1、一个不挽留,一个不将就,最后就是各自安好。 One doesn't want to stay, the other doesn't make do with it, and the last thing is to be safe.

2、一颗心在风雨里,飘来飘去,都是为你。 A heart in the wind and rain, floating around, are for you.

3、不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一种惩罚。 For those who don't understand life, life is a kind of punishment.

4、不着痕迹的擦去眼角的泪滴,轻轻说一声再见。 Gently wipe the corner of the eye to say goodbye.

5、不要刻意的去忘一个人,没联系时间久了自然会忘。 Do not deliberately forget a person, did not contact for a long time will naturally forget.

6、不要胡思乱想,内心的难过就不会那么多。 Don't think wildly, there won't be so much sadness in your heart.

7、不要让女生习惯孤单,因为她会不再需要你。 Don't let a girl get used to being alone, because she won't need you any more.

8、你了解过我多少?就说我不好。 How much do you know about me? Just say I'm not good.

9、你的在线,总能成为我不肯下线的借口。 Your online can always be an excuse for me not to go offline.

10、你的心可以容下两个人,我退出,不想让你太辛苦。 Your heart can accommodate two people, I quit, do not want you too hard.

11、原来,真心离伤心最近。 It turns out that my heart is closest to my heart.

12、在变幻的生命里,岁月,原是最大的小偷。 In the changing life, time is the biggest thief.

13、天空,下起雨了。他撑的伞,在你身边陪着。 Sky, it's raining. His umbrella is with you.

14、头发做书签,嘴巴做信笺,你有人间,我有云烟。 Hair as bookmark, mouth as letterhead, you have the world, I have the clouds.

15、如果你是一匹千里马,那么请做自己的伯乐。 If you are a horse, then please be your own bole.

16、如果你的心不够狠,那么你的心就注定会痛。 If your heart is not hard enough, then your heart is doomed to pain.

17、如果你的爱我负担不起,你会为我而改变吗? If I can't afford your love, will you change for me?

18、如果只是相遇,而不能相守,人生最好不相见。 If we just meet, but can't be together, we'd better not meet in life.

19、对于那些得不到的、能想这也是一直幸福。 For those who can't get it and can think about it, they are always happy.

20、希望你一到夜里就失落,后悔没有珍惜我。 I hope you are lost at night and regret not cherishing me.

21、年少无知的我们,又有什么资格说爱。 Young and ignorant of us, what qualifications to say love.

22、幸福在我的左边,可我又不是左撇子,抓不住你。 Happiness is on my left, but I'm not left-handed. I can't catch you.

23、幸福是不会重复的,失去了就不会再回来了。 Happiness is not repeated, lost will not come back.

24、当初为你在手臂刻下的姓,也终于渐渐消逝了。 The family name engraved on your arm at the beginning has gradually disappeared.

25、当情绪低落的时候,试着去假装微笑吧。 When you're down, try to fake a smile.

26、得不到的东西就放弃吧,每一天想着念着不心疼吗? Don't give up what you can't get. Don't you feel bad thinking about it every day?

27、心扉毫无拘束地默念一个人,静静地念,静静地想。 My heart is free to read a person, quietly read, quietly think.

28、我不懂,为什么深爱,却成了一种致命的伤害! I don't understand why deep love has become a fatal injury!

29、我们变成了最好的朋友,这次成全了你想要的*。 We've become best friends, and this time we have the freedom you want.

30、我们在安静的下雨天,写下没有结局的结局。 We write down the ending without ending on a quiet rainy day.

31、我会把对你的喜欢打包封存,从此不再招摇过市。 I will pack and seal up my love for you, and never show off.

32、我多想拥抱到你,然后不放开的以为这会是永远。 How I want to embrace you, and then do not let go of that will be forever.

33、曾经的相濡以沫、现在的无言以对。 Once the mutual help, now speechless.

34、有一种思念,叫望穿秋水。 There is a kind of missing, called looking through the autumn water.

35、有些东西失去了,比拥有更让我们刻骨铭心。 Some things lost are more unforgettable than we have.

36、有本事爱上别人,没本事让别人爱上你。 Have the ability to fall in love with others, have no ability to let others fall in love with you.

37、来来去去,何必在意。 Come and go, why care.

38、每个人心里都住着一个人,或眷念,或暗恋,或想念。 There is a person in everyone's heart, either sentimentally, secretly or missing.

39、流过多少泪,就有多少笑容在等待你。 How many tears flow, how many smiles are waiting for you.

40、灵魂缺失的伤口,连泪都不知道为谁而留。 The soul of the missing wound, even tears do not know for whom to stay.

41、爱情永远是一个童话,再加上问号。 Love is always a fairy tale, plus a question mark.

42、说好一起走过婚宴殿堂,原来我只是你的伴郎。 We agreed to walk through the wedding hall together. I'm just your best man.

43、过分的爱别人,就等于不负责任的伤自己。 To love others too much is to hurt yourself irresponsibly.

44、这场生命中最美的相遇、煽动了我一生的伤悲。 The most beautiful encounter in my life incited the sadness of my life.

45、遥想一种奢望,不留余地,伤,潜入心底。 Think of a kind of extravagance, leaving no room, hurt, sneak into the bottom of my heart.

46、那时候,时间很慢,慢到只能用一生去爱一个人。 At that time, time is very slow, slow to only use life to love a person.

47、阳光依旧温暖、你依旧会爱我吗? The sun is still warm, will you still love me?

48、风停了,只剩尘埃无声无息的飘落。 The wind stopped, only the dust fell quietly.

49、风华一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Fenghua refers to quicksand, aging is a period of time.

50、鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳。 The beauty of birds lies in their feathers, and the beauty of people lies in their diligence.