1、2020年感恩有你,我们一起努力加油! Thank you in 2020, we work hard to refuel!

2、一份情,一世亏欠:滴水之恩,涌泉相报。 A love, a lifetime of debt: drip of grace, spring phase report.

3、一声问候,一句牵挂,一声祝福,一生朋友! A greeting, a concern, a blessing, a lifetime friend!

4、一路走来,感谢我的朋友。 Along the way, thank my friends.

5、不论聚散,感恩相遇。 No matter gathering or parting, be grateful to meet.

6、五月的春风,长久半你,感谢相遇。 May spring breeze, long half you, thank you for meeting.

7、交了好友,才是人生最大的财富。 Making friends is the greatest wealth of life.

8、人生学会感恩,生活知道有爱。 Life learn to be grateful, life knows love.

9、今日收到的礼物,今日份的开心源自于你。 Today's gift, today's happiness comes from you.

10、做人,就要知恩图报,懂得滴水之恩! To be a man, we should know how to repay the kindness and know how to do it!

11、发红包的人最帅最美。 The people who give red envelopes are the most handsome and beautiful.

12、善待朋友,珍惜拥有! Treat your friends well and cherish your own!

13、心存感激,永不放弃! Never give up, be grateful!

14、感恩一年里,一直关心我的人。 Thank you for the people who have been caring about me for a year.

15、感恩一路上,相依相偎的人。 Be grateful for the people who are close to each other all the way.

16、感恩世界,感恩他人,感恩你我。 Thank others, thank you, the world.

17、感恩所有温暖我的人。 Thank all the people who warm me.

18、感恩无处不在,回报不论大小。 Gratitude is everywhere, and rewards are big or small.

19、感恩生命,给予我们未来。 Be grateful for life and give us the future.

20、感恩生活中,关切不断的人。 Be grateful for the people who care about you in your life.

21、感恩相遇,感谢成全。 Thank you for meeting, thank you for success.

22、感谢你们一路陪伴,感恩你们一路帮助。 Thank you for your company and help.

23、感谢你们,你们给了我们一双跋涉中的好鞋! Thank you, you gave us a pair of good shoes in the Trek!

24、感谢你我最好,最知心的朋友! Thank you, my best and most intimate friend!

25、感谢你的陪伴,有你真好! Thank you for your company. It's nice to have you!

26、感谢天,感谢地,感谢大家。 Thank you, thank you, thank you.

27、感谢对手,感谢敌人,是乐观。 Thank the opponent, thank the enemy, is optimistic.

28、感谢我今生相遇的每个人! Thank everyone I met in this life!

29、感谢我的店长领路人,最帅的男神! Thank my store manager, the most handsome man!

30、感谢我的朋友!真正的朋友,永远的朋友! Thank you, my friend! True friend, forever friend!

31、感谢所有陪伴自己的人。 Thank you all for being with you.

32、感谢有你,一路的陪伴。 Thank you for your company all the way.

33、感谢欺骗我的人,因为他增进我的智慧。 Thanks to those who deceive me, because he enhances my wisdom.

34、感谢队友对我的信任,尽心的防守。 Thanks to my teammates for their trust in me and their defense.

35、愿嫂子幸福、快乐,青春长在! Wish sister-in-law happiness, happiness, youth long!

36、我很幸运,在我的生命里,有你们相伴。 I'm lucky to have you in my life.

37、收到小伙伴的礼物,感觉好可耐。 It's nice to receive a gift from my partner.

38、既相遇,必相惜。既有缘,必在意。 When we meet, we must cherish each other. If you have fate, you must care.

39、昨天收到礼物,很意外,很高兴,心情很好。 I received the gift yesterday. I was very surprised, very happy and in a good mood.

40、最真的心,不是舌灿莲花,而是落到实处。 The most true heart is not a lotus flower, but a reality.

41、有一种幸福叫:家中有个好嫂子! There is a kind of happiness called: there is a good sister-in-law at home!

42、有感恩,有激励,有理解,分享共勉。 There are gratitude, motivation, understanding, sharing and mutual encouragement.

43、朋友情深,感谢有你!祝你天天开心哦! Friends deep, thank you! Wish you happy every day!

44、父母恩情比天高,兄弟姐妹乐无比。 Parents are more grateful than the sky, brothers and sisters are very happy.

45、生活是海,距离是舟,生活是舟,谢谢! Life is a sea, distance is a boat, life is a boat, thank you!

46、生而为人,记得感恩,滴水之恩,涌泉相报。 Born as a human being, remember to be grateful, the grace of dripping water, and the spring.

47、用感恩的心,付出;用宽容的心,原谅。 With a grateful heart, pay; with a tolerant heart, forgive.

48、相识有缘,相知不易。 It is not easy to know each other.

49、真心感谢这些年一路陪我走来的朋友! I really appreciate the friends who accompany me all the way these years!

50、真正的敌人并不可怕,可怕的是假好人。 The real enemy is not terrible, what is terrible is the hypocrite.

51、祝福心里有我的朋友,谢谢你们的陪伴。 Wish my friends in my heart, thank you for your company.

52、致敬平凡英雄,感谢每个闪闪发光的你。 Pay tribute to ordinary heroes and thank you for shining.

53、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。 You should know the kindness of your parents and hold your children and grandchildren in your arms.

54、谢谢你朋友,你的笑容是我最爱的模样。 Thank you, friend. Your smile is my favorite look.

55、谢谢你,朋友,举起这杯洒,不在回头。 Thank you, friend. Hold up this cup and don't look back.

56、谢谢朋友的礼物,真的很开心。 Thank you for your gift. I'm really happy.

57、谢谢朋友的陪伴,愿友谊天长地久。 Thank you for your company. May friendship last forever.

58、距离是海,有你相伴,绝对精彩,谢谢! Distance is the sea, with your company, absolutely wonderful, thank you!

59、过去的一年,因为有你们,才会有现在的我。 The past year, because of you, will have me now.

60、这一年,感谢一路上帮过我的人! This year, thank you all the way to help me!