1、一生二二生三,三生万物不如你。 Life is two, life is two, life is three, life is not as good as you.
2、不爱我我无所谓,但请不要伤害我。 I don't care if you don't love me, but please don't hurt me.
3、世上没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。 There are no two suitable people in the world, only two hearts accommodating each other.
4、世界上最遥远的距离就是我在你面前,你不知道我爱你。 The furthest distance in the world is when I am in front of you, you don't know I love you.
5、世界是个巨大的娃娃机,我隔着玻璃只想要你。 The world is a huge doll machine, I only want you through the glass.
6、亲爱的,我喜欢你,就像喜欢你没有道理,久久甜蜜在心海。 Dear, I like you, just like I like you. It's unreasonable and sweet in my heart for a long time.
7、余生很长,先生不妨讲讲。 The rest of my life is long, sir.
8、你可知道你的名字解释了我的一生,碎了满天的往事如烟,与世无争。 Do you know that your name has explained my life, broken all over the sky of the past, like smoke, with the world.
9、你当我的盖世英雄,我当你盖被子的小朋友。 You're my hero, I'm your quilt kid.
10、你所在之处,是我不得不思念的天涯海角。 Where you are, I have to miss the ends of the earth.
11、你的小心眼和坏脾气我都依你,全世界我最宝贝你。 I depend on you for your careful eyes and bad temper. I treasure you the most in the world.
12、你还不认识我!我有一辈子可以认识你。 You don't know me yet! I'll know you for the rest of my life.
13、在这个明媚的人间四月天呀,这世间的美好都在等着你和我啊。 In this beautiful world, April God, the beauty of the world is waiting for you and me.
14、女人是用耳朵恋爱的,而男人如果会产生爱情的话,却是用眼睛来恋爱。 Women love with their ears, while men love with their eyes if they can.
15、如果两个生命在一起注定要有诸般困扰,我准备好了,来困扰我吧。 If two lives together are destined to have all kinds of troubles, I'm ready to trouble me.
16、守着相爱的人,做着心爱的事,就是幸福。 Keeping the people who love each other and doing the things they love is happiness.
17、对不起,老婆,我错了,以后都听你的,绝不惹你生气! Sorry, wife, I'm wrong. I'll listen to you in the future. I won't make you angry!
18、希望你一直在我身边,以爱人的身份。 I hope you are always by my side, as a lover.
19、思念一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Missing someone is like drinking a large glass of ice water and then turning it into tears for a long time.
20、怦然心动只是刹那惊艳,柴米油盐才是一辈子的生活方式。 Heart is just a moment of surprise, daily necessities is the way of life.
21、总会有一个人,愿意陪你去任何地方,愿意陪你做任何你喜欢的事情。 There will always be a person who is willing to accompany you to any place and do anything you like.
22、恰到好处的喜欢,就是在对的时间,遇见对的人,开始了一段对的感情。 Just like, is in the right time, meet the right person, began a right relationship.
23、想做先生心尖上的那只猫,让先生抱抱亲亲举高高。 Mr. Gao wants to be the cat.
24、愿你迷路一生,还是走到我身旁。 May you be lost all your life, or come to me.
25、我们绕了一圈才遇见,我比谁都更明白你的重要性。 We only met after a circle. I know the importance of you better than anyone else.
26、我会爱你很久很久,和你度过每个情人节。 I will love you for a long time and spend every Valentine's day with you.
27、我对你的爱,百年不死,千年不倒,万年不朽。 My love for you is immortal for a hundred years, immortal for a thousand years and immortal for ten thousand years.
28、我想牵着你的手,走完属于我们的青春。 I want to hold your hand and finish our youth.
29、我想给你一句可以经得过天长地久,一直抵到永远的承诺,希望你愿意倾听。 I want to give you a promise that can endure forever and forever. I hope you are willing to listen.
30、我想过我这辈子的所有结局,但只要是与你有关的,都那么美好。 I thought about all the endings of my life, but as long as it's related to you, it's so beautiful.
31、我生来执拗,善恶分明,所以我喜欢你,不是一时兴起,也不是心口不一。 I was born stubborn, good and evil are clear, so I like you, not a whim, not a disagreement.
32、我苦苦追寻的星辰,在你的笑眼里。 The stars I've been searching for are in your smiling eyes.
33、我要让你的手机信箱,满满都被我爱的讯息塞爆,就像你的心一样。 I want your mobile mailbox to be filled with messages of my love, just like your heart.
34、我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I can't say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.
35、我还是很喜欢你,像相思藏在树底,花落是你,花开也是你。 I still like you very much, like Acacia hidden under the tree, the flowers are you, the flowers are you.
36、承诺太廉价实验不牢靠,现在谁在我身边就对谁好点。 Promise is too cheap, experiment is not reliable, now who is by my side is good to who.
37、有一天希望能懂你,也懂这世间悲欢,走过千帆,仍能方寸不乱。 One day, I hope I can understand you and the joys and sorrows of the world. I can walk through a thousand sails and still keep everything in order.
38、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people are destined to wait for others, some people are destined to be waiting for others.
39、有时候希望灵魂能够像一朵烟花,能够明亮温暖地在夜空中停留一刻再坠落。 Sometimes hope the soul can be like a fireworks, can stay in the night sky bright and warm for a moment and then fall.
40、有时候,生命的确让人感觉空洞。 Sometimes, life does feel empty.
41、爱,原来是没有名字的相遇之前等待的就是名字。 Love, there is no name, before meeting is waiting for the name.
42、生活就这样变成一段循回往复而空洞的过程。 In this way, life becomes a cyclical and empty process.
43、笨蛋,你要记得,有些话他不只对你一个人说过。 Fool, you have to remember that he didn't just say something to you.
44、简单说,拥有你,已足够,会很幸福。 In short, have you, enough, will be very happy.
45、落叶归根,我归你。 I'll go back to you.
46、这世间最好看的风景,最动人的情话,都比不上你看着我时,含笑的眼睛。 The best scenery and the most touching words in the world can't compare with your smiling eyes when you look at me.
47、这个世界真小,小到风一不小心,就把你吹进了我的眼里。 The world is so small that the wind blows you into my eyes.
48、这城市人来人往,向我迎面而来,又与我擦肩而过的,都像你。 People come and go in this city, they come to me face to face, and they pass me by like you.
49、那些没说出口的思念,都熬成了黑眼圈。 Those who did not say the export of missing, boil into a black eye.
50、首先,我要感谢上帝,让我又在这里遇上了你。 First of all, I want to thank God for meeting you here again.