1、一点浩然气,千里快哉风。 A little lofty spirit, thousands of miles, fast wind.

2、一蓑衣,一戟桨,划破了世俗几多悲苦哀愁。 A coir raincoat and a halberd paddle cut through the secular sadness.

3、三里清风三里路,步步风里步步你。 Three miles of breeze, three miles of road, you step by step in the wind.

4、不为风摇,不为雨藏,任君来去,守我天朗。 Do not shake for the wind, do not hide for the rain, let you come and go, keep my sunny day.

5、世间最毒的仇恨,是有缘却无分。 The most poisonous hatred in the world is fate but no point.

6、人倦胭脂懒淡。恶即斩,生死笑谈。 People are tired and rouge is lazy. Evil is cut, life and death laugh.

7、今夕何夕,见此良人,子兮子兮,如此良人何。 How can I see this beloved tonight? I'm a son. I'm a son. I'm such a beloved.

8、从今以往,勿复相思。相思与君绝。 From now on, don't fall in love again. Acacia and Jun Jue.

9、从此山水不相逢,莫道佳人长和短。 Since then, when mountains and rivers don't meet, don't say beauty is long and short.

10、传红叶乃生情愫,系赤绳而定祯祥。 It is said that the red leaf is the source of emotion, which is determined by the red rope.

11、传说永未停止,必须向死而生。 Legend never stops. You must live to death.

12、但求冷眼旁观,看你横到几时。 But please stand by and see how long you cross.

13、你我山前没相见,山后别相逢。 You and I haven't met in front of the mountain. Don't meet behind the mountain.

14、你是我猝不及防的心动,你是我始料未及的惊鸿。 You are my unexpected heart, you are my unexpected surprise.

15、你知长河难渡,痴人一直在水底。 You know it's hard to cross the long river. A fool has been underwater.

16、你若不动,岁月无恙,心若不动,风又奈何。 If you don't move, the years will be fine. If your heart doesn't move, what can the wind do.

17、你说,钟期既遇,流水何惭;后来,绝指复弹,几度愁眠。 You say, since the clock period meets, why are you ashamed of running water; Later, Jue pointed to play again and sleep for several times.

18、共看明月应垂泪,一夜乡心五处同。 Look at the bright moon and cry. One night, the heart of the country is the same in five places.

19、初与君别时,不谓行当久。 When I first say goodbye to you, it doesn't mean that I have been doing business for a long time.

20、初见只一回,余生来世都幸会。 It's only once for the first time. It's a pleasure to meet you for the rest of your life.

21、十年无梦得还家,独立青峰野水涯。 Ten years without a dream, I have to return home and be independent of Qingfeng and yeshuiya.

22、千年百岁不过弹指一挥间,遇见你之前都不知,什么是梦。 A thousand years and a hundred years old, but I don't know what a dream is before I meet you.

23、占得杏梁安稳处,体轻唯有主人怜,堪羡好因缘。 Occupying the stable place of apricot beam, the body is light. Only the master has pity and can envy good karma.

24、去年花下客,今似蝶分飞。 Last year's flowers left guests, but now they fly like butterflies.

25、可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒? Poor body coat is single, heart worry about carbon cheap, wish it cold?

26、君不见碧玉流光,韶华浅落;然而年光渐逝,不予共我。 You don't see the flowing light of Jasper, and your youth is falling; However, as the years go by, we don't share with each other.

27、君生我未生,我生君已老,恨不生同时,日日与君好。 You gave birth to me, I gave birth to you. I'm old. I hate not to give birth. At the same time, I'm good to you every day.

28、天下人何限,慊慊独为汝。 You are the only one in the world.

29、如何相背远,江汉与城。 How far away from each other, Jianghan and Chengkan.

30、如果所有的相遇都已经老去,你可还愿意陪在我的身边。 If all the encounters are old, are you still willing to accompany me.

31、尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归。 It's rare to laugh on earth. Chrysanthemums must be put all over their heads.

32、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。 The flowers on the other side have no leaves, and the leaves have no flowers. They read and cherish each other, but they can't meet each other.

33、往事思量一晌空,飞絮无情,依旧烟笼。 Thinking about the past for a long time, the flying catkins are ruthless and still smoke.

34、待你功成名达,怀中人富贵家。 When you are successful and famous, the person in your arms is rich and noble.

35、心里的火永远不要灭,哪怕别人只能看到烟。 Never put out the fire in your heart, even if others can only see smoke.

36、惆怅鸿逝烟际,人寂静,星霜追忆。 Melancholy Hongshi smoke, people silent, star frost recall.

37、愿君福满身常健,愿伊不改朱颜面。 May Jun Fu always be healthy, and may Yi not change her face.

38、愿得韶华刹那,开得满树芳华。 May you have a moment of youth and bloom with trees.

39、愿花常开月长圆,愿有情人共婵娟。 May the flowers always bloom and the moon be long and round, and may lovers be beautiful together.

40、我今所得亦很多,想象佳人空住所,你我同行伴笑声。 I've got a lot today. Imagine a beautiful woman's empty house. You and I walk together with laughter.

41、我允你情深似海,你赐我万箭焚心。 I allow you to be as deep as the sea. You give me thousands of arrows to burn my heart.

42、我愿你安康,共白发苍苍。你征战疆场,说来日方长。 I wish you well-being and white hair. You go to war and say it's going to be a long time.

43、我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。 How can I avoid the whim of fate.

44、把自己过成诗,最简单也最精致。 It's the simplest and most exquisite way to turn yourself into a poem.

45、择一城终老,遇一人白首。 Choose a city to die, meet a white head.

46、挥袖抬眸,乱了烟花,携手踏尘沙。 Waving his sleeves and lifting his eyes, he disordered the fireworks and stepped on the dust hand in hand.

47、敌不过的哪是似水流年,*早为你我说定了永别。 What's the enemy? It's like a fleeting time. Rivers and mountains have agreed to say goodbye to you and me for a long time.

48、春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。 The spring tide brings rain, and the night comes quickly. There is no boat to cross the wild ferry.

49、最傻不过妃子情,芳心总许帝王怀。 The stupidest thing is the concubine's love. The heart is always cherished by the emperor.

50、最肯忘却古人诗,最不屑一顾是相思。 The most willing to forget the ancient poetry, the most disdainful is Acacia.

51、来时山有雨,未清醒,未清明。 When I came, there was rain on the mountain. I was not awake and clear.

52、枝上柳棉吹又少,天涯何处无芳草。 There are few willows and cotton blowing on the branches. There are no fragrant grass anywhere in the world.

53、檀樱倚扇,故引相思做文章。 Tan Ying leans on the fan, so she cited Acacia as an article.

54、江碧鸟逾白,山青花欲燃。 The river is blue, the birds are white, and the mountains are blue and white.

55、流水人家,难忘不过是共栽的木叶篱笆。 Water people, unforgettable is just a co planted wood leaf fence.

56、海上生明月,天涯共此时。情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。 The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment. Lovers complain about the distant night, but they miss each other in the evening.

57、独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。 Sitting alone in the Huanghe, playing the piano and roaring.

58、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 Learning alone without friends is humble and unheard of.

59、生前苦了一辈子,痛了一辈子。倾了天下,也乱了繁华。 I suffered all my life and hurt all my life. Dumping the world, but also chaotic prosperity.

60、知君用心如日月,事夫誓拟同生死。 Knowing your heart is like the sun and moon, and your husband vows to live and die.

61、立片言以居要,乃一篇之警策。 Setting up a piece of speech to occupy the important position is a police policy.

62、繁杂的经历在眼角镌刻深深的纹我转身雕下一朵花。 The complicated experience engraved deep lines in the corners of my eyes. I turned and carved a flower.

63、纵你阅人何其多,无人应似我。 Even if you read so many people, no one should be like me.

64、绿绮手中弹,挥弦白雪寒。 Green Qi played in her hand and waved the string. It was white and cold.

65、若岁月静好,那就颐养身心;若时光阴暗,那就多些历练。 If the years are quiet, take care of your body and mind; If the time is dark, then more experience.

66、莫嫌举世无知己,未有庸人不忌才。 Don't be afraid that there are no confidants in the world, and no mediocre is afraid of talents.

67、许多含蓄意,不肯露春情。待过清明后,精华入夏清。 Many people are deliberately unwilling to show their love. After the Qingming, the essence enters Xia Qing.

68、许梨花,画若离,伤心何妨。 Xu Lihua, if you leave the painting, why not be sad.

69、转身,徒留一人伤寂;萧瑟,氤氲中惆怅的背影。 Turn around, leaving a person alone; Bleak, melancholy figure in the dense.

70、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 Don't turn the past page if you can't turn it. If you turn the dust, you will lose your eyes.

71、近来攀折苦,应为别离多。 The recent ups and downs should be due to more separation.

72、还有多少凝视,就这样,沉积了,封存了。 How many more stares, in this way, deposited and sealed.

73、送客自伤身易老,不知何处待先生。 It's easy to get old when seeing off guests. I don't know where to treat you, sir.

74、重头歌韵响铮琮,入破舞腰红乱旋。 The rhyme of the heavy song is clanking and Cong, and the waist is red and whirling in the broken dance.

75、野心勃勃,如狼似虎,孤注一掷能否笑到最后? Ambitious, like a wolf, desperate, can you laugh to the end?

76、银烛吐青烟,金樽对绮筵。离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。 Silver candles spit smoke, and gold bottles make a feast. Don't go around mountains and rivers.

77、陌上伊人夜独醉,何人轻拭相思泪。 The stranger is drunk alone at night. Who wipes the tears of Acacia.

78、隔山相看两不厌,何必踏遍岭头云。 I can't get tired of seeing each other across the mountain. Why step through the clouds at the head of the mountain.

79、青梅三五盏,风尘足可安。 There are three or five green plums, and the wind and dust can be safe enough.

80、风雨消磨生死别,似曾相识只孤檠,情在不能醒。 Wind and rain kill life and death, deja vu, only lonely, love can't wake up.

81、饮浊酒,兴词放下,醉一夜,忘却叹人生,尽欢。 Drink turbid wine, put down words, get drunk all night, forget to sigh life and have fun.