1、一只只夏蝉婉转轻唱,交织成一阀颂歌。 A summer cicada gently sing, interwoven into a valve of ode.
2、一群热情好客的飞鸽飞来在我们身边走动。 A group of hospitable flying pigeons came and walked around us.
3、一阵风吹过,荷叶在快乐地跳起了舞蹈。 A gust of wind blowing, lotus leaf in the happy dance.
4、书桌上精致的台灯发出迷人的光。 The exquisite desk lamp on the desk gives out a charming light.
5、唱着动人歌曲的小河上横跨着一座老桥。 There is an old bridge across the river singing moving songs.
6、在冷雨中,每一朵花都傲然挺立,神气十足。 In the cold rain, every flower stands erect and full of air.
7、夏天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。 Summer is like a little girl, blooming, smiling, walking.
8、夏天的夜晚像游戏厅,星星们在做游戏。 Summer night is like a game hall. The stars are playing games.
9、大风生气了,猛然朝人们扑过去。 The wind was angry and rushed at the people.
10、太阳仿佛挣脱了铁链,一下子跳了出来。 The sun seemed to break free from the chain and jump out.
11、太阳公公慢慢地小心翼翼地从东方升起来。 The sun rose slowly from the East.
12、太阳公公红着脸慢慢地从东方升起来。 The sun rises slowly from the East with a red face.
13、太阳出来了,露出了它红红、可爱的脸蛋。 The sun came out, revealing its red and lovely face.
14、小乌龟在水里漫无目的地游来游去。 The little turtle swam aimlessly in the water.
15、小乌龟懒洋洋地趴在河岸边,欣赏着风景。 The little tortoise lay lazily on the Bank of the river, enjoying the scenery.
16、小树伸了个赖腰,一下子长高了。 The little tree stretched its waist and grew tall.
17、小树摇摆着枝叶,向咱们允许笑。 The young tree swayed its branches and leaves to allow us to smile.
18、小溪弹凑着自己的曲子,婉转动人。 The stream plays its own music, tactfully moving.
19、小狗在院子里高兴地走来走去。 The dog was walking up and down the yard happily.
20、小猫迈着模特一样的步伐轻盈的向我走来。 The kitten came to me with the steps of a model.
21、小草安静地像在思考问题似的。 The grass seemed to be thinking quietly.
22、小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕。 Grass smile to you, please take the road around.
23、小鱼在欢快地舞蹈,你追我赶! The little fish is dancing happily, you chase me!
24、小鸟在枝头上卖弄着动人的歌喉。 The birds are showing their moving voice on the branches.
25、小鸟在树枝上叽叽喳喳地说话。 The birds were chirping on the branches.
26、山村的天睁开了双眼,新的一天开始了。 The mountain village opened its eyes and a new day began.
27、巍巍群山铺上了一件雪白的新衣。 The towering mountains were covered with a new white coat.
28、弯弯的月儿像小船,躺在天空的怀抱中。 The curved moon is like a boat, lying in the arms of the sky.
29、时间像青春的孩子,奔跑不止。 Time is like a child of youth, running more than ever.
30、春天来了,小鸟放开歌喉,尽情歌唱。 Spring is coming, the birds sing freely.
31、月亮在天空中看着熟睡的人们,笑了。 The moon looked at the sleeping people in the sky and laughed.
32、月季露出了她那含羞带怯的笑脸。 The rose showed her shy and timid smile.
33、桃树换上了新衣,戴上了粉嫩的桃花。 Peach trees put on new clothes, put on the pink peach blossom.
34、桃花在枝头露出了可爱的粉红笑脸。 Peach blossom in the branches showed a lovely pink smile.
35、橘子看上去像是一个小孩子的小脑袋瓜。 Orange looks like a child's cerebellum pouch melon.
36、水把自己的笑脸仰起来,于是有了浪花。 The water raised its smiling face, and there was a wave.
37、池塘里的荷叶在微风中快乐地舞蹈。 Lotus leaves in the pond dance happily in the breeze.
38、海水翻滚着,争先恐后地涌向岸边。 The sea was rolling and rushing towards the shore.
39、海鸥的那婴儿般的样子特别惹人喜爱。 The baby like appearance of the seagull is very popular.
40、炎热的夏天,知了在树上不耐烦的抱怨着。 In the hot summer, cicada complained impatiently in the tree.
41、狂风像一个调皮的小孩跑来跑去。 The wind ran around like a naughty child.
42、玉米黄澄澄的,好像一位位漂亮的小仙女。 Corn yellow, like a beautiful fairy.
43、白桦林异口同声地发出哗哗的声音。 The birch forest made a sound with one voice.
44、睡莲花就像一位美丽的仙女在水上站着。 The sleeping lotus is like a beautiful fairy standing on the water.
45、石头挺起了他的胸膛,不让水离去。 The stone raised his chest to keep the water away.
46、秋天到了,稻子笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸。 Autumn is coming, rice smile bent, sorghum red face.
47、秋风吹来,落叶在林间跳起了欢快的舞蹈。 Autumn wind blowing, leaves in the forest dance happily.
48、美丽的月亮羞答答的躲进了云层。 The beautiful moon shy into the clouds.
49、花儿在烈日下,睁不开自己美丽的双眼。 Flowers in the hot sun, can not open their beautiful eyes.
50、蝴蝶初翻帘绣,万玉女、齐回舞袖。 At the beginning of the butterfly curtain embroidery, Wan Yu Nu, Qi Hui dance sleeve.
51、蝴蝶在你的面前迈着迷人的舞步。 Butterflies are dancing in front of you.
52、金灿灿的稻穗一个个腼腆地弯下了腰。 The golden ears of rice bent down shyly one by one.
53、铅笔犯错了,橡皮檫来纠正错误。 If the pencil is wrong, use the eraser to correct it.
54、雨滴笑着闹着从蔚蓝的天空中纷纷落下。 The raindrops were laughing and falling from the blue sky.
55、雨迈着轻盈的步伐悄悄地走来了。 The rain came quietly with light steps.
56、雪花像害羞了呢,随着风飘向了另一边。 Snowflake seems shy, with the wind to the other side.
57、风筝在天上摇头晃脑的飘来飘去。 The kite was fluttering in the sky.
58、高粱熟了,站在那里等着农人去收割。 When the sorghum is ripe, I stand there waiting for the farmer to harvest.
59、鹅轻盈的走着,真是傲慢极了! The goose walks lightly, is really arrogant!
60、麦田仿佛穿上了一袭浅黄色的纱衣。 The wheat field seems to have put on a light yellow gauze.