1、一个人,不能太把自己当回事,但也不能把自己不当回事。 A person can't take himself seriously, but he can't take himself seriously.

2、不大的一棵树,稀稀朗朗的梧桐叶在太阳里摇着像金的铃铛。 A small tree, a thin, long Wutong leaf, is shaking like a golden bell in the sun.

3、不管将来怎样,你我此生再也不会再见了,因为我已不再爱你。 No matter what will happen in the future, I will never see you again in this life, because I no longer love you.

4、不要太在意别人的想法,然后相对*自在地生活。 Don't care too much about what others think, and then live a relatively free life.

5、世界上再也没有像你这样的人,让我求不得更舍不得。 There is no one like you in the world. I can't help it.

6、人生不是用来讨好别人的,而是要善待自己。 Life is not to please others, but to be kind to yourself.

7、什么天荒地老,什么至死不渝。都只是锦上添花的借口。 What is the end of time, what will never change. It's just an excuse to add to the icing on the cake.

8、你们一定要好好读书像我这么帅,就混吃混喝好了。 You must study hard. If you are as handsome as I am, you can eat and drink.

9、你再怎么好也不可能十全十美,我再怎么不好也算独一无二。 You can't be perfect no matter how good you are. I'm unique no matter how bad I am.

10、你喜欢浪没关系,只要不被淹死就好。 It doesn't matter if you like waves, as long as you don't drown.

11、你浪够了也别回来,我早已去追逐我的*。 Don't come back when you have enough waves. I've been chasing my freedom.

12、做什么,在哪里,怎样其实都不重要,重要是和谁一起。 It doesn't matter what you do, where you are or how you do it. It's who you are with.

13、努力那么久还是做回陌生人。好吧我放弃。 Try so long to be a stranger. Well, I'll give up.

14、博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。 They are erudite, inquisitive, careful in thinking, discerning and practicing.

15、原来我一直活在有你的记忆里、而每次哭都没有你在身边。 Originally I have been living in the memory of you, and every time I cry, you are not around.

16、因为不配,忽然自卑,说声失陪。 Because of unworthiness, suddenly inferiority, say voice excuse me.

17、好的感情不是一下子就把你感动晕,而是细水长流的把你宠坏。 Good feelings are not a sudden move you dizzy, but a long stream of you spoiled.

18、如果一壶酒能咽下以往种种不愿启齿的心酸,我愿干。 If I don't want to dry my heart.

19、如果我在你的世界里可有可无,那么我会无情地退出。 If I have nothing in your world, then I will withdraw mercilessly.

20、如果真的不知道将来要做什么,索性就先做好眼前的事情。 If you really don't know what to do in the future, simply do the things in front of you.

21、如果长得帅是一种错,那我已经错的不要不要的了。 If it's a mistake to be handsome, I'm already wrong. Don't want it.

22、孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,*。 Lonely you, lonely me, lonely soul, displaced.

23、对你而言,我的喜欢就这么可笑吗? Is my love so ridiculous to you?

24、就是因为爱你多一些,让你觉得我离不开你对吗。 It's because I love you more, which makes you think I can't leave you, right.

25、平常总健忘丢三落四的我,却把你记那么清? Usually always forgetful and forgetful of me, but remember you so clearly?

26、当我们不能回头时,只能继续往前走。 When we can't turn back, we can only move on.

27、很爱一个人,没有白天与黑夜,只有无尽的温暖和想。 Love a person, no day and night, only endless warmth and thinking.

28、总有一天,你的名字会出现在我家的户口本上。 One day, your name will appear in my household register.

29、情到深处怕辜负,爱到深处人孤独。 Love to the depth of fear of failure, love to the depth of loneliness.

30、想你像是咳嗽,无论如何也止不住,也没有办法。 Think of you like a cough, in any case can not stop, there is no way.

31、我为什么,会变德如此做作。 Why do I, will become virtuous so artificial.

32、我会骄傲的对你说滚,让你偿还对我的债。 I will be proud to say to you go, let you pay my debt.

33、我在冷暖人世间逃窜,她在清朗秋空中仰目长盼。 I run away in the warm and cold world. She looks up in the clear autumn sky.

34、我怀疑你喜欢我,但我没有证据。 I doubt you, but I don't like it.

35、我扔掉的,你也不一定能拾得起来。 I throw them away, you may not be able to pick them up.

36、我要改善生活,我不吃挂面,我要吃方便面。 I want to improve my life. I don't eat noodles. I want instant noodles.

37、所有复杂的东西不是爱情的方向,而是围绕在爱情周围的东西。 All the complicated things are not the direction of love, but the things around love.

38、拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度! Have knowledge change destiny, have ideal change attitude!

39、明明喜欢的是你,却要装做无关痛痒的开着你跟别人的玩笑。 Clearly like you, but want to pretend to be unimportant with you and other people's jokes.

40、最初,是那春日杏花吹满头,谁家年少足风流。 At first, it was the spring apricot blossom, who was young enough to be romantic.

41、有没有一个人看透我的逞强在乎硪的忧伤。 Have a person to see through my arrogance, care about my sadness.

42、沉默,躲闪,不再主动,这就是答案,其实你早就该明白的。 Silence, evasion, no longer active, this is the answer, in fact, you should have understood.

43、没有了你的存在,就算是加了糖的咖啡也会有苦涩的味道。 Without you, even the coffee with sugar will have a bitter taste.

44、用乐观的心情做事,用善良的心肠待人。 Do things with an optimistic mood and treat others with kindness.

45、相遇本来就不容易,相识更要好好珍惜。 It is not easy to meet, but we should cherish it.

46、笑,如此不堪的过去。 Smile, such an unbearable past.

47、若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。 If I am not changed, or you forget the time.

48、记忆如果成了碎片,那是因为里面全部都摆满了心痛。 If memory becomes a fragment, it is because it is full of heartache.

49、过去的就过去了,一直回头看只会毁掉现在,阻碍未来。 The past is in the past. Looking back all the time will only destroy the present and hinder the future.

50、那种天空,白云的乡愁也寂莫。 That kind of sky, the nostalgia of white clouds is also silent.