1、不喝隔夜茶,不喝过量酒。 Don't drink tea overnight. Don't drink too much alcohol.

2、公允妥洽,平正通达。 Fair and fair, fair and accessible.

3、太强必折,太张必缺。 If you are too strong, you will be broken; if you are too open, you will be short.

4、宁吃过头饭,莫说过头话。 Better eat too much than say the first thing.

5、宝剑赠英雄,鲜花送美人。 Swords for heroes, flowers for beauties.

6、忧喜更相接,乐极还自悲。 Sorrow and joy are more closely connected, and joy returns to sorrow.

7、月圆则缺,器满则倾。 If the moon is full, it will be short; if it is full, it will be inclined.

8、月盈则亏,日中则昃。 A month's gain is a loss.

9、水满则溢,日满则亏。 When the water is full, it overflows; when the day is full, it loses.

10、爱重反成仇,薄极反成喜。 Love turns to hatred, but vice versa.

11、物,贵极征贱,贱极征贵,凡事皆然。 Things are extremely expensive, and they are cheap. Everything is true.

12、用物过度妨于财,用气过度伤于身。 Excessive use of material is harmful to wealth, and excessive use of Qi is harmful to the body.

13、竭泽而渔,后不得鱼。 If you try your best to fish, you can't fish later.

14、臭腐化为神奇,神奇复化为臭腐。 Putrefaction into magic, magic into putrefaction.

15、衰为盛之终,盛为衰之始。 Decline is the end of prosperity and prosperity is the beginning of decline.

16、话不要说死,路不要走绝。 Don't say die, don't walk away.

17、较短量长,惟器是适。 Short and long, only the instrument is suitable.

18、过头饭别吃,过头话别说。 Don't eat too much, don't say anything.

19、马蹄刀瓢里切菜,滴水也不漏。 A horseshoe knife can cut vegetables without dripping water.

20、高手过招,点到即止。 The master moves, points to stop.