1、一些事,只配当回忆,一些人,只能做过客。 Some things, only when the memories, some people, can only do passers-by.

2、三年之后,一袭婚纱,一束捧花,一个他。 Three years later, a wedding dress, a bouquet of flowers, a he.

3、下辈子我要做洋葱,谁敢欺负我,我就让谁泪流满面。 I will make onions in the next life. Whoever dares to bully me, I will make everyone cry.

4、不会生气的人是傻瓜,不去生气的人才是智者。 He who is not angry is a fool, and he who is not angry is a wise man.

5、不必对全世界失望,百步之内,必有芳草。 There is no need to be disappointed in the whole world. Within a hundred steps, there will be grass.

6、世界上的脑残这么多,可是你却成了其中的佼佼者。 There are so many mental disabilities in the world, but you have become one of the best.

7、人与人太熟,就知道刀往哪里捅最痛。 When people are too familiar with each other, they know where the knife hurts the most.

8、人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不在于生存。 The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to wake up and think, not in survival.

9、以后要多笑,不要委屈求全,你哭的样子真丑。 Laugh more later, don't be aggrieved, you cry ugly.

10、你不但要懂得生活,还要学会如何去生活。 You should not only understand life, but also learn how to live.

11、你在我心上划了一刀就走,别怪我痊愈后一刀捅死你。 You cut me in the heart and left. Don't blame me for stabbing you to death after I recovered.

12、你是个好男孩,但是我太美了,你配不上。 You are a good boy, but I am too beautiful for you.

13、你还年轻,别凑合过,接下来的人生,还有万万种可能。 You are still young. Don't make do with it. There are thousands of possibilities in your next life.

14、保持友谊的秘诀,开心时就互夸,一方不开心时就比惨。 The secret of friendship is to boast when you are happy and to be miserable when you are unhappy.

15、去找一个像太阳一样的人,帮你晒晒所有不值一提的迷茫。 Find a person like the sun to help you bask in all the worthless confusion.

16、喜欢极端的东西,黑或白,爱或死。 Like extreme things, black or white, love or death.

17、坠泪独酒,扇上人空瘦。枯容几世生殇,遗念微茫。 Tears fall, wine alone, the fan is empty and thin. Kurong several lives of grief, little memory.

18、好感是不会永远保鲜,毕竟热情总会变得冷淡。 Good feeling is not always fresh, after all, enthusiasm will always become cold.

19、如果,你非要触摸我的底线,可以清楚告诉你我并非善良。 If you have to touch my bottom line, you can clearly tell that I am not kind.

20、学了二十多年的对错,却发现现实只讲输赢。 After more than 20 years of learning right and wrong, I found that the reality is only about winning or losing.

21、小事不做,难成大事。小气不忍,则坏大事。 If you don't do small things, you can't do big things. If you can't bear to be mean, you will be bad.

22、希望开心和好运,可以不请自来。 I hope to be happy and lucky. I can come here without asking.

23、希望我所拼命争取的,最后都能如我所愿。 I hope that what I strive for can be as I wish in the end.

24、当你心情平白无故变得不好,那你肯定是在想某个人了。 When you are in a bad mood for no reason, you must be thinking about someone.

25、怎么就有那么多眼泪要流,你是小水龙头吗。 How can there be so many tears to flow? Are you a small faucet.

26、总归有人看不惯我,我能怎样,百般讨好,还是杀人灭口! Some people don't like me. What can I do to please them? Kill them!

27、总有一天,我会指着心脏,骄傲的告诉你,这里换人了。 One day, I will point to the heart and proudly tell you that someone has changed here.

28、我会开心,我会有钱,有你最好,没你随便。 I will be happy, I will be rich, with you the best, without you casually.

29、我可以走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。 I can walk ten thousand steps to see you, and I am willing to step back ten thousand and one step to leave you.

30、我并不是每天都很快乐,但我还是要努力好好生活。 I'm not happy every day, but I'll try my best to live a good life.

31、我想遇见你,然后经历所有浪漫。 I want to meet you and experience all the romance.

32、我抱你一下,然后,你就是我的了,好不好。 I'll give you a hug, and then you're mine, OK.

33、我是喜欢你,但我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you, but I can't be shameless all my life.

34、我走的路很黑,你拿什么来体会? It's very dark. What do you think of it?

35、把心收起来,不再招摇过市。 Put your heart away from the market.

36、既然上了生活的贼船,就要爱做一个快乐的海盗。 Now that you are on the life's pirate ship, you should love to be a happy pirate.

37、最开心的事,听见你的声音,得到你的关心。 The happiest thing is to hear your voice and get your attention.

38、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。 There are thousands of plans for those who have a will, but for those who have no will, there are only thousands of difficulties.

39、有时即使千方百计得到了,也仅仅是个形式而已。 Sometimes even if we do everything we can, it's just a form.

40、有的路注定没有机会再走,有的人注定不可能再爱。 Some roads are doomed not to go, some people are doomed not to love.

41、没有钱,我知道日子难过,可这也太特么难过了吧。 Without money, I know it's hard, but it's too hard.

42、没爱过几个人渣,怎么知道货比三家。 I haven't loved a few scum, how can I know how to compare goods with three.

43、活着实在太不容易了,除了没人疼,其他哪都疼! It's not easy to live, except no one hurts, everything else hurts!

44、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can't cure all diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.

45、用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a willing attitude, live a happy life.

46、终于,我们回到了最初的样子,我叫你名,你带我姓。 Finally, we are back to the original appearance, I call your first name, you take my last name.

47、绕过*错落,才发现你是人间烟火。 Around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find you are human fireworks.

48、舌头虽然柔软,但它有时比刀子的威力更大。 Although the tongue is soft, it is sometimes more powerful than a knife.

49、花会开,春会来,时间会帮助你看开。 Flowers will bloom, spring will come, time will help you see.

50、若无是非挂心头,便是人间好时节。 If there is no right or wrong, it is a good time for the world.

51、菩萨心如虚空,一切俱舍,所作福德皆不贪着。 Bodhisattva's heart is empty, everything is given up, and all his blessings are not greedy.

52、要在天亮前变成小星星,去偷亲你的眼睛。 Be a little star before dawn, and kiss your eyes.

53、要没点自我安慰的本事,还真活不到现在。 If you don't have the ability to comfort yourself, you can't live up to now.

54、谁又能明白谁的深爱,谁又能理解谁的离开。 Who can understand whose deep love, who can understand who left.

55、谁若用真心对我,我便拿命去珍惜,这句话永远不会过期。 If anyone is sincere to me, I will cherish it with my life. This sentence will never expire.

56、路遥马急,晚了十七年遇见你。 Lu Yao is in a hurry to meet you 17 years late.

57、转角一般不会遇到爱,只会遇到乞丐。 Generally, I don't meet love around the corner, only beggars.

58、这座城市风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。 The city is windy and lonely people always come home late.

59、醉酒熏熏然等死,总好过清清醒醒不得不死。 It's better to be drunk and smoke and wait for death than to wake up and have to die.

60、长发及腰有什么了不起的,有本事你刘海及腰啊。 What's great about long hair and waist? You have the ability to have bangs and waist.