1、一个人的智慧不够用,两个人的智慧用不完。 One person's wisdom is not enough, two people's wisdom is not enough.

2、一堆粪,一堆粮;一个粪蛋蛋,一碗米饭饭。 A pile of dung, a pile of grain; a dung egg, a bowl of rice rice rice.

3、一日三笑,人生难老;一日三恼,不老也老。 Three smiles a day makes life difficult to grow old; three annoyances a day make one old.

4、三十五天晚稻秧不老,二十五天早稻老了秧。 Thirty five days later rice seedlings are not old, twenty-five days early rice seedlings are old.

5、不埋头干点苦活路,香甜的事物又从那里来。 If you don't bury your head in a hard way, where do sweet things come from.

6、与其悲叹自己的命运,不如相信自己的力量。 It is better to believe in your own strength than to lament your own destiny.

7、人应当要么是一件艺术品,要么戴一件艺术品。 People should be either a work of art or wear a piece of art.

8、人应该靠自己,别人帮你一时,不能帮你一世。 People should rely on themselves, others help you for a while, can't help you for a lifetime.

9、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。 If we don't do what we should do today, we will be late tomorrow.

10、他人,不涉你目;他人碌碌,不涉你足。 Your eyes are not involved in other people's worries; your feet are not involved in other people's activities.

11、信用是我生命中的血液,我绝不宣布破产。 Credit is the blood of my life. I will never declare bankruptcy.

12、入冬小麦三层雪,来冬雪是麦被,春雪是麦鬼。 Winter wheat has three layers of snow, winter snow is wheat quilt, spring snow is wheat ghost.

13、冬者岁之余,夜者日之余,阴雨者时之余。 Winter is more than years old, night is more than day, rain is more than time.

14、出家三天,佛在面前;出家三年,佛在西天。 Three days after becoming a monk, the Buddha is in front of him; for three years, the Buddha is in the West.

15、听别人的话有时刺耳,说明还有人注意你。 Listening to other people's words is sometimes harsh, which means that someone else is paying attention to you.

16、命由己定,相由心生,福祸无门,唯己心造。 Life is determined by oneself, and the phase is born from the heart. There is no door for blessing or misfortune. Only one's heart makes it.

17、失去双翼的鸟不能飞,没不桨的船不能划。 A bird without wings cannot fly, and a boat without oars cannot row.

18、如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作*。 If you want to climb a mountain, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

19、学文化,从字母开始;讲文明,从小事做起。 Learning culture starts with letters; speaking of civilization starts with small things.

20、学文化,从字母开始;讲礼貌,从小事做起。 To learn culture, start with letters; to be polite, start with small things.

21、富贵无根,贫穷无苗。贫不可欺,富不可恃。 Wealth without roots, poverty without seedlings. Don't bully the poor and the rich.

22、对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。 What is life like when singing to wine? For example, the morning dew is more difficult to go.

23、思念uh、余音q存、我是那麽的b不可及。 Miss gradually far away, the aftersound still exists, we are so far away.

24、懂得与别人协商相处,才是真正有本事的风度。 To know how to negotiate and get along with others is really a good demeanor.

25、找朋友的最好方法,就是先去做别人的朋友。 The best way to find a friend is to be someone else's friend first.

26、接受表扬要低下头来,接受批评要抬起头来。 You should lower your head to accept praise and raise your head to accept criticism.

27、时间带走年轻的容颜,却留下孤独老去的心。 Time takes away the young face, but leaves the lonely old heart.

28、春天的气候忽冷忽热,人生的道路有祸有福。 In spring, the climate is cold and hot, and the road of life is full of misfortune and happiness.

29、有千斤的臂力,却不能把一片树叶扔过河岸。 He has the strength of a thousand jin, but he can't throw a leaf across the river bank.

30、杨叶钱大,快种甜瓜;杨叶哗啦,快种西瓜。 Yang Ye Qian big, fast planting melon; Yang Ye Hua La, fast planting watermelon.

31、水中的鱼儿上不得上岸,山里的老虎下不得滩。 The fish in the water can't go ashore, and the tiger in the mountain can't go down to the beach.

32、水利不修,水田白丢;水利修好,收成稳保。 If the water conservancy is not repaired, the paddy field will be lost in vain; if the water conservancy works well, the harvest will be stable.

33、爱好学习的是聪明人,喜欢指点的是蠢家伙。 Those who like to learn are smart people and those who like to point out are stupid people.

34、环境越艰难困苦,就越要有坚定的毅力和信心。 The more difficult and difficult the environment is, the more we must have firm perseverance and confidence.

35、男人无志,钝铁无钢,女人无志,乱草无秧。 Men without ambition, blunt iron without steel, women without ambition, random grass without seedlings.

36、真理的碎片绝不是真理,谎言撕碎后仍是谎言。 The fragments of truth are not truth, and lies are still lies after being torn up.

37、粪是田的爹,水是地的娘,无爹无娘命不长。 Dung is the father of the field, water is the mother of the ground. Without father and mother, life is not long.

38、聪明人办事爱与人商量,愚昧人一切自作主张。 Wise people like to discuss things with others, but fools make their own decisions.

39、聪明的鸟儿珍惜羽毛,聪明的人儿珍惜时间。 A wise bird cherishes feathers, and a wise man cherishes time.

40、节令不到,不知冷暖;人不相处,不知厚薄。 I don't know whether it's warm or cold when the season is not coming.

41、让生活的句号圈住的人,是无法前时半步的。 Let the full stop of life circle people, is unable to advance half a step forward.

42、马在软地上易失蹄,人在甜言上易栽跟斗。 A horse is apt to stumble on the soft ground, while a man is apt to fall in love.

43、鱼靠水活,苗靠肥长。油足灯亮,肥足苗壮。 Fish live on water and fry grow on fat. The lamp of oil foot is bright, and the seedling of fat foot is strong.

44、麦子种得密,麦头麦子锄三遍,皮薄多出面。 When the wheat is planted densely, the wheat is hoed three times, and the skin is thin and the surface is more exposed.