1、一句分手,说的我肚子疼。 A break up, said I have a stomachache.

2、一年老一年,一日没一日。 Every year, every day.

3、一生一世是情话,不离不弃是笑话。 Life is love, never leave is a joke.

4、一瞬间又看到你,在我半梦半醒之间。 I saw you again in a moment, half asleep and half awake.

5、一路有你,再傻逼我也愿意。 With you all the way, no matter how stupid I am.

6、下次见面,我们真该是陌生人了。 Next time we meet, we should be strangers.

7、不分手的恋爱,那只是一首歌而已。 Love without breaking up is just a song.

8、不管你们怎么看待我,我都会微笑面对。 No matter what you think of me, I will smile.

9、不能忘记的,就是自己最不想忘记的。 What you can't forget is what you don't want to forget.

10、世界真美好,每天都有不同的难过。 The world is so beautiful, every day there are different sad.

11、丘比特的情箭上,]有莪的名字。 Cupid's love arrow, there is no name of me.

12、从头到尾都是我一个人,哪有怎么样。 I'm the only one from the beginning to the end.

13、从无话不谈到无话可说,到无言以对。 From having nothing to say to having nothing to say to having nothing to say.

14、你在三生石上,我在忘川河旁。 You are on the Sansheng stone, and I am by the river.

15、你想走就走吧,我给你想要的*。 You can go if you want. I'll give you the freedom you want.

16、你生来骄傲,却为谁低眉。 You were born proud, but for whom you frown.

17、假装过去不重要,却发现自己办不到。 Pretend the past doesn't matter, but find that you can't.

18、再见的爱情,分手的浪漫。 Goodbye love, break up romance.

19、凭什么,后来者居上。 Why should the latecomer be the best.

20、动了情的情,谁也做不到无挂无牵。 Moved the feeling of the feeling, no one can do without hanging without pulling.

21、喝凉开水都被呛到,吃豆腐都被噎着。 Choking on cold water and tofu.

22、坚强是不是死扛,硬撑也走不完人生。 Strong is not a dead shoulder, hard to go through life.

23、天空,还是恢复成了一个人的颜色。 The sky, or returned to a person's color.

24、学会,走出痛苦迷区。 Learn to get out of the pain zone.

25、幸福很短暂,如同瞬间划过天空的流星。 Happiness is very short, like a meteor across the sky.

26、当我们悲伤到绝望时,就会去相信传说。 When we are sad to despair, we will believe the legend.

27、往事清零,爱恨两清! The past is clear, love and hate are clear!

28、心里牵挂着,自然是揪心的。 I'm worried, naturally.

29、想念一段时光,于是我选择苍老了过去。 Miss a period of time, so I choose the old past.

30、我们明明爱着,却又不得不分离。 We love each other, but we have to separate.

31、我们比同龄人,多出了另类的成熟。 We are more mature than our peers.

32、我怕你会难过,更怕我们错过。 I'm afraid you'll be sad and we'll miss it.

33、我羡慕她,她拥有的,是我得不到的。 I envy her. What she has is what I can't get.

34、抛弃别人的人,永远都不可能得到爱。 Those who abandon others will never get love.

35、无奈的安心,擦去最后的风景。 Helpless peace of mind, wipe the last scenery.

36、时间会替我告诉你,我爱你,都是真的。 Time will tell you for me, I love you, it's true.

37、时间在走,年龄在长。 Time is going, age is growing.

38、明明是你先撩我,最后放不下的却是我。 It's you who tease me first, but I can't let go at last.

39、有些人能留在心里,但不能留在生活里。 Some people can stay in the heart, but not in life.

40、爱过伤过痛过才会懂,一切皆是错。 Love hurt pain will understand, everything is wrong.

41、生气时别逗我笑,你们知道我忍不住。 Don't make me laugh when you're angry. You know I can't help it.

42、相别相离几时休,独留人空瘦。 When do we leave each other, we leave each other empty and thin.

43、红尘寂寞,流年若水。 The world of mortals is lonely.

44、终于明白,有些路,只能一个人走。 Finally understand, some road, can only walk alone.

45、轮回之间,奢求一世不孤单。 Between reincarnation, I hope I will never be alone.

46、这城市风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。 It's windy in this city. Lonely people always come home late.

47、这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走! This is the ninth break up, the last time I let you go!

48、那些过去,就像失忆一样去遗忘。 The past, like amnesia to forget.

49、醉的了的是人,醉不了的是心。 Drunk is a person, drunk is the heart.

50、风一样的男人,容易遇到,也容易错过。 Men like the wind are easy to meet and miss.