but if I leave you, I will suffocate.

15、你总说你过得很累,可谁又过得顺风顺水。 You always say you are very tired, but who has a good time.

16、你我用心作笔,用血研磨,写了一首莫失莫忘。 You and I write a song with heart and blood.

17、你有爱人吗,爱而不得的人。 Do you have a lover, someone you can't love.

18、你永远不知道有多在乎,直到你失去对方。 You never know how much you care until you lose each other.

19、你的名字忘不掉,可你的模样已不见。 Your name can't be forgotten, but your appearance is gone.

20、你的悲伤被安抚以后,你就会因为认识过我而感到满足。 When your sorrow is soothed, you will be satisfied to know me.

21、你的眼里没有我,永远看不到我伤感。 Without me in your eyes, you can never see my sadness.

22、你相信吗?友情世界里也存在着吃醋,那滋味不亚于爱情。 Do you believe it? There is jealousy in the world of friendship, which is no less than love.

23、你这旧瓶里的新酒,换得太快,斟得太痛快。 The new wine in your old bottle changes too fast and pours too much.

24、假如凡事都失败,也许得爱恋先可以得胜。 If everything fails, maybe love can win first.

25、分手时,你内心有种盖不住的喜悦。 When you break up, there is a joy in your heart.

26、分手这么久了,与人提及爱情,你依旧是我念念不忘的人。 Break up so long, and people mention love, you are still the person I never forget.

27、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,谁也无法预知明天。 Don't say who you love most, life is still very long, no one can predict tomorrow.

28、剪影的你轮廓太好看,凝住眼泪才敢细看。 The silhouette of you is too good-looking. I dare to take a closer look only when I hold my tears.

29、十七岁吻过的额头,没有粉底。 Seventeen year old kissed forehead, no foundation.

30、又是一次那么心痛的感觉,重复重复着。 It's a heartache again, repeated.

31、后来我走过那么多城市,却再也找不到像你一样的人。 Later, I walked through so many cities, but I couldn't find anyone like you.

32、失去的已经回不来了,拼了命的想要挽回已经没用了。 The lost can't come back. It's no use trying to save it.

33、失宠的记忆,将在寂静的夜里,随着冰冷的心慢慢逝去。 The memory of falling out of favor will fade away with the cold heart in the silent night.

34、失而复得的东西,永远都是二手货。 What is lost and recovered will always be second-hand goods.

35、如果最美好的早已留在心中,只会对其他的选择视而不见。 If the best is left in my heart, I will turn a blind eye to other choices.

36、如果有一天。我在你好友列表中消失。你是否会发现。 If there comes a day when…. I disappeared from your friends list. Whether you will find out.

37、如果爱本质就是欺骗,那誓言就是一厢情愿。 If the essence of love is deception, the oath is wishful thinking.

38、孤城相守,一抹凄凉。 Lonely city together, a touch of desolation.

39、对我来说,你的诚恳比谎言还要锥心刺骨! To me, your sincerity is more piercing than a lie!

40、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

41、强颜欢笑,是莪面对时A习惯。 Forced smile is my habit when I face you.

42、当你丢掉一段回忆,你是否还会去将它拾起? When you lose a memory, will you pick it up?

43、很少想起,并不代表真的忘记。 Rarely think of, does not mean really forget.

44、忧伤的灵魂,游走在文字外的心情,谁能看透那莫名的伤感。 Sad soul, wandering in the mood outside the text, who can see through the inexplicable sadness.

45、忽冷忽热都收回去吧,我不想喜欢你了。 I don't want to like you any more.

46、怀着一颗感化的心去爱你,最终没有感化你却把自己伤了。 I love you with a probation heart, but I hurt myself in the end.

47、想哭就去洗澡,难过就大口喝水。 If you want to cry, take a bath. If you are sad, drink water.

48、我一直把你放在我的最心底,从未遗忘。 I always put you in my heart, never forget.

49、我们分手了,原因是他爱上了我的姐妹。 We broke up because he fell in love with my sister.

50、我只是太爱幻想,幻想着残缺的局,末变成完美的结局。 I just love fantasy too much, imagining the incomplete situation, and finally becoming a perfect ending.

51、我怕我会死在自己毫不现实的幻想里。 I'm afraid I'll die in my unrealistic fantasy.

52、我来寻你,途过千千山,万万水,灯火如明。 I've come to find you. I've passed thousands of mountains and rivers, and the lights are bright.

53、我看到了他的心,演的全是他和她的电影! I saw his heart. It was all about him and her!

54、我等不了你了,我也要走了,我该有我的故事。 I can't wait for you. I have to go too. I should have my story.

55、我等的车总是很久才来,我爱上的人全是意外。 The car I'm waiting for always comes a long time, and the people I fall in love with are all accidents.

56、我葬身火海的时候,你隔岸观火却不救我。 When I was buried in the sea of fire, you watched the fire from the other side but didn't save me.

57、我连做梦也感觉受伤,夜深了我怎么办。 I feel hurt even in my dream. What should I do when it's late at night.

58、或许,你只是个插曲,我却当作唯一来对待。 Maybe, you are just an episode, but I treat it as the only one.

59、承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。 No matter how much you promise, if you can't do it, it's just a lie.

60、把你的手放在手心,慢慢穿透皮肤刺破心脏。 Put your hand in the palm of your hand and slowly penetrate the skin and pierce the heart.

61、据说,你太爱一个人,那个人就不会爱你。 It is said that if you love someone too much, that person will not love you.

62、推你进地狱的人,也曾带你上过天堂。 The person who pushed you to hell has taken you to heaven.

63、无论我怎么做,悲伤终究是悲伤,无法掩盖。 No matter what I do, sadness is sadness and can't be covered up.

64、无论贫穷还是富足,开心的人最令人羡慕。 Whether rich or poor, happy people are the most enviable.

65、时光,浓淡相宜,而人心,远近相安,这就是最好的生活。 Time, shade, and people, far and near, this is the best life.

66、有一种等待,叫忘穿秋水。有一种寒冷,叫忘穿秋裤。 There is a kind of waiting, called forget to wear autumn water. There is a kind of cold, called forget to wear autumn pants.

67、有些事,有些人,就应该忘记,深交太多只会伤害自己。 Some things, some people, should be forgotten, too much will only hurt themselves.

68、有时候,选择快乐,更需要勇气。 Sometimes, it takes courage to choose happiness.

69、有的时候,感觉情好疲惫,却再也无法回到从前。 Sometimes, I feel tired, but I can't go back to the past.

70、爱情是片海,掉下去的是活人,浮上来的是尸体。 Love is a sea, falling is the living, floating is the body.

71、生活确实是彩色的,只是被我混在一起就变黑了。 Life is really colorful, but it turns black when mixed with me.

72、痛也是一种享受、享受那撕心裂肺的痛。 Pain is also a kind of enjoyment, to enjoy the pain.

73、白天笑的]心]肺,夜晚哭的撕心裂肺。 Day laugh heartless, night cry heart crack lung.

74、第一眼就喜欢的人,真的会很久很久。 The person you like at the first sight will really be for a long time.

75、能被别人抢走的,都不是什么好东西,你就是。 What can be robbed by others is not a good thing, you are.

76、若相遇,就不要轻易说分离,丘比特的爱箭不是随便就降临。 If you meet, don't say separation easily. Cupid's love arrow doesn't come at random.

77、虽然并没有忘记你,但也没有精力去想了。 Although I haven't forgotten you, I have no energy to think about it.

78、话说你不理我的时候,我都感觉我要失去你了。 When you ignore me, I feel like I'm going to lose you.

79、诺诺誓言,被遗忘在那颠沛的流年里。 Nono oath, forgotten in the fleeting years.

80、谁又留在了谁的心里?我又留在了谁的心里? Who stayed in whose heart? Whose heart did I stay in?

81、这个夏天少了你的存在,我没有看见花开。 This summer without you, I didn't see the flowers bloom.

82、陌生的路,熟悉的风景,没有那个人孤独痛心。 Strange road, familiar scenery, no one lonely heart.