1、一个人有多不正经,就有多深情! How unseemly a person is, how affectionate he is!
2、一个人有多不认真,就有多深情。 How careless a person is, how affectionate he is.
3、一些人,一些事,失去了就不再回来。 Some people, some things, lose and never come back.
4、一生为感情所累,不懂脱身。 I'm tired of feeling all my life, and I don't know how to get away.
5、不止是失望,更多的是绝望。 It's not just disappointment, it's despair.
6、世间之爱皆是爱,没有大小之分。 All love in the world is love, not big or small.
7、九九八十一难,爱里都是遗憾。 Ninety nine eighty one is difficult, love is regret.
8、你以为我是话唠,其实只是特别喜欢你。 You think I'm talkative, but I just like you very much.
9、你没有舍不得,我也不好意思难过。 I'm sorry you didn't give up.
10、倘若你是我的劫,那我定是在劫难逃。 If you are my disaster, I will be doomed.
11、做人,简单就好,生活,宁静就好。 Life is simple, life is quiet.
12、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个转身。 In fact, I've been behind you all the time. It's just for you to turn around.
13、再重要的人让你失望多了,也变得不重要了。 No matter how important people let you down, they don't matter.
14、别人上班要钱,我们上班要命! Other people want money to work, we work to death!
15、别开玩笑了,十字开头的年龄谈什么一辈子。 Don't be kidding. The age at the beginning of the cross is about a lifetime.
16、可惜你我山南水北,想抱抱你也没有机会。 It's a pity that you and I have no chance to hold you.
17、听说、习惯隐身的人、都有一段伤痕。 It is said that people who are used to being invisible all have a scar.
18、命运的无常之下,谁能始终如一。 Under the uncertainty of fate, who can be consistent.
19、喝一杯清茶,再爱也不碰烈酒。 Drink a cup of tea, and never touch the liquor.
20、回忆不是一个人变老的标志,反复回忆才是。 Recollection is not a sign of one's aging, but repeated recollection.
21、往后的时光,只有我一人孤身独自走过。 In the future, I was the only one who walked alone.
22、我以为自己可以忘了你,可是我无能为力。 I thought I could forget you, but there's nothing I can do.
23、我和你以笑开始,以吻转浓,以泪结束。 You and I begin with laughter, grow thick with kisses, and end with tears.
24、我很喜欢你,但我也想忘了你。 I like you very much, but I also want to forget you.
25、我承认,我放不下你。 I admit, I can't let you go.
26、我有个恋爱,想和你谈一下。 I have a love affair. I want to have a talk with you.
27、我每天都在笑,你猜我过得好不好。 I laugh every day. Guess how I'm doing.
28、我还在原地徘徊,等待那早已没有A未来。 I am still wandering in situ, waiting for the future that has not been.
29、所有不合时宜的相遇,都遗憾的让人心疼。 All the untimely encounter, are regrettable heartache.
30、承诺,会彻彻底底砸烂一个人脆弱的灵魂。 Commitment, will thoroughly smash a person's fragile soul.
31、拥有过再失去总比不曾拥有更难过。 It's more sad to have and lose than never to have.
32、整颗心被你洞穿的,毫无保留懦弱狼狈。 The whole heart is pierced by you, without reservation, cowardly and embarrassed.
33、无人问我粥可温,无人陪我立黄昏。 No one asked me whether porridge could be warm, no one accompanied me at dusk.
34、无论什麽时候,我都在你触手可及之处。 No matter when, I'll be within your reach.
35、是不是我又给你失望了。 Did I disappoint you again.
36、曾经的诺言早就不堪一击,欺骗的只是自己。 Once the promise has long been vulnerable, only to deceive themselves.
37、最怕超出了朋友关系,还得不到爱情。 I'm afraid that I can't get love beyond friendship.
38、月亮是失眠的灯,凭窗眺望那段寂寞的往事。 The moon is the lamp of insomnia, looking at the lonely past by the window.
39、有一种感觉总在失眠时,才承认是相思。 There is a feeling always in insomnia, just admit is Acacia.
40、每个人,都在为不同的理由带着面具说谎。 Everyone is lying with a mask for different reasons.
41、每个百毒不侵的背后,都曾经无药可救过。 Behind every invincible poison, there was no remedy.
42、没有忘记你,也没有力气再去想你。 I didn't forget you, and I didn't have the strength to think about you again.
43、爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起。 Love is romantic, frustrated people can't afford to play.
44、真想停下来歇一歇,怎奈岁月如流水。 I really want to stop and have a rest, but the years are like flowing water.
45、终是黄粱梦一场,此后再无风雨再无她。 It's a dream in the end, and then there will be no rain, no her.
46、罗曼蒂克的爱情,没有故事也没有你。 Romantic love, no story, no you.
47、衣服破了可以缝,人心碎了只有疼。 If the clothes are broken, they can be sewn. If the heart is broken, it only hurts.
48、被寂寞溺死的爱情,成了泪海中的浮尸。 The love drowned by loneliness becomes a floating corpse in the sea of tears.
49、那些离别和伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 Those parting and pain, has no voice.
50、那颗倔强的心,因为你离开而停止跳动。 That stubborn heart, because you leave and stop beating.